“Actually think about it, it’s this world that changes more than us.”

Zema walked on the grass, and Adier sighed: “At least, in these 7-8 years, it has really changed a lot.”

After several years of integration, World’s recovery has reached a new level.

Blocks of large elementary particles began to be active and resuscitated, countless creatures began to multiply, and the qualifications were generally stronger than the previous generation.

At the end of the sea, someone has seen new land undulations, with some relics of the past World appearing there.

All of this, foreshadows the change of this world, which is happening every moment, it is amazing.

“The Calade Empire is no problem for the time being, but it’s time for the Cadozer Empire to resolve it.”

After a while, Adier came out.

“Your Majesty wants to send troops to Cadozer?” Following Liu, Admiral Luciu asked unexpectedly, “Will it be faster?”

“No.” Adier looked up, looking somewhere in the distance, where Cadozer’s breath was still there: “The king of the desert fell, and for us, the Cadozer Empire was nothing. Threats, even their problems, are not as good as that desert desert. “

“But even that desert of death is not a hindrance to our Knights.”

Looking into the distance, Adier looked calm and quietly opened the mouth and said.

After years of precipitation, as early as Elka Province, he accumulated enough Strength.

Selection from the old World’s survivors, selection of outstanding ones, and training … Five years has been enough for these people to grow up to a certain point.

Although the Death Desert is horrible, it is only for ordinary military forces. This desert is not much in the face of an army composed entirely of Knight.

“Also, it’s time for those nobles in the Calade Empire to make a contribution.”

After a while, Adier continued to open the mouth and said.

Within the Calade Empire, there were a large number of Bloodline nobles.

These nobles also have the Bloodline of King of Antiquity in the body, but the Bloodline is humble and inferior to the Kingline’s Bloodline from the Kings of Antiquity, so their power is low.

However, after all, extraordinary is also extraordinary. These Bloodline aristocrats are equally strong, and it would be a pity not to waste them.

“Your Majesty wants those nobles to join the army?” On the side, listening to Adier’s words, Luciu was a bit surprised, but after a moment of contemplation, he was nodded and said: “If it is Your Majesty, there is no problem.”

“Those aristocrats who are in awe of Your Majesty, never dare to disobey your orders.”

“That’s enough.” Hearing here, Adier nodded.

The main force of this battle in the Cadodos Empire was doomed to these Bloodline nobles.

In Elka Province, although the Knight class has been born, its time is still short. In a short time, its Strength cannot be compared with the Bloodline aristocracy. In this battle, it can only be in a subsidiary position.

However, Adier is not pushing for this.

Either Bloodline descendants or Knight, as long as he can strengthen the Strength on his hands, he will not mind.

“But this time, they can let Lera take them out with the Knights.”

Looking into the distance, Adier thought so.

At this time, on the training ground in the distance, Lera was actively training.

“Xina, what the hell are you doing?”

On the narrow training ground, looking at the girl in front of her, Lera held the wooden sword in her hand, and she felt helpless.

In front of him, a delicate and pretty girl was standing there, wearing a white training suit, long scarlet red hair, and a scarlet red mark on her forehead.

“sorry Sorry···”

Reprimanded by Lera, the girl in front of her was a little messy, and the wooden sword on her hand kept waving, and crimson sword qi bloomed on it, hitting the originally smooth floor in front of each and everyone pothole.

This result made Lera more helpless in front of her. She looked at the girl who couldn’t control her Strength in front of her, and her head was aching.

The girl in front of her was the girl next to the Red King, named Xina.

After being brought back by Adier, Xina’s identity was also checked out by Adier.

She was born in a poor family in Calade. All the mothers in the family had died. She was eventually trafficked and sold to the palace. She was bought by Carr’s Crimson King and brought with her.

After being blessed by the Crimson King and being protected by the origin of the Crimson King, the young girl’s future achievement limit has been locked. As the Bloodline on her body grows, it will also be at least a Level 3 Peak.

In this world, in addition to the existence of super specifications such as Adier and King of Antiquity, Level 3 Peak is already the most powerhouse in this world.

In order to avoid accidents and close observations, after thinking for a while, Adier finally collected Xina as a student and asked Lera to teach Xina’s Knight cultivation.

However, this task is a daunting challenge for Lera.

In terms of qualifications, what problems did Xina not at all, or even if there were any problems, after the original blessing of the Scarlet King, it is no longer a problem.

However, because of the original blessing of the Crimson King, the strength of the young girl has grown rapidly. In just a few months of work, she quickly transformed her from a mortal to an ordinary wizard.

In the case of a mere mortal, such a large Strength increase will naturally cause some problems.

Not to mention the use of Life Energy within the body to activate the seed of life. Even if you control your daily behavior, girls ca n’t do it, and often a burst of red king bursts from time to time, destroying the surroundings.

Even a few days ago, because the strength was not well controlled, the girl even demolished a palace, causing Lera’s mouth to twitch for a while, and her head hurt day by day.

In the current situation, this situation can only be alleviated after the growth of the girl’s Strength has subsided, otherwise, let alone Knight’s cultivation, even daily life is a problem.

Thinking of this, Lera had a bitter smile on her face, raised the wooden sword in her hand, and continued to walk towards the girl in front of her.

A few months later.

In the limelight, a shocking battle broke out.

After months of cultivation, King Sisso brazenly declared war on the Cadodos Empire, which opened a dispute between the two empires.

A powerful Legion composed entirely of Bloodline aristocrats and Knights was killed from the Calade Empire, stepped across the vast desert of death, and rushed directly into the Cadozer Empire.

Regarding strength, the same empire in the world, although there is a gap between the Calade empire and the Cadodos empire, it will not be too large to be irresistible.

In addition, there is the natural isolation of the Death Desert. Naturally, the Cadozer Empire has an advantage. It is not a problem to repel the army of the Calade Empire under ease.

But at the highest level, the gap between the two empires is too noticeable.

In the same month, a silver giant claw emerged out of the royal capital of the Kedozad Empire, smashing the city of Kedozad in one hit, including the current Kedozad king, and the entire Kedozeh royal family was directly destroyed. .

As soon as the news spread, the entire Cadodos Empire was shocked, and the situation on the battlefield changed instantly.

The surrender of a large number of nobles who originally belonged to the Cadodos Empire led the army that originally belonged to the Cadodos side to defeat the enemy and gradually inclined their advantage to the Calade Empire.

In just a few months, a large empire that had straddled several continents, which was comparable to the Calade Empire, collapsed, and its body was accepted by the Calade Empire and turned into the territory of the Calade Empire.

Of course, although the territory was taken over, it does not mean that it is so over.

The division of the territory, the different customs of the people, the major Bloodline aristocrats entangled in various areas, and the deserters and robbers that have gradually dispersed due to the start of the war … are urgent problems for each and everyone to solve.

Therefore, after resolving the Kedozer Empire, Adier not at all urgently needed to start, but stopped and quietly digested the legacy left by the Kedozer Empire.

Three years later, in the death desert, a war suddenly began.

Two Kings of Antiquity appeared in the Death Desert and battled another King in the Death Desert. The battle between the two sides changed the terrain of the entire desert, causing the mountains and rivers to smash and the earth to undulate, leaving a strong mark.

The battle lasted a whole month. In the process, a powerhouse went to peep, and barely recognized the identity of one of the kings. It was the King of the Calade Empire, King Sisso.

A few months later, the battle of the three kings ended, King Sisso finally won, and the other two kings fell on the spot, leaving only one king to escape.

In the following year, there was a flood of insects on the ground, and a cannibal Giant Insect spread from the north to the south, not only devouring food and oasis, but also eating human flesh, making each city a dead city.

The insect disaster spread all the way, and eventually developed to Peak. Life and death ate all the continents, making a continent a dead zone.

And all this is just because a King of Antiquity’s plan wants to plunder the blood food as much as possible to restore himself.

Realizing all this, after the disaster lasted for several months, eventually, King Sisso shot again, blocking the last king in the abyss of the north, and the two sides fought again.

Because of plundering enough blood, this King of Antiquity has returned to Peak, and his strength is among the best among many kings that Adier has met, even if compared with the original Red King, it is only a little behind.

The two sides fought fiercely on the sea for more than a month, and finally, under the general blessing of World, Adier killed him.

At this point, all the Kings who came down, except Adier, have retired.

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