The faint blood was constantly running within the body, washing away.

With each scouring and operation, Adier’s body gains a lot, and the body begins to mature at a very fast speed, and quickly reaches the peak of Bloodline.

However, after each operation, the blood gas stored in the Adier within the body will slowly disappear, and it will be absorbed by the body and transformed into a growing Strength and food.

In such a silent state, Adier grew quietly, no one could notice.

Not far away, looking at the quietly lying under the tree, like the sleeping Adier, Silia gently sighed in relief: “Finally stopped.”

“Although the red beast has a big appetite, a newborn red beast born should not have reached this point.”

Looking at Adier’s body covered with scarlet scales, Silia looked towards the side: “Sila, what do you think?”

“It should be the ability to be mutated.”

Facing Sria’s inquiry, the teenager shook the head: “I also contracted the winged fear bird, but the egg of the wing fear bird has not yet hatched, let alone to this point.”

“The potential of this red beast should be very strong.” Looking at Adier’s majestic body, he said with uncertainty.

When a normal red beast is born, it should be less than half a meter, and the scales cannot be stretched out. The combat strength is very weak, and it is not as wild as usual.

The red beast in front of him is different, not only the body size at birth is beyond that of his kind, but the scaled armor is even more embarrassing. The two sharp claws and fangs can not be considered weak.

Especially for the vitality item, the red beast in front of it has greatly exceeded the standard. Don’t even be a Royal Family, they will be shocked after seeing it, and can’t believe it is a newly born deed beast.

“Anyway, from now on, it should not be a bad thing …”

Thinking of the current situation, Siya sighed slightly, with a sad look on her face: “Fortunately, although this demon beast eats a lot, it is mostly just an ordinary wild beast. Otherwise, in our current situation, it ’s true. Can’t afford it. “

Ahead, Adier not at all cared about the conversation between the two of them, just lying on the ground silently, the whole body was washed away by the strong blood, and gradually became stronger.

Soon, in the calm, most of the month passed quickly.

In half a month, Adier’s appetite not only did not decrease, but grew larger and larger.

The food he needs to eat at each meal, if it is handled by ordinary persons, will allow at least dozens of people to eat it for a month, but it is still not enough for him.

Such a large appetite is certainly unaffordable for the average family, but fortunately, Sirea is not an ordinary person after all.

Royal Family after all is Royal Family, even if it has now fallen and is in a embarrassment in the empire, but it is just some ordinary food, it is still provided.

However, in the face of Adier’s increasing appetite, Sirea is also experiencing a surge of pressure, and she has both excitement and sorrow.

For Adier, this more than half a month is a rare and peaceful day.

In just half a month, under the wash of vitality, his body quickly transformed. Now, he has already passed the infancy of the red beast and has initially entered the mature stage.

At this stage, with magic beast far stronger than ordinary people, in terms of combat power, it is already enough to match a Knight.

“This is the deed of your contract?”

An unfamiliar voice sounded in the courtyard, with some surprises and deep contempt.

In the middle of the courtyard where Adier lives, a middle-aged old man is wearing a gorgeous robe, looking at Adier who is quietly in front of his eyes, with a mockery on his face: “Is the Aryan family not here yet? Are all deeds contracted? “

“Lord Capo, you laughed.”

Beside, Iray accompanied the old man and listened to the words of the old man. Not only was he not angry, but a smile appeared on his face: “This is not an ordinary red beast. Until now, it has only been born for half a month. What time is it. “

“En?” The old man turned around and looked at Adier in front of him. There was a glorious glory of silver in his eyes.

Suddenly, in Adier’s induction, a strength similar to Spirit’s, but with a slightly different strength, fell to his body, and after taking a lap around his body, he retracted it.

“This fresh soul imprint was really born for half a month.”

After feeling it for a while, the old man’s eyes suddenly changed: “Can it be so long in half a month, is this a variant?”

“Yes!” Irene wasgently nodded.

“That’s good.” The old man got a little interest, then lowered his head and fell into deep thought, and then continued to say, “Bring it over tomorrow.”

“Exactly, there will be a batch of deeds to be tested tomorrow, exactly one.”

“So many thanks.” Upon hearing this, Irene secretly relaxed, then looked at Cabo in front of him, and said, “You give up, you should be paid, and I will send it to your home.”

“That’s fine.” A smile appeared on Cabo’s face, seemingly satisfied with the incident.

When the intention was reached, the two continued chatting for a while, then turned around and walked towards the door.

Walking gently out of the gate of the manor, Cabo expression calmly and calmly walked down the street.

“How’s it going?” A voice sounded suddenly, with some coldness and unique indifference.

“Already ready.” Listening to this voice, Cabo was not surprised at all, but smiled nodded: “Tomorrow, the beast of Sria Princess will be sent to baptism, a mutant red beast.”

“At that time, I will find a chance to get you started.”

“Okay!” The dark silhouette in the dark replied, and then the breath disappeared in the corner, leaving the place in an instant and going to a distance.

After the lurking man left, Capo turned back to the manor where he had just left, with an inexplicable smile on his face.

“Her Royal Highness, don’t blame me.”

“To blame, blame you for being too stubborn.”

The thought flashed through his mind, he shook the head, then walked straight forward, and the silhouette gradually disappeared at the end of the flat land.

The next day.

When the sun and the sun rose, Adier silently opened his eyes.

“Unknown Bloodline breath …”

Looking at the flat ground in front of him, he was a little surprised.

In the spacious flat ground in front of me, it was filled with the breath of various creatures.

The breath of these creatures is very powerful. In terms of Bloodline alone, I am afraid that each will not be lower than the Bloodline of the Red Beast. Among them, those who are stronger than the Red Beast are everywhere, which surprised Adier at this time.

“Is this what is called baptism?”

Lying quietly on a stone slab, feeling the heat flow from all directions and the throbbing motion from the depth of Bloodline, Adier closed his eyes.

Deep in the body, a Strength similar to Spirit’s, but more diverse, is running, slowly nourishing his body.

The source of this Strength is not the other, the Bloodline contract on him, and Sria.

After half a month of contact, in the contact with Sirea and the others, Adier also had some understanding of the Strength system of this world.

The Strength system of this world is entirely based on the Bloodline contract.

The contract animal with a strong contract, by establishing a Bloodline contract with the contract animal, allows both parties to share the Strength, thereby obtaining the contract animal’s huge strength and vitality.

For the beast, signing a Bloodline contract can obtain the nourishment of the soul and soul of the owner of the lease, so that its own level of life can be slowly upgraded to reach a stronger level.

The higher the innate talent of the deed owner, the stronger the innate talent of the soul, which can make the deed beast grow better, which in turn will make the deed owner stronger.

This is a completely mutually beneficial system, and all its foundations are based on the Bloodline contract.

Thinking of this, Adier couldn’t help shaking his head secretly.

The power of the mind in this world does have something in common. In a way, it can even help Bloodline life break the Bloodline limit and go one step further.

But this speed is really too busy.

According to Adier’s estimation, under normal circumstances, Sirea’s innate talent and the power of the soul, even if you want to make this body further, it will take more than twenty years.

For such a long time, Adier is simply a chicken rib.

“However, this soul nourishment is also very interesting …”

Thinking of this unique Strength in this world, Adier’s eyes flickered: “Although the strength of one’s soul is weak, what if there are ten, one hundred, or even tens of thousands?”

“At that point, I am afraid that even Level 4 Bloodline will have a lot of benefits, and it will increase the chance of breakthrough to Level 5.”

“But if you want to do that, for the moment, I’m afraid it’s still a little difficult.”

In contemplation, next moment, Adier stumbled, feeling instinctively wrong.

The Red Beast Bloodline is activated and has reached maturity. It is much more sensitive to the outside world than Knight.

At this time, in the distance, a little killing intent struck amid Adier’s induction, which made him feel a bit wrong.

In the distance, a huge shadow emerged from the cage and strode towards Adier.

Feeling this, Adier stood up, his eyes narrowed towards the end of the field of vision.

“what happened!!”

In the distant observation table, looking at the sight in front of them, Sria and Larry were in shock.

Standing high, the two of them saw clearly Adier’s current situation.

Beside Adier’s baptism ground, there was a huge beast with a larger volume, three or four meters wide, walking towards it, with the purest killing intent in the eyes of a pair of beasts.

“Why! Isn’t the baptism land isolated? Why are there other beasts coming, and still, it’s an adult body!”

Looking at the scene below, Larry’s face was pale and his whole body was shaking.


Suddenly, Silia thought of a person, and her face paled a little.

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