“As the object of the blood deed, this red beast is suitable, but it has to wait until it grows to the level I need, and I don’t know how long …

Looking at the red beast below, Wu Prince wrapped in a bandage and sighed softly.

“rest assured.”

Aside, Carlo said quietly: “How dare I introduce this red beast to you if I’m not sure.”

“Oh?” Listening to this, Wu Prince called up some Spirit.

“This red beast has been in my hand for a while, and through observation, I have gotten some information.”

Under the eyes of Five Princes, Carlo pointed to Adier below: “As you can see, after this Red Beast Mutation, the appetite has become very big, and you can even eat several times more than your body size in one meal. thing.”

“And according to my observations, each time this red beast has finished eating, its body size will increase, and Strength will increase a lot.”

“You mean?” Five Prince’s eyes brightened.

“Yes.” Carlo nodded: “I suspect that after the mutation, this red beast has acquired the ability to draw nutrients from food and quickly grow up, so it can be strong in just one or two months. To this extent. “

“I’ll ask someone to prepare immediately.” Listening to the news, Wu Prince’s breathing began to become rapid, and the heat in his heart suddenly increased a lot.

“Properly prepared, I’ve made people do it, and soon it will have results.”

Carlo opened the mouth and said, and then seemed to think of something, and then he reminded: “Yes, how can Iray solve it?”

“This deed beast is owned by Yi Lei’s younger sister. If you want this deed beast, you must agree to cancel the contract there,” he reminded.

In order to unlock the Bloodline contract, in addition to the death of the beast, only the owner can take the initiative to cancel it.

Five Princes, if they want to contract with Adier, they must let Silia take the initiative to resolve the contract with Adier.

“no big deal.”

Regarding Carlow’s body size, the five Princes were unconcerned: “So-called Aryan Royal Family, what else is left?”

“Trust me, it’s not a problem. They will agree.”

“So too.” Carlow paused for a moment, then smiled.


“these people···”

Silently devouring the flesh and blood of the corpse, Adier was calm and undisturbed about everything that happened around him.

He could probably guess some of Carlo and the others’ ideas, but he was different in expression.

The most important thing now is to restore strength as soon as possible to verify the feasibility of the Bloodline road.

No matter who it is, as long as it can help him in this process, it is enough.

As for Sirea and the others, when he was just born, he had to support him for more than half a month. If he had a chance in the future, he wouldn’t mind paying back one or two.

“The savings are enough, it’s time to transform …”

Raising his head silently, eating up the corpses in front of him, feeling the blood undulations within the body, the thought flashed in Adier’s heart.

With thoughts together, he walked directly to a large tree beside him and lay down.

It was only a moment when Gordola Secret Scripture was running, instantly bringing him into a unique state.

I don’t know if it is an illusion. At this moment, the surrounding energy particles seem to be dragged by some Strength, and they can’t help but surge towards Adier.

And inside Adier’s body, drops of blood are rushing, quickly flowing within him within the body, completing one cycle after another.

Roar! !

A beast roar erupted from the sky, awakening Adier.

His fierce eyes opened, but he found himself in a plain. In front of him, he was a fierce tiger with a strong figure and a piercing armor.

In the flat ground here, the tyrannical tiger in front of him rushed towards him, biting at him.

boom! !

A huge red claw firm like steel pressed against the tiger’s mouth, making a sound of metal collision.

Then, at this instant, Adier’s mind rose sharply into a clear comprehension.

This is the collision of Bloodline and psychic will.

The tiger in front of him is actually not real, but a shadow of Bloodline transformed into Bloodline.

Thousands of thoughts flashed through my mind. Suddenly, Adier’s body leaped upward, and angry roar was issued in his mouth. He directly captured and smashed the image of the tiger in front of him.

This is the complete victory of the will of the soul.

Although it is just a ray of Spirit transformed into the avatar, Adier after all is Adier, the former Level 4 exists, and it will not be lowly because of the downfall, and it is far superior to ordinary people in Spirit.

The shadow of the tiger in front of him is just a bloodline instinct spontaneously condensed by Bloodline combined with the residual will. In the face of others, it may be difficult to surrender, but for Adier, who is strong-minded and comparable to Jintie, it is just the same.

Roar! !

It was scattered by Adier’s claws. Next time, a roar came from the front.

In an instant, the tyrannical tiger appeared again in the same place, just relatively before, the body was relatively invisible.

Standing in place, it emits angry roar.

roar!! roar!! roar!!

A silhouette began to appear, and a silhouette of a ferocious beast began to manifest, both strong and weak, but without exception, they all carried a strong Bloodline light, or a unique Bloodline breath.

These are the beasts that Adier has killed since this time, and each head has at least the power of Knight.

Those fierce beasts below Knight, Adier simply does not look down on, and naturally will not specifically save the power of Bloodline.

Looking at the shadow of this Bloodline, Adier looked coldly, then rushed directly to the next moment.

He sprinted in the siege of the Shadow of Bloodline. His will was just like iron, and with each move, a Shadow of Bloodline was bound to be penetrated.

However, there are too many Shadows of Bloodline in front of him. After a short period of time, even if Adier is fierce, he is gradually caught in the shadow of Bloodline and is slowly consumed.

However, over time, Adier is confident that sooner or later, these Bloodline shadows can be worn away and turned into raw materials for their Bloodline.

In the outside world.

With Adier’s actions, a kind of mutation is also being produced.

“what’s the situation?”

Looking at Adier’s abnormality below, the five Princes who had been chatting with Carlo got up, anxious and nervous expression on his face.

For him, Adier was already one of his few hopes, and if something happened at this time, it would be bad for him.

“The breath of life is still there, it just seems to have changed a lot.”

Aside, looking at the Adier lying below, Carlo’s eyes bloomed, and then he couldn’t help frowned.

In his vision, Adier’s body turned into a melting pot, the flames of which were burning, reacting most fiercely, and may burst at any time.

It just surprised him that even with such a terrible reaction, Adier’s body still hadn’t exploded, not even a sign of danger.

This strange situation, even him, could not help but feel very surprised and surprised.

“Is it some kind of unique awakening innate talent?”

After much thought, in the end, he thought of an explanation.

Under their gaze, gradually, below, Adier’s body began to change.

Light rain spread all around, and then in Adier’s all around, a line began to intertwine, wrapping Adier’s body.

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