In the vast river of years, countless stars flickered here, each blooming its own glory.

Each and everyone World is born, grows, and perishes … Each shines a glory belonging to World.

In the meantime, Adier incarnation became a purple rays of light, floating quietly in this boundary sea, and as the waves in the boundary sea fluctuated, they were silently pushed forward.

Being pushed forward by the storm in the realm of the sea, Adier looked at the World skipped by each and everyone in the front, but did not passively search for a suitable World as in the past.

For Adier today, finding a suitable World is not a problem for him today.

Within the body, the source is quietly trembling. For a moment, the power of the world in purple is burning, and the brightest glory is blooming, turning into a ripple, gradually drifting towards all around, continuously affecting the outside world.

In the ancient World, by observing and simulating the World consciousness, Adier is more adept at using his own ability to pass through.

Many things that could not be done in the past can now be done by consuming Boundary Energy.

The same is true today. As the power of the World continues to burn, after a while, in front of Adier, a huge World unfolds.

It was a huge and powerful World. Throughout the World, a deep red radiance bloomed, which contained the low voices of countless souls, which together constituted the voice of the World.

Looking at this world, Adier waved his hand without hesitation, a little purple rays of light turned into meteors and disappeared. Under the entrapment and protection of the huge Boundary Energy, they rushed directly into the distant World.

This time I entered Strange World just to experiment with the Bloodline Secret Scripture. Therefore, Adier not at all chooses the ontology to enter, but just differentiates into an avatar and enters into different Strange Worlds.

In order to best simulate the original environment, this avatar itself does not carry any Strength, but is born in the most primitive way and descends into this world.

“Look, how much surprise this world will give me.”

Looking at the disappearing purple streamer in front of his eyes, Adier smiled, and then the whole silhouette faded and disappeared from the place.


“One day after another, and one year after another, when will such days end?”

On a busy street, a young girl with purple hair walked quietly on the road with an inexplicable sadness on her face.

Behind her, a bruised teenager was lying on a worn-out carriage and was taken away by several people.

On the road, looking at all this, the residents on the road looked coldly, looking at the sorrowful young girl and the teenager lying behind, not only did not have half sympathy, but looked indifferent.

As she watched the girl walk down the road quietly, there were individuals who were luxuriously dressed and out of the ordinary, and could not help but raise their weapon, and the murderous aura on her body rose as if it were a substance.

In the face of this category, the girl was just indifferent, so she walked forward silently, turning a blind eye to the depressed environment around her, as if she had not seen it.

“Princess ···”

Behind the teenager, feeling a steady murderous aura from around, a majestic middle-aged man couldn’t help talking.

“Yuri Uncle, rest assured.”

In front, the girl with purple hair said quietly: “This is the 9th Street, where the messengers and merchants of various countries live and go, they will not do anything.”

The girl faintly opened the mouth and said, and she understood it all.


Behind him, Yuri gently sighed, feeling the range of with swords drawn and bows bent around, and finally followed the girl, without saying much.

They continued to move forward. Behind them, watching the back of their departure, a group of warriors looked at each other coldly, watching this busy street, but ultimately did not choose to do it here.

After a while, the girl gradually walked into a barren manor as she walked.

At the door of the manor, a young man with purple hair and handsome appearance in a white robe stood quietly, looking at the young girl walking in the distance, and the teenager lying behind him, couldn’t help sighing. .

“His Royal Highness.”

Looking at the purple-haired young man in a white robe in front of them, a few people bowed their heads and saluted them.

“To this day, I am no longer His Highness …”

Standing in front of the gate of the manor, watching the crowd around him, the young man sighed softly, “Just call me Ire Baron.”

The words fell, he looked at the purple-haired girl in front of him, hesitated, and continued to say, “Siria, you and me …”

In front of her, the purple-haired girl was quietly nodded, and she whispered to the people around her, and calmly followed the steps of the youth.

“Our situation now, you should be very clear …”

After walking ahead, the atmosphere was dull for a long time, and Yi Lei suddenly said: “The kingdom was defeated, father died, and the kingdom of Aryan became Aryan …”

“Although some of us have survived through bribery and some previous contacts, the wealth that the royal family has accumulated over the years has been ransacked in this way … even now, even giving you and Silas two baptism I can hardly come up with anything … “

“I was thinking, after a few years, when the situation is better, I will find a better deed for you two, but I did not expect that the situation will not be better for two years, but it is getting worse The worse … “

“You are seventeen years old this year and can’t be dragged on anymore … So I decided that during this time, you will resonate with the beast …”

“Now?” Silia’s face was calm, but with some surprises: “After the defeat of the kingdom, haven’t all the beasts we possess been searched for?”

“It’s really like this …” Yi Leigently nodded: “All the deeds of the royal family were indeed taken away … but in the early years, I have obtained a few demon beast eggs, and I have been kept in a certain place. Place, only recently taken out … “

“It’s just that the quality of these beast eggs is not too high …”

“Sufficient.” Silia spoke softly, and for the first time a smile on her face: “No matter how bad it is, it’s better than nothing.”

“You can think that way, it’s not bad …” Looking at his younger sister, Yi Lei sighed lightly, and then forced Spirit to fight himself: “Come with me.”

He strode forward, and soon reached a large hall.

In this hall, he cautiously found a door, opened it, and passed through several hidden levels before entering a basement.

The basement is very spacious, there are not many things in it, there is only one elevated platform, or a few things on the elevated platform.

It was a few eggs with different appearances, each with some tedious texture, which seemed very beautiful.

This is just the surface. Standing in front of the eggs, Seria and Irene can feel the vitality and the majesty radiating from them.

Into this, through her keen induction, Sria’s eyes were suddenly attracted by the two central beast eggs.

“These are the two best beast eggs here.”

On the side, I noticed Siri ’s eyes, Ilay laughed, and stepped forward, pointing at one of them introduced: “This one was accidentally obtained three years ago. If there is no accident, at least you can reach the third level … “

“At least one other is a red beast’s egg …”

Speaking of this, Yi Lei was paused, and after hesitating, he continued to opened the mouth and said: “Although the Red Beast is only a first-order deed beast, it belongs to the strong combat class. , Belongs to the top. “

“And this demon egg is a little different.”

“Different?” Silia wondered.

“Three years ago, a purple meteor dropped in the kingdom of Aryan … you should know this …”

Yi Lei said, seeing the girl in front of her nodded, then she continued to say: “The purple meteor at that time finally fell on this demon egg …”

Hearing this, Silia froze, didn’t seem to think of this possibility.

“In the past three years, in my spare time, I have also observed this demon beast egg … I finally found that the vitality of this deer beast egg is much stronger than other demon beast eggs, and it is likely to be a mutant … “

“Although the Red Beast is only first order, after all, its combat power is strong. If it is mutated, it may not be lower than the wing fear bird alone …”

“Whether you choose wings or scary birds, or choose red beasts, it’s up to you.”

Looking at Sria in front of her, Iray finally opened the mouth and said.

Silia lowered her head silently, seemingly lost in thought.

But it didn’t take long for her to look up, a smile on her good-looking face: “I think so.”

“I’ll choose Red Beast.”

Listening to her choice, Yi Lei took a deep look at her: “In fact, the innate talent and blessing of the winged fear bird are more suitable for you than the red beast.”

“No need …”

Silia said calmly: “I am already old. Without accidents, it is almost impossible to make the beast further …”

“Let this winged phobia’s egg be given to Shiraz …”

“Thanks to his innate talent and the potential of the winged panic bird, the future success will be much higher than mine …”

Listening to this, Irene fell silent.

He didn’t say anything, but just silently picked up the egg representing the red beast in front of him and gave it to Sria.

“The Bloodline Resonance Matrix required by the contract, I’m ready, in the room next to it …”

Looking at Siriah on the side, he opened the mouth and said.

Silia was gently nodded, picked up the scarlet red egg in her hand, and walked to the side room.

In the room, countless runes were flashing, and the little by little light was shining, enveloping Seria and the exhaustion in her hands.

Gently lowered the red beast egg, Sria sighed slightly, then picked up the knife on the side, without any hesitation, straight down and cut his wrist.

A little bit of blood dripped directly, and under the control of rune, it was accurately dropped into the red beast egg in front of him, shining a shining light on it.

With the continuous flashing of rune and the continuous infiltration of blood, in front of the eyes, the slight texture of the original scarlet red egg began to appear, constantly intertwined with the original texture.

A faintly discernable connection came to mind, with both warmth and exhaustion of tyranny and terror, directly engulfing her entire heart, almost integrated with her.

In the process, I don’t know if it is an illusion. In the darkness, she seems to see it, and her eyes are gradually opening.

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