
With the supreme ruler opening his eyes, in the long river of fate, everything is constantly emerging.

A huge World emerged, shining with mysterious and eternal immortality, it was Destiny World.

On Destiny World, a series of illusive lines continue to emerge, and the endless World is finally linked, and it seems that all Worlds are shrouded in it.

As the Master opened his eyes, countless lines began to disappear above Destiny World.

The long river of destiny is constantly oscillating. In the eyes of the supreme master, the lines of destiny fade away quickly, and finally only the last line remains.

In the end, a silhouette of a teenager appeared before his eyes. Its appearance is peerless, it is cold like a god, and its eyes are deep, as if it contains the entire World, which is Adier.

Looking at the boy, the eyes of the master became much deeper. A pair of brown eyes looked forward, and countless tributaries of fate were flowing, rushing towards the unpredictable end.

Just moments later, through a little connection on the line of destiny, everything that Adier experienced began to be traced back. Among them, the various pictures that Adier was buying in Destiny World first appeared.

Watching Adier make a big purchase in Destiny World and broadcast several thousand thousand World Stones at one time, the eyes of the master are calm and there is no fluctuation.

Although there are many five hundred thousand Boundary Energy, for his existence, it is just a car and a cup of water, which is not enough to recover it from the heavy damage.

Not to mention five hundred thousand Boundary Energy, even 5 million! 50 million! It is also impossible to awaken a great existence that is in deep sleep.

There must be other reasons for this.

Thinking of this, the master’s eyes are deep, and the deep eyes continue to look forward, it is necessary to trace this line of destiny, look towards the past of Adier, and see through its true essence.

However, when he was thinking of doing so, a mutation suddenly occurred.

In the eyes of Adier, as the will of the destiny began to deepen, a thick line of fate began to emerge, wrapped tightly around the body of the Adier, forcibly expelled the will of the destiny.

“this is···”

Looking at the countless threads on Adier, fate dominated some surprises.

As long as a person is alive, he will intersect with other beings, so a thread is wrapped around him.

These are the lines of fate, and in some worlds they are also called lines of cause and effect.

In the great river of fate, everyone’s existence can be a tributary. And the continuous entanglement and interweaving of the lines of fate will eventually affect the direction of the tributaries, thus making different people go different paths.

This is the fate of certain beings.


The brightest light is blooming, like the first rays of light in the world’s first opening, dazzling and eye-catching, and with Supreme’s Profound Truth, it rushes directly to Adier in front of him.

Just for a moment, in Adier, countless lines of fate were diluted, instantly broken by this glorious master, and rushed towards the core.

Soon, most of the lines on Adier disappeared, and only the last few thickest and most colorful lines remained.

At this time, the path, like the opening of the World, began to dim the light of the true destiny Supreme Shin, and was blocked by some existence, and could not continue to go deep.

It was a light silver line of destiny. At the other end of the line, a huge emerald tree was manifesting, and then there was a huge World, emitting the light of Eternal Immortal.

Faintly, within that World, there seemed to be countless chants coming, accompanied by endless moonlight flashes.

Through the feedback of the long river of fate, in the dim, he dominated the clear comprehension of this existential name, the mother of emerald.

“Allah, born from the Great World of one party, if out of dilemma, there should be a glimmer of hope to reach my former Peak …”

In an instant, fate dominates the heart, and an unspeakable emotion rises in his heart, marveling at the unknown existence.

As the former top powerhouse, the master knows how rare this existence is. Even if millions of years of time flow on one side of the border, one may not be able to give birth to one, showing its preciousness.

If you met him in the past Peak period, even him, he will have a cherished mind, and will try to conquer it.

However, this alone is not enough.

A ray of light suddenly flourished, and with a single thought, the will was almost ten times stronger, and it was only an instant that it broke through the light silver line of fate.

As the line of fate of pale silver disappeared, the phantom of the emerald mother gradually faded, and gradually disappeared in place.

Looking at this scene, the master’s heart was not calm, but frowned.

Because in front of him, a black line of destiny ran across the sky, intercepting it in front, and then a huge World was faintly displayed, and several hazy silhouettes appeared on it, looming in front of him.

Vaguely, a so-called natural disaster straddling the endless void, a Pang Great World looming over several boundaries, showing up directly in front of Adier.

“A horrible World called the son of the sea, and a number of Strength is not inferior to the previous one …”

He took a deep look at this world, his eyes overflowed with brilliance, and the surging will erupted, directly breaking through this connection.

“It’s over …”

Looking at the fading World phantom, the master’s heart sighed.

It was beyond His expectation that a Strength such a lowly existence could be associated with so many horrible beings behind it.

But that’s it, that’s it.

The thought had just flashed in my mind, but at the next moment, the master’s face changed dramatically.

Because in front, an Eternal Immortal, yet silent, full of contradictions, but the great existence of great horror came down.

It is a peerless woman with a peerless appearance and exhausting the entire World. A purple long hair is tilted. On her body, a power similar to that of destiny, but a completely different destiny power radiates. Discoloration.

“A top powerhouse with the same rank as me !!”

The instant contact between the air and the machine changed the color of the master of fate directly.

Especially in Zi Nu, the Profound Truth, which also belongs to the destiny, but took a completely different path from him, made him stay awhile.

Before he could react, in front of her eyes, Zihan’s phantom began to turn around, as if she noticed the lord’s peep, turned directly, and a pair of purple eyes faced him.


But all of a sudden, everything was changed.

Two completely different, but infinitely close Profound Truth eruption, at this moment hedging, the horrible Strength erupted directly, and the sky’s diffuse light directly covered this place.

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