“Teacher, are you leaving?”

Right now, listening to Adier’s words, the three of Lera froze, and it seemed that they had not imagined the result.

With Lifespan existing at Level 4, even without considering the subsequent progress, Adier’s existence will be very long in the future. Maybe after a few of them die, Adier is still alive.

Unexpectedly, just a few decades later, Adier was leaving.

Thinking of this, Lera’s throat was a bit dry and she opened her mouth several times, seeming to want to say something, but ended up saying nothing.

“So … teacher, when you leave this time, when will you be back in the future?”

Aside, Schilim, who had been silent, opened the mouth and said, with concern and worry in his eyes.

“It’s probably going to be a long, long time later.”

Standing in place, Adier turned around and looked at the city in the distance, gently opening the mouth and said.

Time lapses between Worlds. The time lapse between the Wizard World and the Ancient World is really too big. After Adier returns again, I am afraid that many years have passed.

“But you don’t have to worry too much.”

Looking at the students in front of him, Adier laughed easily: “I leave this time, just the body left, but in this world, I will still have a clone.”

The same Level 4 exists. Those King of Antiquity can cross the world, and in this world, they can become avatars, and Adier can naturally do it.

By splitting the origin, and then using the Bloodline descendants to assist, it is not too difficult to divide a clone.

With Adier’s current strength and the functions of the auxiliary chip, the split can not only maintain saneness, but also exert the strength comparable to Level 4.

However, subject to conditions, in order to make the avatar as long as possible, this avatar, although it has a strong Strength, is destined not to often operate with people.

Therefore, after Adier left, the rule of the empire depended on these students.

With the qualifications of these students and the conditions that Adier has created for them, it is only a matter of time before they are promoted to Level 3 Peak.

With this strength, it is enough to solve most of the trouble for Adier after the body of Adier has left.

That’s why Adier took a special trip and handed over three of his origins to the three Lera.

“However, although we are going to leave, it is still very early, at least two or three decades.”

Looking at the three Lera in front of him, Adier said with a smile: “During this time, I watched you promote Qiyuan.”

“Okay!” The three Lera were gently nodded, full of self-confidence and no worries about their promotion to Level 3.

With their qualifications and the Bloodline roots provided by Adier, they couldn’t find a reason for their failure to advance.

On the road to Knight, whether it is qualifications, Bloodline, breathing or other resources, they enjoy the best.

No matter who puts them in their place and enjoys the conditions they have, as long as it is not a waste, they can basically be promoted successfully.

Looking at the students in front of them, feeling the confidence in them, Adier gently nodded, a smile on his face.

On this night, they rarely got together for a while.

Near the early morning, in a familiar tavern, a lot of exquisite food and wine were taken up, and each was made from the most precious life materials, even rarely seen for formal wizards. It is everywhere, a large wooden table is everywhere.

In this atmosphere, even Somm, who has never been drinking, tried to pick up the wine glass during the persuasion of the three of Lera. At last, the drunk was drunk, and he could not see the Level 3 wizard. Style.

Under normal circumstances, it is of course impossible for an ordinary wine to get a Level 3 wizard drunk, but the wines here are all special, using the specially cultivated life materials. These effects are stronger than some higher medicines.

Drinking these wines, in addition to Adier, the rest of the people were already drunk. Each and everyone was soaked with alcohol, which made Adier unable to keep shaking his head.

At the wine table, they talked to each other aloud about the past, from the establishment of the empire to the moment when they were still mortal, and also about their experiences as players when the real World was still there.

“At that time, we naively thought that this was a game, and even regarded the teacher as a task point, and walked in front of the teacher every day …”

Lying on the table, Lera looked drunk, and a face looked red and red: “Now think about the little movements we had in the beginning, the teacher found out from the beginning.”

“I remember the disaster of the World at that time … if it wasn’t for the teacher who just arrived, we would be finished.” Aside, Schilim muttered to himself: “Also, when we just discovered the identity of the teacher, the one was online. Who is the one who broke the news? “

“Don’t let me know who it is!” Speaking of this, even if drunk, Lera still has some gnashing teeth: “I still remember that post, the advantage that could have been monopolized by us, forcibly made everyone know ! “

Aside, listening to this, Adier’s face suddenly felt a little awkward. Fortunately, by this time, a few people were already drunk at the scene, and no one found his abnormality.

The atmosphere at the place is still very warm. Aside, Qi Mu was drinking dullly, his eyes were flushed, and it seemed that he had thought of something in the past.

As for Somme, he was already down at this time, the whole person was wearing wine, and shouting someone’s name from time to time, it looked like a girl.

“You’re all grown up.”

Looking at the appearance of several students all around, Adier shook his head secretly, then got up and walked outside.

Behind, looking at the silhouette of Adier’s departure, a few beautiful-looking, well-dressed girls stepped forward lightly, and helped Lera to their rooms in turn.

In the end, there was only Adier alone in the place, silently standing on the balcony of the tavern, looking at the distant land.

With his gaze, in his eyes, the distant earth began to fade.

Plants and trees, the building begins to disappear after one after another, and in the end there is only a vein of the earth, with a unique texture.

In the sky, the world’s voice is gradually sounding, every bit of elementary particles is cheering and cheering, and waves from time to time in the void are caught by Adier.

A little bit of the power of the World is constantly coming down, passing along the point of the deep source to Adier, turning it into a real Boundary Energy, which is stored on him by Adier.

“World …”

Looking at the World in front, slowly, Adier’s eyes became blurred, and the silhouette gradually blurred on the balcony and slowly disappeared.

Time passed quickly, and another thirty years passed quickly.

This is the eighteenth year of the establishment of the Fax Empire. The entire World has gradually come under the rule of the Empire, and has gradually gathered into a group.

For decades, with the continuous popularization of the wizard and Knight system, the outstanding genius of each and everyone has continuously stood out and entered the eyes of Adier.

Some of these people have fallen in the middle, and quickly dim before the rays of light are fully bloomed, but more of them are leaping into the higher realm all the way.

Thirty years have passed, and new Level 2 wizards have been continuously promoted, and even several Level 3 wizards have appeared, which has caused countless people to marvel and sigh that the prosperity has fallen.

However, Adier knows the root cause of all this.

This group of people is undoubtedly in a good time.

World has entered a period of recovery, and for these wizards and Knight, it has undoubtedly created the best environment.

The activeness of the element particles not only makes the cultivation of wizards and Knight easier, but also makes talents with excellent qualifications constantly appear. In addition to the group of survivors who have come to the world before, the combination of several factors has created the immediate Such a flourishing scene.

However, after all the bonuses have been consumed, World is silent again, and by then, it will be difficult to see such a flourishing scene.

Of course, at this time is at the beginning of the prosperous period, most of the geniuses born in the prosperous period have not yet reached their end, and still have great potential to be tapped.

After the genius that has emerged in the past 100 years has been consumed, the flourishing world will gradually come to an end and return to the normal scene.

During these thirty years, the three of Lera also promoted Source Awakening Knight at this time. At this stage, they are already the only Level 3 Knights in the entire World, and are admired and admired by countless Knights.

As for technology, new technologies are constantly emerging, and the latest technologies are constantly being used to build the most beautiful and spectacular cities in the shortest time.

The outbreak of population is beginning. Within a short period of 100 years, the population of the entire ancient World has increased by dozens of times, and large uninhabited areas have begun to be occupied by new cities. Light shrouded the entire sky.

This is the best moment, and the emergence of a large number of the latest technologies has made the cultivation of the wizard and Knight much easier.

Take the shaman, for example, with the technical information from Adier, simple chips have been invented. As long as a wizard can be promoted to a formal wizard, he can implant one into within the body, thereby freeing himself from a lot of meaningless memory tasks, and greatly saving his learning time.

The same is true for Knight. The newly developed human computer can completely calculate most of Knight’s body data, detect various problems on Knight at the fastest speed, and automatically formulate the next training plan according to his own situation. To find the most correct way to promote.

With this strong technical support, a new generation of wizards and Knights are constantly emerging, and they are beginning to show their strength on this land.

In a spacious and bright laboratory, with a light sound in the void of the world, a teenager opened his eyes silently.

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