“After so many years, Sisely is still the same.”

Walking on the spacious concrete road on foot, Somm smiled on his face and watched the scenery all around quietly.

At this time it was night, and he stood under the lights of the road, and the whole man looked very thin, wearing a large black robe, and the old Elder, whose shadow was pulled on the ground, grew long.

In the past so many years, considering his age, he is already in his sixties this year.

Time goes by, but he seems to freeze at the moment of adulthood. The whole person does not look like an old man in his sixties, but rather a young man.

Of course, this is indeed the case.

Judging from the long lifespan of a Level 3 wizard, he is still very young today and still has a long youth to enjoy in the future.

“However, this time it’s just that I’m here to take office, why would you follow up with teacher.”

Looking at the distant scene, Som turned and looked towards the side.

Beside him, a teenager was standing next to him in a white robe.

The young man is handsome and exquisite, with a straight and upright posture. A handsome face does not show any flaws. A pair of silver and jewel-like eyes silently stare into the distance, with deep memories and nostalgia in his eyes.

“I came to see the city that came.”

Looking at the side Somm, looking at the city that has changed greatly in the distance, Adier laughed: “Think carefully, the last time I came back, or thirty years ago, if I do n’t come back this time, I am afraid that the time will come back in the future. Less. “

“Also, while Lera and the three of them are working together, I also want to drop by and take a look at them, and get together for a while.”

“Teacher, you want to see the elder brothers, just let them come back, why not run it yourself?”

Beside, Som said with a smile.

“That’s not the same.”

Adier shook his head, then took the side som and walked forward while chatting.

On the road, as time passed, boys and girls in uniform on each and everyone walked across the road with laughter on each other’s faces.

On familiar roads, occasionally some vehicles pass by.

This scene, while making Adier unfamiliar, is also very familiar.

Once upon a time, his hometown looked like this.

For decades, there were the survivors of the modern World, and some technologies were quickly restored. Within a short time, a strong light of civilization was lit on this land.

Every level road was built, and the original carriage was eliminated decades ago and replaced with the latest smoke-free cars.

Today, in terms of technology, this world has surpassed the modern world.

The discovery and use of elemental particles, as well as the research on wizards, Knights, and even Bloodline Strength continued to break through. The latest technology of each and everyone was invented and quickly applied to various aspects.

Even in the process, Adier pushed a hand.

Not only does it provide a lot of wizard knowledge and information, but it also has a lot of ready-made technology.

Adier’s second journey through the World is a highly developed World. In that World, Adier’s chip once stored a lot of technical information.

Until now, there is a Great World as the foundation and chassis, and these technologies have also slowly come out to make the most of it.

On the road, some boys and girls kept passing, some with somber faces, and others with obvious joy.

“Counting the time, it’s the annual inspection time.”

Looking at the boys and girls walking on the road, Adier had a smile on his face: “I just don’t know how many days in this batch of students will appear.”

“There will always be a lot.”

Looking at the flow of people in the distance, Som was quietly nodded: “According to last year’s experience, in the annual assessment, there are five thousand qualified apprentices, even the fewest year, there are thousands of people.”

“The number of people evaluated this year is much more than in previous years, and the number of people may break through past data and reach tens of thousands.”

“Not bad.” Listening to that number, Adier gently nodded.

To this day, the wizards and Knight’s system are basically universal.

In Academy in each state, there are basically courses taught by Knight and Wizards, dedicated to those who are qualified.

In each place, after more than 50 years of precipitation, in each place, there are many Knights and wizards walking around and serving the empire in all walks of life.

Maybe in some big cities, a person who usually wears a uniform and goes to work on time is a wizard or Knight.

Of course, even if the wizards and Knights are really popularized, the number of true formal wizards is still very rare, and each one is precious.

An official shaman, as long as he obtains the relevant certification, will do nothing after that, but he will go to some companies and get a large amount of compensation every year.

Even if it is just a first-class apprentice, if you are willing to work, you can easily lead a good life.

Compared to ordinary person, the lion’s advantage is too great. Especially today, with the great development of rune technology, there are many positions that can only be performed by wizards, and ordinary people do not even have the ability to perform.

If you want to become a wizard or Knight, you can only perform the test in the year when your higher education ends. After you have detected your qualifications, you can go to the Academy in other places for further studies.

Of course, if you were born in a big family and have enough financial resources within the family, you can also cultivation yourself to become a wizard.

However, in general, most people want to become wizards or Knights, so they have to go to Academy to study.

And often at this time, it is also an important moment that determines the life of some people.

For the Adier and Somme in front of them, the students below the third-class qualifications rarely need to pay attention. What really needs attention is the student group with the third-class qualifications.

Even if the technology develops to this point, if an ordinary student cannot support some resources at home, the chance of being promoted to a formal wizard based on the supply of Academy is not too high.

According to recent statistics, after the third-class qualifications, after the formal education of Academy, the chance of promotion is often about one quarter.

The odds look good, but in this group of people, let alone the promotion of Level 2 wizards, even if the elementalization is very scarce, they generally stay in the realm of the first-level wizard to spin around.

Apprentices with a third-level qualification or higher have a higher chance of being promoted to Level 2 Wizards. As for third-class wizards, they are basically fifth-class.

Of course, this data is actually just for the moment, and it doesn’t represent too much.

After all, it is only forty or fifty years before Adier ended the war and unified the major empires.

For forty or fifty years, for mortals, this has been the time for two or three generations. But for a Transcender like a wizard, this time is nothing.

Even if it is a third-class apprentice, if you are willing to use some delaying spell, you can easily live a hundred or two hundred years, let alone a more powerhouse.

Forty or fifty years, this time is not enough to fully realize the potential of the wizard. The first group of apprentices who entered Academy at the time were mostly in their prime now, and there was still a lot of potential to move forward, even further.

Walking on the road, looking at the city lights in the distance, before he knew it, Adier thought a lot, until the familiar silhouette continued to appear.


On the side of the road, the three Lera stood there, with smiles on their faces.

“You are here.”

Adier looked up and smiled.

“Teacher, I haven’t seen you for a few years, you’re still the same.”

Looking at Adier in front of her, Lera had a smile on her face, and she felt a sense of relief like never before.

For many years, they have adapted to each other’s tempers, and they regard each other as relatives. At this time, we met again. Not only did we not have half a gulf, but our hearts were full of kindness.

Aside, Schilim and Chimu are also the same. Although their looks are different, the kind is the same.

The faint silver radiance started to rise. On Adier, the three radiances of silver flashed and finally fell in front of the three of Lera.

This brilliance radiates the most beautiful and immaculate light, which seems to contain a World, grand and majestic, with the original breath of Adier.

“Teacher, is this?”

In situ, looking at the three radiances in front of them, the three of Lera froze, and then asked invariably.

“My three Bloodline origins.”

Standing in place, looking at the three of Lera, Adier’s face was calm: “The past three decades, the three of you have come to this step, it is time to use these …

Decades later, in the cultivation of the Knight Road, the three Lera in front of them have reached the end of Radiant Knight, and only one step can be promoted to Kaiyuan.

What blocked them was nothing but Bloodline.

Source Awakening Knight’s promotion requires within the body to have the ancient Bloodline in order to do so. But the three people in front of Lera are undoubtedly the most ordinary person of the Righteous Sect. Within the body, it is naturally impossible to have any ancient Bloodline.

The three Bloodline origins in front of you are preparing for this.

These three Bloodline origins are slowly extracted by Adier from himself, which not only expends a lot of World power to nurture and nourish, but also consumes some of his Strength.

Based on this, the three original sources now undoubtedly have the potential to promote Level 4. As long as the three Lera have enough effort, they can use this as a basis to transform themselves into Moon Elf Bloodline.

“Teacher ···”

Looking at these three sources, the three of Lera were momentarily silent. In it, Qimu could not help but said: “It is not necessary, the three of us will be promoted to Qiyuan, using the Blood Line of the King Descendant, why bother you Consumption of origin … “

“The Bloodline origins of King Descendant, and the Ontology of King of Antiquity are still alive. It is too dangerous to use their Bloodline.”

Standing in front of his eyes, Adier shook his head: “Using their Bloodline is tantamount to being bound by them. If one day the King of Antiquity is standing in front of you, you may not even be qualified to do it with them.”

“Rather than use my Bloodline directly, it just takes a little more time to cultivate that’s all.”

Standing still, he opened his face calmly.

Differentiation of three Bloodline origins is certainly not as easy as he said, but it is not too serious for Adier today.

With the nourishment of the power of the world, he can make up for the origin of the loss for decades.

“Also, the reason why I want to do this is also to need your Strength.”

Looking at the three students in front of him, he sighed: “In a few decades, I will leave this world.”

“Leave?” Listening to the word, a few people in the presence of him froze.

“Decades have passed, and the recovery period of this world has come to its end. At most, decades will come before it will be over.”

Standing in place, Adier said softly: “I will leave this world until the end of World’s recovery period.”

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