
The endless light is erupting.

In the depths of the long river of destiny, two figures face each other, the breath of their bodies emerges, and at this moment they hedge, and an endless light rain erupts at the end of the long river of destiny.

A little bit of light rain continued to spread, and the diffused light spread toward many Worlds. At this moment, I don’t know how many World upheavals have caused, and brought about various changes.

“This similar but different origin is the top powerhouse that goes to Peak on the road to fate in general with me …”

The fragments of time are spreading, and a little bit of the picture escapes with the storm, but in it, the sound of indifference is sounding, and only in an instant, it causes an endless shock of long rivers of fate.

Standing at the end of the long river of destiny, looking at the peerless face, as if exhausting all the Spirit Qi created women in a Great World, fate dominates the complexion changed again, but finally returns to peace: “Originally …

“Your true body fell down hundreds of thousands of years ago, and now standing here is just a mark of your imprint in the long river of destiny …”

“You are not much better …”

On the opposite side, the Purple Girl opened her mouth for the first time, her voice was cold, and her purple hair fluttered gently. It looked like each and everyone Small World was condensing: “The impact will never fail, everything will be burned. They were beaten back to their original form, and only reunited with a trace of air after an endless period of time … “

“How much better are you now, apart from your breath …”

She whispered softly, without any awe at the master in front of her.

So the two sides stood for a long time in the long river of fate.

Although there was no conversation, on both sides, the Profound Truth about fate collided from time to time. The two similar and different Strengths opposed each other and struck directly in the long river of fate. The tributary of this, all what happened at this moment is introduced into that tributary.

“Who is that person?”

Standing in the depths of time, the Lord of Destiny spoke again, and the voice continued to shake in the void, spreading to an unknown distance.

What he asked was naturally Adier.

The previous two connections are not considered, but just looking at a person’s past leads to such a terrible top powerhouse. Among them, there must be something unusual.

The powerhouse in front of me has long fallen into the depths of time, and now it is just a mark left in the past. Although it also has Supreme power, it can no longer stop him.

After all, no matter how unbearable he is today, at least he is still alive.

It is just that, even if he has a breakthrough Strength, he is now afraid to act blindly without thinking.

Through the faintly discernable connection, he clearly felt that not all the purple women in front of him.

Behind Adier, there are several thicker and more colorful lines of fate, flickering there, with an immortal light and Profound Truth, as if living at any time.

“More than one, there are more top powerhouses …”

Looking at this scene, dominating the heart startled, even after experiencing endless years, the emotions in my heart have been smoothed by the years, but looking at this scene, I am still shocked.

As far as a king is concerned, in the eyes of a real top powerhouse, there are no ants, but there are so many top powerhouses behind him to make contact.

There must be some reason for this.


In the years, that purple girl turned back again, and there was a world in the eyes, which continued to be born and decayed, to the end of the ultimate void.

The next moment, the endless light and rain spread, covering everything in the depths of time, even if the latecomers followed the trail to find it, they could no longer witness the scene.


“Is it an illusion?”

Stepping out of the spacious room, at this moment, Adier stroked his heart, feeling the kind of palpitations and could not help frowning.

This feeling comes and goes fast, and it almost seems like an illusion.

Standing in the place frowned, in the end, Adier stood up and walked sideways to a place.

It is a tall wizard tower. The whole tower is dominated by silver and its height is at least ten thousand meters. It looks not only magnificent, but also magnificent and magnificent.

This wizard tower was designed and built by Adier himself over the years.

The Wizard of the entire Maison area was assembled, and the design of the chip was combined with a large amount of rare materials to finally build this miracle-like wizard tower.

This wizard tower is supported by an entire Wizard Array, which consumes endless materials. The Wizard Array laid out can at least resist the offensive of Level 4.

Stand in it, and turn on its guardian Wizard Array. Even Adier himself, it is impossible to break this wizard tower in a short time, at least it takes decades to under this wizard tower, it is possible to slowly disintegrate the Wizard Array.

Not only that, in addition to its powerful defense, this wizard tower also has the best equipment and experimental sites, no matter what kind of experiments, you can find the best environment inside.

“Welcome your return, the great Ruler …”

Stepping into the wizard’s tower, the voice of the real machinery came from my ear.

The next moment, as the brilliance flashed, Adier was teleported directly to the top level of the Wizarding Tower.

each and everyone The wizard walked quickly through it, each delicate rune flashed in all around, quickly cracked by various methods, and then transmitted to the most central formations to sum up and sum up the final answer.

Looking at this scene, Adier looks forward, the picture assembled by the spirits.

In the picture, a huge imprint of several dozen meters wide emerges. Among them, almost half have become real, but there are still half of the area incomplete, leaving a large piece of the entire layout missing.

With the efforts of many wizards, this fragmented territory is being slowly completed, but this is very slow and has a tendency to become slower and slower.

This is normal because the more difficult it is to complete the later. Those that are easy to crack and complete are completed as early as the beginning.

Gently glanced at this layout, Adier stood for a long time, then extended the hand, and made a few strokes on this layout.

In the amazement of countless wizards around, dozens of places were instantly changed on the layout, and the rune above was corrected by Adier and slightly modified.

This modification is difficult because the operation of millions of runes must be considered. After simply changing a few runes, it is likely that the entire Wizard Array will be stalled and directly destroyed.

However, the shaman who was present was shocked that after Adier’s modification, the operation of this Wizard Array not only did not stop, but faintly became smoother.

“Your Majesty is worth it …”

Looking at the front standing gently, like a temporary young man of the gods, many wizards sighed in their hearts and felt the heavy gap for the first time.

“According to the current progress, plus the things you brought back from Your Majesty, it will take decades to decipher this Wizard Array so that it can be reused.”

Aside, Natasha, dressed in sexy black clothed, with a drunk smile on her face, stood silently next to Adier and reported to him.

“For decades.”

Adier gently nodded, agreeing to this time.

This time is slightly different from his expected time, but it is not much different.

Moreover, for him today, decades of time are not much to him and are within an acceptable range.

“However, at this time, some things can be done together.”

In an instant, the thought flashed in Adier’s mind.

At the time of the Ancient World, in the hands of the King of Antiquity, Adier obtained a broken Gudola Secret Scripture, which recorded the path after Level 4.

In order to avoid the risk, after obtaining this Bloodline Secret Scripture, Adier has not had time to check.

Now that there are decades of vacancies, it’s just a test.

With this in mind, Adier did not act immediately, but turned around and looked towards behind him.

In the laboratory behind him, each and everyone wizards were walking fast, and each of them was at least a formal wizard.

Among them, a female wizard caught Adier’s attention.

It was an elf witch in a purple dress with a bracelet on her hand. She looked very beautiful and had a gentle smile on her face.

This is Latina, Adier’s biological elder sister.

After unifying the Maison region, as the only elder sister of Adier, Latina has also received unprecedented attention and obtained the best resource training.

For decades, Adier took the shot himself and used the power of the Moon God to carry out baptism for him. He also spent a lot of precious resources to upgrade his own qualifications.

Unfortunately, her qualifications are too poor. Even with such excellent conditions and resources, all kinds of precious potions have been smashed down for decades. To this day, they are only close to the level of Peak. Even Level 2 wizards have a long way to go .

With the same resources and conditions, if you change it with a good person, I am probably close to Level 3.

However, this is enough.

In the Mason region, Adier was sheltered, and no one dared to attack her.

Moreover, with Adier’s current status, as long as there is no accident in the future, Latina can always come to the end slowly.

It seemed that Adier’s gaze was felt. In the distance, Latina raised her head and looked at Adier with a gentle smile on her face.

Moved towards Latina nodded, the next moment, Adier’s silhouette disappeared into place and went directly into the interior of the wizard’s tower.

Stepping into it, next moment, Adier closed his eyes silently, deep in the source, a little purple flashed quickly, and the power in it activated, causing the surrounding vision to change rapidly.

A long river that swept through many worlds appeared in front of him, and the water in it rushed forward, driving Adier’s origin to float forward.

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