“Your package has been received …”

With the sound of indifferent sounds in my mind, in front of me, a little bit of purple gradually rose, and finally linked to a huge space.

Inside the space are the relics left by Cilla, mainly some of the World Stone.

“There are 17,500 World Stones in total …”

Looking at the World Stone left in the space, Adier was a bit surprised: “So much?”

More than 30,000 World Stones, this number is not much for today’s Adier, but it is more than 30,000 Boundary Energy, which can only be regarded as that’s all accumulated over time.

Unify the entire ancient World, and now Adier has a large influx of Boundary Energy at all times, which is almost as different as heaven and earth compared with the slow accumulation rate in the past.

However, the more than 30,000 Boundary Energy, although not much for today’s Adier, is undoubtedly a huge number for Cilla, maybe it is all his savings over the decades.

Thinking of this, Adier was silent for a while, and then said again: “Master, I want Cilla to fall to the coordinates of World.”

“Detect the World where the Level 3 fatalist ran before it fell, and the World coordinates of the World where it was located. A total of 10,000 World Stones are needed. Is it paid?” In his mind, the voice continued to sound.

“So expensive?” Adier froze at the price.

Normally, detecting the World coordinates of a World, even if it is some good World, only needs a few hundred to a thousand World Stones.

But this world right now requires tens of thousands of World Stone.

“This world … but interesting …”

Standing in place, Adier looked back and chose to confirm.

With the flash of light, 10,000 Boundary Energy was deducted instantaneously. At the same time, in the mind of Adier, a new World coordinate began to appear, appearing in the origin of Adier, like an aloof and remote star Generally blinking.

“Teleportation needs 10,000 World Stones. Is teleportation?” In my mind, the indifferent voice of fate dominates continues.


Listening to this voice, Adier’s mouth twitched a little, and was a little impressed by the manner in which fate dominates the dead and demanding money.

The detection coordinates are 10,000 World Stone, and the transmission needs another 10,000 World Stone. After that, I am afraid that there will be other messy costs. In summary, the real cost of going to this world through Destiny World is at least 30,000 World Stone. .

Adier itself has the shuttle ability. It only needs to obtain coordinates. Naturally, it will not be the injustice.

After getting the coordinates of World, Adier turned around and continued to Destiny World in front of him, starting his own sweeping journey.

He did not forget the purpose of this time.

This time he came to Destiny World in order to collect knowledge of all aspects of each World, to supplement his database, and to prepare for the next repair and transmission of Wizard Array.

Earlier in the Ancient World, he had just accumulated a huge amount of Boundary Energy, which could not be used up in a short time, and it was used here.

So, on this day, in the eyes of countless stunned runners, a copy of the secret treasure Secret Scripture was bought by a sprint runner code-named Moon King. Its generous shots and the splendid shopping make these more than just a few The well-known life runners are amazed.

“Dear Level 4 Commander, your spending today is already over thousand thousand …”


“Dear Level 4, you have already spent five hundred thousand today, and you have been promoted to the rank of the operator …”

Indifferent reminders sounded in my ears, I don’t know if it is an illusion. After Adier’s crazy purchase, even the original indifferent voice of fate dominates seems to have changed. .

“Have you bought this?”

It took a long time for Adier to come back to his senses when the level of his own life runner increased, and he was still a little bit interested.

This time, he bought all the things he wanted to buy in one go, and spent a little over half of his Boundary Energy directly.

More than 1.2 million Boundary Energy existed on the original itself, and now only 70 is left.

And with so much Boundary Energy sprinkled, Adier’s harvest is also extremely rich.

There is no need to say more about the magical level materials. Even if they were not intentionally collected, Adier won at least seven or eight pieces, and was ready to go back and study them.

At least buy more, those materials and Secret Scripture.

These things are the big heads.

At Destiny World, knowledge products such as Secret Scripture are the least valuable, because they can be sold multiple times, and they do n’t have a physical entity, so they do n’t need to pay extra costs, so the price is often very low.

A copy of the Secret Scripture left by the existence of Level 4 is now available for thousands of Boundary Energy. As for the low-level one, more than a dozen can be bought in the 100 circles.

Five hundred thousand Boundary Energy, even if more than half of them have purchased magic tools and various rare materials, but only the remaining point, the amount of Secret Scripture purchased can also be foreseen.

If it weren’t for the fact that a chip is contained in the source, making it far more powerful than others, otherwise, even if Level 4 exists, it will not be able to digest these things for a while.

“After going back, my Deere Secret Scripture can be upgraded again.”

Covering his head, Adier shook the head, and then in the eyes worshipped by many life runners, he flew away and returned to his world.

In situ, in the deep space of Destiny World, with Adier’s departure, a deep change began to occur.

Without anyone knowing it, in Destiny World, an indifferent and great, eternal and immortal will gradually awakened, recovered from the long sleep and dormancy, and a wave of will was renewed.

This will, Supreme, is just a wave of its own will, spreading out, causing the surrounding void to rise and fall continuously. Within this range, several Small Worlds are affected and affected by it. It collapsed directly, and a little bit of food turned into this will disappeared.

Compared with this will, all the characters Adier has witnessed in the past have become dust in comparison, and are not worthy of comparison.

“Five hundred thousand years passed … after all, I woke up …”

Recovering from a long sleep, this consciousness was awakened by some unpredictable change, but there was a hint of doubt: “Only, according to the originally predicted trajectory, I should wake up after fifty thousand years, but why was it earlier? ··· “

He was full of doubts.

As a supreme ruler of the way of destiny, even if it has experienced great changes in its early years, causing itself to be on the verge of falling, but as long as there is still a will, or even a breath, it can continuously locate and predict the future, and pass its own Strength adjustment, accurately positioning the future on the line of fate that is best for itself.

According to the prediction and positioning of Destiny Master, the opportunity for his true recovery should still be after fifty thousand years.

By that time, Destiny World’s accumulation and heritage are enough. The huge power of destiny will instinctively promote the evolution of Destiny World, creating a son of the World that is unique to Destiny World. Finally, under the promotion of a series of Strengths, he is restored .

But now, nothing has happened. Destiny World has just started. Neither the number of life runners nor the savings of World Power is enough to promote the birth of the Son of World.

In this state, why can he recover?

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