“How many years?”

In a shabby tavern, several people were drinking, one of them murmured opened the mouth and said.

“I don’t know … Anyway, it’s been many years …”

Beside him, Lera’s voice came on time, with a hint of drunkenness.

“It’s fifty years in total … If we count the time when the first batch of players arrived, it’s fifty-five years …” Raising a glass of fragrant wine, Schilim closed his eyes, and his face was a little ruddy.

“It’s been fifty-five years …”

Listening to this answer, Lera sighed: “I didn’t expect that time would come at this time …”

“When we first arrived, I didn’t expect that we would experience that many things later, and even reach today.”

While speaking, he held up a glass of wine and drank directly.

“In fifty-five years, even the pub we met when we first met, has now become like this.”

Supporting his body with his hands, lying quietly on the sofa behind him, watching the changes around the tavern, Qimu sighed.

The pub in front of me already existed when the three of them were still players.

In the beginning, this was a tavern established by several players to collect news and also to serve players.

Limited by the conditions of the year, Qimu also clearly remembers that the tattered appearance of the tavern at that time was just that’s all made up of some wooden boards. It can’t be simple anymore.

Most of the drinks and food supplied there are bought from the surrounding hunters and farmers and then processed again. Although the taste is relatively good, it is not better than it is now.

For more than 50 years, this pub has changed a lot.

The original humble planks have been completely replaced. The luxurious atmosphere of the entire pub is not like a pub, but rather a high-end place where only nobles can enter.

Even because of the development of technology, it has already been fully powered up here. Even in the surroundings, there are still many witchcraft runes to adjust the environment and render the climate.

For decades, the seeds that Adier personally sown that year have now yielded rich fruits.

The application and research of the wizard’s technology with rational thinking has almost exploded the effect. To this day, the technology of the entire empire not only equals the original world, but also goes far beyond. It has been achieved in many aspects. It’s an achievement we never imagined before.

At least … After various technical developments, the cultivation before the formal wizard is not a big problem.

Although it is still difficult, as long as you have enough financial resources, you can buy enough auxiliary products to assist the apprentices to enter the third-class apprentice’s Peak at the fastest speed.

Even without qualifications, in this era, it is not impossible to become a wizard or Knight.

A large number of bloodline studies have been developed. Through the hybrid research of various King Descendant Bloodline, the latest Bloodline medicament has been researched, even if it is an ordinary person without any qualification. After using this medicament, it can also undergo metamorphosis In turn, have qualifications.

However, at present, due to technical limitations, the value of this medicine is extremely high, and very few people can use it.

However, it is for ordinary people and for the people in front of them, even if the value is even higher, I am afraid it is not a problem.

After all, they are the supreme ruler of this World, the student of Adier Your Majesty.

For decades, Adier has changed back to his original name. Although a bit unaccustomed at first, but over time, everyone has become accustomed to the new name of Your Majesty.

“Speaking of which, Somme seems to be coming recently, and officially became the dean of Elka Wizarding Academy.” Midway through the conversation, as if remembering something, Schilim suddenly opened the mouth and said.

“He.” When he heard the name, Lera couldn’t help but hesitated, then an inexplicable smile appeared on his face: “The reason why he came here to be the dean is not necessarily what he did.”

“Oh? Any inside information?” Upon hearing this, Qimu and Schilim both aroused interest.

Over the years, attachment has grown up in Adier side child.

As the youngest student beside Adier, Somm’s performance is very outstanding in these years, not only assisting Adier to break through many technical problems, but also promoted Level 3 wizards more than a decade ago, becoming the first promotion in the entire World Powerful wizard of Level 3.

However, Som has stayed with Adier for so many years and never left.

Therefore, Qi Mu and the others are very curious about this time he is out.

“The child will eventually grow up and start his own family.”

Raising a glass of wine, Lera smiled, opened the mouth and said.

“Who are you?” Qimu hesitated, and then reacted, very curiously: “Which aristocratic young lady?”

Aside, Schilim didn’t speak, but that curious look fully expressed his attitude.

“Not a noble young lady, a civilian genius.”

Lera didn’t sell Guanzi, she just smiled opened the mouth and said: “That Eliza Young Lady, you should know.”

“It’s her …” Schilim flashed a stun in his eyes: “Is it the thirteen-year-old who was promoted to a full-time wizard, or the three-year-old who was promoted to a Level 2 wizard?”

“Anyone else besides her?” Lera shook her head. “Just som’s academic-focused look, who else can he see besides people like him?”

“That’s right.” Aside, Qimu and Schilim were nodded.

More than fifty years have passed, and now they are not the youth of the original. They have become homes in these years. Some people even have grandchildren. Each and everyone family is very strong.

His Junior Brother is still single. In the past few years, they have introduced Som to the subject more than once, but in the end, all of them failed without exception.

After so many years, they have long been desperate for Som’s lifelong major event, and therefore they will be so surprised when they hear that Som has someone they like.

“Everyone has grown up.”

Holding the wine glass, Lera shook her head: “Even the usual dumb Som, now I have found my favorite person. It is estimated that I can invite my door to the wedding soon.”

“It’s beside the teacher. There is still a girl who is not married yet.”

“Not to mention whether she is willing or not, even if she is willing, does anyone dare to marry her? It’s another thing.” Aside, Schilim couldn’t help but whisper: “A great god of Level 3 Peak, who has the courage to go Touch her? “

What he said was naturally the last student of Adier, the girl named Xina.

With the original blessing of the Crimson King, this girl turned out to be the strongest of many students in Adier, reaching Level 3 Peak a few years ago. In this world, almost no one except Adier is her opponent.

However, it may be because of the influence of the Blood King, Bloodline. In these years, the girls have changed their quietness, and their tempers have become very hot, which has caused some headaches for Lera.

“Don’t say that again.”

Aside, Qimu shook her head: “If she really wants to, I’m afraid the gates of the palace will be broken by those nobles.”

“A Level 3 Peak is still a student of teacher, even if the temper is a little bit hot, what can it be like someone wants to marry back.”

At this point, the corners of the three men’s lips twitched a little, and they dared not imagine what the little witch was getting married back.

But what is certain is that the scene must be scary.

Chatting, they talked about other topics.

“In a few days, staying in Elka Province for a while, I’m going to go to Gulan State to the south.”

Looking at a familiar old friend, Lera said.

“What are you going to do?” Schilim asked, concisely, beside her.

“Suppress a group of King Descendant.” After thinking about it, Lera or is said.

“Are these people still over the past so many years?” Aside, Qi Mu lowered his wine glass, seeming to remember something.

“Where is the hatred of the country’s death? So easy to forget.” Lera shook her head slightly. “But that’s it.”

“Most of the original descendants of the royal family were recruited into the current aristocracy, and some who refused to be recruited were eliminated in these years, and the rest did not cause any problems.”

“The reason why I will take a trip this time, I also heard that there is a second-order sacrifice in the King Descendant that is in chaos this time, and the Bloodline on my body is very rare.”

Raising the wine glass in his hand, looking at the outside of the tavern, Lera said softly, “Just som is coming over these days, these King Descendant are the gifts I prepared for him.”

“He wasn’t holding a hand before and said that the King Descendant he was using for the experiment was not enough. Just give him a batch of numbers.”

“You come here, it seems we are stingy.” Beside him, Schilim shook his head and stood up slowly with shaking: “Also right … it is rare to come here, if you do n’t prepare a little gift, you ca n’t justify it … “

“Let’s prepare for these days …”

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