“Is World’s recovery period finally over?”

Standing up silently from the quiet room, Adier, wearing white clothed, sat up from where he was.

His body is perfect, his body seems to be washed up layer by layer, full of immaculate meaning.

As he got up, the faint Ling Ling breath spread to all around, making the surrounding element particles more active, as if responding to his summon.

“Counting the time, I came to this world and it will be almost a hundred years …”

Standing up calmly, Adier’s silver eyes were dazzling, looking at the distant sky, and a faint purple light flashed in his eyes, reflecting the changes of the entire World in his eyes.

In his eyes, compared to the past, the whole world was filled with a faint light of civilization.

This light is the common manifestation of countless creatures on the earth. Only when it reaches a certain level will it manifest and cover the entire earth.

The faint light of civilization continually gathers, gradually connects to the sky, and connects with the World consciousness that exists in the underworld, so that the World consciousness continues to give back, and the power of the World that descends a little purple comes to Adier.

“Name: Adier.Fax. Strength: 157. Agility: 149.1. Constitution: 162.1. Spirit: Bloodline: Red Crowd (240.1%). Boundary Energy: 100 million. Power of Origin: 157.”

Familiar physical data is showing up, but at this moment, looking at this data, Adier looks calm.

It unified the entire World and experienced nearly a century of accumulation. This accumulation has helped tremendously to change Adier.

This help is not only the accumulation of Boundary Energy, but also the change of Power of Origin.

In just a hundred years, with the feedback of World consciousness, Adier’s origins have continued to grow, and now it has reached an extremely scary level.

At least, according to Adier’s own estimates, at this moment, his origins have surpassed many Kings of Antiquity that came before, and even based on the accumulation of origins, it may be close to the level of the Red King.

Of course, it can be comparable in the accumulation of the origin, which does not mean that other aspects can also be.

At least, compared to the origin of the Crimson King, the soul and the origin are fused into one. At present, Adier only has a strong origin, and has not integrated the will of the soul into its origin.

Therefore, if it really hits, the two sides fight directly, and Adier may not be able to sustain a few rounds, and will be torn by the opponent.

However, with a strong origin, the fusion of the mind is only a matter of time. With the lifespan of Level 4, as long as there is no accident midway, the mind can be slowly merged with the origin sooner or later.

With Adier’s strong roots now, when he fully integrates his will into the roots, this is the moment he is promoted to Level 4 Peak.

This is the fruit of King of Antiquity’s dream.

During the recovery period of the World, as long as the entire World is unified and the source of the entire World is plundered, the best returns can be obtained at the fastest speed.

Compared to the methods prepared by King of Antiquity, Adier’s gains today are only average, and even poor.

At least, in order to ensure the integrity of the World and not to damage the potential of this group of souls, Adier not at all slaughter plundered the World, but slowly developed it in a gentle way, so as to obtain World’s autonomous feedback .

These two methods can’t be separated from each other, only to see if it suits you.

For those of King of Antiquity, they can’t expect to be in this world for a long time. When a certain time passes, they will be expelled from this world sooner or later.

Therefore, for these Kings of Antiquity, any long-term returns are unrealistic, and only destructive mining in the short term is in line with the actual situation.

But for Adier, there are powers. For those World Exclusion issues that King of Antiquity faces, he doesn’t need to worry at all, so he can stay in this world for a long time.

With this unique advantage, in the choice of planning, he naturally calm down a lot, so he can wait slowly, occupy this World for a long time, and slowly get World’s feedback.

“There is a detached guard, plus Lera, some of them are Som. After I leave, there should be no problems in this world.”

Standing silently, looking at the distant landscape, Adier thought calmly: “Then, it is time to leave.”

Looking at the spacious laboratory around him, he thought in silence, then deep in the body, a source of silver began to flash, emitting a burst of immortal light.

Without too many words and without any unique natural phenomenon, he disappeared in this spacious laboratory.

However, compared with the past several returns, this time, his body not at all disappeared, but he stayed in place quietly, with the same breath as before.

This body was intentionally left by Adier.

In the past hundred years, the strength of this body has been strengthened to the extreme. Both the body and the Bloodline have been strengthened to the level of Level 3 Peak.

There is such a body, plus some of the origins left by Adier, plus the children separated by the chip. Once this detached Strength erupts, it is enough to suppress any adversary below Level 4.

This strength, in conjunction with the strengths of several students such as Lera and others, in this World of King of Antiquity being expelled, is enough to ensure the stability of the empire, so that no chaos will occur during Adier’s departure.


The center of the Mason region.

In the Imperial Palace in Fax City, as a source returns, a teenager sits up suddenly in a spacious and enclosed basement.

“I am back···”

Looking at the surroundings that have become unfamiliar, and looking at the Wizard Array still running around, Adier spoke softly, with heavy vicissitudes in his words.

Because of the different time velocities, in the nearly 100 years of Ancient World, it was only put in the Maison area for almost a decade.

Ten years, for the wizard, this is only a short period of time, and may not even be enough to complete a high-level experiment.

But for Adier, this decade, he has experienced more exciting than decades before.

In Ancient World, he built a huge empire that directly unified the entire Great World. Even during this period, he fought several times with King of Antiquity, tearing several kings.

“Summon from the ancestor World seems to be closer …”

Touching his chest, deep in his origins, a deep purple World imprint flickered, always exuding a strong appeal, and seemed to want to suck Adier into it.

“Purple Girl … You tried hard to make me go to that World. What are you trying to do?”

Feeling the call of World coordinates, Adier’s eyes were deep and his thoughts gradually let go.

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