“Really bad start …”

In the spacious and quiet room, looking at the rune still flashing around, and looking at his sharp red claws with red scales, Adier was helpless.

Turning to this world, his luck this time is really bad.

It does n’t matter if you do n’t reincarnate. After all, he does n’t care about this. It ’s people or other races. There is no obstacle to his purpose this time.

However, under normal circumstances, he should have been born as early as two or three years ago, but as a result, the red beast egg he was born was discovered early, and the body was not fully mature. Sealed forcibly.

Coming to this world, in order to fully experience the growth of the Bloodline road, Adier not at all carries any Strength, except for its own consciousness and insight, it is no different from an ordinary red beast egg.

At the time of his birth, Adier had n’t even formed the fleshhy body. In the face of an external seal, there was no way to break it, but he had to helplessly lurk. Only then did he find an opportunity to truly be born in this world.

“However, this connection …”

Adier frowned secretly feeling the breath of the world around him, the weakness of his body, and the faintly discernable connection deep in Bloodline.

In his body, a faintly discernable connection exists at all times, connecting it with another existence on the side, and possessing an extremely deep connection.

This connection is very close, and in Adier’s induction, it has reached a level of horror.

Under this connection, the two beings who have established the relationship will share life and Strength, and even reach the point where one of them will die and the other will be severely damaged.

“This world ’s unique Strength system also seems to involve some of the rules of this world …”

Feeling the connection within the body carefully, Adier analyzed it with some uncertainty.

At this moment, cry out in surprise suddenly came around.

Adier looked up, and a pair of scarlet’s eyes were looking forward.

In the middle of the rune in front of him, Silia’s face turned pale. With Adier’s birth and awakening, she also woke up from a coma. Looking at Adier in front of her, her face was excited: “This … This is … ·· “

“Mutant! It really is a mutant!”

She looked at Adier in front of her and shouted excitedly.

For her, it was definitely a surprise.

In this world, the cubs that possess extraordinary powers and can be found are already rare and rare. Among them, the odds of mutating cubs are very low, and it is difficult to meet them.

The deed beast in front of it, although it is only the lowest red beast, can only grow into a first-order, which is far less than the third-order winged fear bird.

However, after the mutation, the potential of the red beast will be greatly improved. In terms of value, it is likely to be inferior to the winged fear bird.

And this is undoubtedly great news for the Aryan family, which is extremely difficult today.

“Such a huge body and huge vitality!”

On the one side, when Syria made the contract ceremony, Yi Lei, who was always on the side, was also a little excited, but still forced herself to calm down: “It should be a change in vitality, but the specific degree, we have to wait a few more Can only be determined by month. “

“As for now …”

Looking at the two excited people in front of him, Adier’s eyes were indifferent, he moved his body, and then he walked to the huge mirror aside and watched himself.

This is a fierce beast about half a meter in length, covered with scarlet scale armor, sharp claws appear on the two forelimbs, and a pair of scarlet eyes are deep, and the horizontal eyes are very prominent.

The most striking thing is that his forehead has a deep purple complex mark, which is roughly triangular in shape, which is very conspicuous and beautiful.

“Does the Projection Mark of the Ability also come with the Projection?”

Looking at the purple mark on his forehead, Adier froze, then thought.

At this moment, in the mind, a little faintly discernable idea began to flash, with a kind of kindness.

Adier turned back and looked at Sria in front of her, her eyes indifferent.

“Are you hungry?”

The thoughts in his head were still flashing. Looking at Adier in front of him, through the Bloodline connection established within the body, Sriya asked again and again.

However, to her disappointment, no matter how many times she spoke, the red beast in front of her still looked at her coldly, with a pair of red eyes looking indifferent.

“Can’t feel the emotion of the Qibei … Why is this?”

Looking at Adier in front of her, Sria murmured to herself, her eyes a little disappointed.

“Maybe it’s because the contract has just been established.” Aside, Iray froze, then thought.

“Yes.” A touch of emotion was conveyed through the connection.

Looking coldly at Seria in front of her eyes, Adier finally made a sound.

There are ready-made conditions to use, and he will certainly not refuse.

Although the contract on his body was uncomfortable, in the period when he was just born, it just happened to help him through the period of weakness quickly.

The clothing and temperament of the two in front of them are not bad. If there is no accident, in this world, they should belong to the higher class and there will be no shortage of resources.

Before Strength was restored, many things could be made easier with the cover of two native nobles.

As for the contract on your body, it is not too late to find a way to cancel it after Strength is restored.


After a few hours.

In the courtyard, Aya stood in place, looking at the scene in front of her, and Sria almost stunned.

In the courtyard in front of them, large wooden tables are placed here, which are filled with large chunks of cooked meat, but also hot and fragrant.

And in the middle of these large wooden tables, Adier kept opening his mouth. Every time he opened his mouth, a large piece of meat was swallowed by him and directly into his mouth.

In just a few minutes, all the pieces of meat that could have filled the entire room were put into Adier’s belly.

“Elder sister, is there really no problem with this!”

Standing next to Sria, a teenager with bandages all over, holding a crutch in his hand, looked stunned and looked stunned.

“Should … nothing will happen …”

Looking at the scene in front of her, Silia said with some uncertainty, with a strong distrust in her words.

In front of Adier, there is too much to eat.

In less than half an hour, Adier had eaten at least ten people a month’s worth of rations, and all were cooked meat.

Such a large quantity would be enough to fill several rooms, but not enough to fill Adier’s seemingly small belly.

It’s just less than half a meter, but I have eaten so many things. No matter who sees it, it will feel incredible.


Swallowing the last piece of meat in front of him, Adier finally stopped himself.

For the scene in front of him, in fact, Adier was helpless.

The essence of the Bloodline Road is, in the final analysis, a word for “eating”.

When it is strong, it will hone its own Bloodline seed by devouring other Bloodline, so that the Bloodline level will continue to break through. When you are weak, you need to swallow a lot if you want to grow quickly.

The reason Adier swallowed so many pieces of meat in one breath was to quickly restore Strength.

Using Bloodline Secret Scripture, the moment these pieces of meat entered his stomach, they were quickly broken down into pure blood by Strength within the body, and eventually stored in within the body.

That’s why he can eat so many pieces of meat.

Of course, this is also because Adier’s own control is amazing.

Summoned by others, even if they also master Bloodline Secret Scripture, they can only eat normally, and slowly accumulate a little blood from the food, not so quickly.

“Metamorphic enough …”

Swallowing the last piece of meat and feeling the fullness of blood within the body, Adier walked to the side and closed his eyes. It seemed as if he was resting.

On the surface, he may just be sleeping normally, but in reality, Adier’s Spirit is extremely awake in the dark.

A little bit of blood was tangled in within the body, and began to move up and down the body in accordance with the established rules. Almost every run, Adier within the body’s blood is weak, and then the body is also strong and starts to change rapidly.

For this body, Adier does not at all do anything else, but prepares to mature the extraordinary Bloodline that exists within the body according to the orthodox Bloodline road.

The Red Beast itself is an extraordinary life. According to the division of this world, its Bloodline belongs to the first order, but in the eyes of Adier, it is completely out of flow. After Bloodline matures, I am afraid it is only equivalent to a Knight who has activated Life Seed.

This Strength is not weak for others, but it is completely incompetent for Adier.

But even if it doesn’t flow, it’s better than nothing.

Through the stimulation of the blood gas, the Bloodline of this body will be quickly triggered, and pushed to the Peak of Bloodline at a very fast speed, to obtain the Strength that is only in adulthood.

This is the content in Bloodline Secret Scripture, and in a way, the result of the unique environment of the ancestor World.

Most of the creatures with powerful Bloodline have long lifespans. Relatively speaking, the growth period will also be very long. Just like Moon Elf Bloodline, it takes more than a thousand years to grow from infancy to maturity alone.

This growth rate is so slow that many ancient Bloodlines have died before they matured.

Therefore, in the environment where the Bloodline Road was popular in the ancestor World, various methods of Bloodline ripening were invented.

Naturally, this Bloodline Secret Scripture, which Adier masters, is also available.

For Adier’s current situation, by ripening this body’s Bloodline to quickly obtain a self-protected Strength, it is undoubtedly the most secure choice.


Forcibly push the book, recommend a new book “I’m not a great fairy,” by a friend.

I haven’t read the book, but from the introduction, it should be pretty good. I hope everyone will take a look. Of course, I do n’t like it and do n’t force it.

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