
Standing on the high platform, Seria lifted her head suddenly, a beautiful face looked so pale.

On the high platform in the distance, an old man wearing a long robe with long hair stood there, watching her smile at this moment.

At this point, she couldn’t figure out what was going on.

The Bloodline Demon Beast is extremely important to the Deed Owner. Once he dies, the consequences will be extremely serious.

If Adier died as a Bloodline beast, even if Sirea does not die, half of her life will be removed on the spot. I’m afraid I can only lie in bed in my life.

Thinking of this, Siya and Larry both turned pale, almost in an instant, thinking of the possible consequences of this matter.

“No! Must stop !!!”

Looking at Adier in the baptism pool in the distance, Larry trembled, clutching his fists, staring angrily at the distant area, he wanted to step forward.

“Don’t go !!”

Perceiving his actions, Sria was pale, but still grabbed his hand and prevented him from moving forward: “According to the laws of the Kumar Empire, breaking into the baptism pool without authorization is a capital crime, you cannot pass it!”

“But, Seria elder sister …”

Larry blushed. Facing the current situation, her heart was full of anger, but she was grasped tightly by Sria, unable to move.

Adier was contracted. In these days, some of Adier’s Strength and vitality have also been fed back to Sria, making her Strength far beyond the ordinary person, which is not something he can get rid of.

Looking at the distance from the baptism pool, Adier seemed a little ignorant, and Sria closed her eyes in despair.

She knew that today’s situation can no longer be changed.

The other party clearly knew the news of her contract, and even through the inside line of Cabo, she directly locked the deed beast she owned and started directly from her deed beast.

Once Qi Qiu died, she would also be badly hit, and death on the spot is very likely.

But breaking into the baptism pool, this is also a dead end, and will even involve the elder brother and the younger brother.

As a queen girl, she figured it out almost instantly.

“It looks like she won’t break in.”

On the high platform in the distance, looking at the movement below, a blond man in black clothed shook the head, feeling a bit boring.

“Breaking into the baptism pool, this is the biggest crime. Sria Young Lady is a wise man, so naturally it won’t do that.” Capo stood beside him respectfully and said loudly.

“I know.” The blond man was nodded, with some regrets on his face: “It’s just a pity that the things I prepared in advance didn’t work.”

“However, that alone is enough.”

“My lord said it well.” Capo looked respectfully. “The beast is dead, and the owner will not be better.”

“Siria Young Lady, it’s mostly difficult to get out of this baptism ground today.”

“Let’s watch it together.” The blond man smiled, his face looked a bit indescribably domineering, and he just sat on the wooden chair and looked away towards the baptism pool below.



As the solid slate was penetrated, in the distance, a three or four meters tall, like a tiger and leopard, but a spiked beast filled with leap from the outside, directly into the baptism where Adier is. Pool.

Just walked in here, under the traction of an inexplicable air machine, the fierce beast raised his head, and a pair of ordinary fist-sized black beast eyes looked at Adier.

Roar! !

The fierce beast roared, the blood of the sky was erupting, the huge breath seemed to penetrate the heavy wall, to the far end, and attracted everyone’s vision.

It stood in place, with bloodthirsty beast eyes, and its entire body was immensely large. Just looking, it made people feel heavy, as if they could be swallowed at any time.

Looking at this fierce beast, Adier did not react much, but stood up silently, a pair of scarlet’s eyes looked at the fierce beast in front of him.

“An adult tyrant!”

In the distance, looking at the beast in front of Adier, Silia’s pale face was a little paler.

Like the Red Beast, the Tiger is also a first-order deed.

This kind of beast has the most violent character and the most fierce fighting force. Once in the fight, unless one party falls down, it will never stop.

An adult tyrannosaurus, even with second-tier deeds, is the most precious of the first-order deeds.

The tiger in front of him is obviously an adult body, and even among the adult tigers, I am afraid they can be regarded as excellent and strong.

Roar! !

Suddenly, in the distant baptism pool, the huge tyrannosaurus moved, a forward flutter and pushed down, bringing up a wave of air.

The air seemed to condense, and an invisible pressure filled the wild, making this all around terrifying.


The next moment, within the bounds of the Quartet, whether it was Larry or Seria, or the distant blond man and the others, could not help but wink.

In their field of view, the red beast gradually got up, apparently less than half a meter, but at the moment of getting up, it was full of a tyrannical, domineering, horrible and unwilling life.

A pair of scarlet’s beast eyes were lively, looking at the tyrannosaurus who flew forward, the eyes were full of calmness and depth, without the chaos of wild beast.

Roar! !

Feeling wrong, the tiger roared, and a pair of black barbs exuded luster. At this moment, it looked like a pair of armors, making its entire body indestructible.

However, in the mid-air, a sharp claw of a scarlet waved from the eyes, just the size of an ordinary person’s palm, but with a frightening Strength.

Because on it, the light of a scarlet was shining, as if the entire claw was burning, full of a horrible oppression.

bump! !! roar!!

An angry roar erupted, and then a giant three or four meter tall giant was directly blown out, and his body fiercely hit the solid wall of the stone wall, leaving a deep dent.

“This … this … how is this possible !!”

Looking at this scene, everyone couldn’t help stunning.

“Is this really a newly born red beast?”

Sitting on the top, looking at the result, the blond man felt a little surprised for the first time.

“Flying a Peak tyrannosaurus in one blow, let alone a red beast just born, not even an adult red beast.”

Aside, Cabo stared at the scene blankly, and never expected that this would happen.

“Sir, this is just an accident …”

He quickly opened the mouth and said: “How can a newly born red beast defeat an adult tyrannosaurus! Maybe it’s only the Strength of this blow!”

Roar! !

Cabo’s voice had just dropped, but a beast roar came from below.

He turned to look around, but just saw the scene that stunned him.

On the spacious baptism pool, blood splatters, almost staining the entire baptism pool into a blood pool.

And in the middle of the baptism pool, one end is not tall, just a half-meter-high red beast standing quietly there, with an air of peace, without any appearance of extermination.

Under his feet, the tyrannosaurus with a tall body and a barbed thorn was lying down. The whole body was almost a piece of flesh and blood, almost broken, and the dead could not die anymore.

This bloody scene is shocking, and just watching it is enough to make trembling in fear, like stopping even heartbeat.

But compared to trembling in fear in Cabo’s mind, on the other side, they are full of surprises.

“Is this my beast?”

Looking at Adier standing in the middle of the baptism pool in the distance, a paw smashed the tyrannosaurus, Siriah’s face was full of shock: “So strong?”

“One shot killed an adult tyrannosaurus, and this strength is not weaker than third-order …”

Aside, Larry’s face was also full of shock: “Moreover, it was only born less than half a month, and afterwards …”

“You said before that this red beast was born half a month ago?”

Sitting on a high platform, watching the performance of Adier below, the blond man raised his eyebrows, which was very unexpected.

“Yes!” On the other hand, when he heard the blond man’s speech, Cabo quickly nodded, and a head kept lighting like a chick: “This red beast is really only born for half a month! Even if the news is wrong, but the red beast Soul Mark cannot be faked! “

“That’s a good thing.” Listening to this, the blond man was nodded, looking at the Adier below, slowly admiring his eyes.

The people in this world major in the power of the soul. For those who practice the power of the soul, they can easily feel the imprint of the soul of a life and accurately perceive the annual ring of a life body.

And in this blonde man ’s induction, in the baptism pool below, the traces on Adier ’s soul imprint are very light, they look extremely clean, and have not been polished for many years at all.


Kabo’s eyes turned, all thoughts flashed in his heart, and he knelt down almost immediately, with reverence on his face: “Congratulations, I have found such an excellent animal!”

“Half a month after birth, you can have a third-order combat power without going through baptism. As an adult, your Strength, if you cultivate it well, you may reach fifth-level or higher after adulthood!”

He kept saying, looking at the blond man in front of him, complimenting.

“Fifth-level or higher, it is not necessarily. Strength at that level cannot be reached by ordinary demon beasts.”

The blond man shook his head, and then said, “However, even if it can only be fifth-order, it is considered good. Even if it is placed in the whole kingdom, it is a good deed.”

“Unfortunately, I have signed a Bloodline contract with other deeds for a long time. I have cultivated this for many years. I have to give this deed to others …”

He meditated for a while, and then opened the mouth and said, “Just right, Your Royal Highness there is a person recently, because of some accidents, the demon beast has died and urgently needs a vital contract to save the body.”

“Is it …” Listening to this, Cabo froze, seeming to think of something.

“Let’s go down, and when the baptism is over, take this red beast away.” From the spot, the blond man asked.

“I know.”

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