A ray of light gradually intertwined, interwoven into a huge cocoon in place, completely covering Adier’s entire body.

As time passed, the light cocoons in place not only did not disappear, but became stronger and stronger, looking like they were undergoing some kind of transformation.

boom! boom! boom!

Bursting sounds came from the scene below, one sound, like the pulse of a heartbeat, but the sound was amazing.

“It’s been half a month …”

Standing on the high platform, looking at the huge light cocoon occupying a huge area below, Carlo’s eyes were bright, and a faint purple light was blooming, with a huge Strength that looked through everything: “Sure enough!”

“Half a month has passed, the vitality of this red beast has not only weakened in the slightest, but it has become stronger.”

“This is a unique metamorphosis. I don’t know if it is because of the uniqueness of Bloodline or because of the innate talent obtained after mutation.”

He looked at the light cocoon below and murmured in his heart.

At this time, he was the only one standing in the huge ground that occupied the original place. The rest, a few days ago, had been ordered to be expelled by him so that those outsiders would not be allowed to peep here.

The reason for this is naturally to prevent certain external problems.

The beast that can be signed a contract to share the Strength with the owner is extremely precious. Among them, Strength is strong enough and possesses enough potential. It is also the treasure of Supreme, which is enough to determine the rise and fall of a huge family.

In the history of the Kingdom of Kumar, I don’t know how many once glorious families died because of the death of the family deed beast, and how many lucky people rose because of the acquisition of a powerful deed beast, thus establishing a business.

Even if the potential of the Qibei is strong enough, even those large empires with large populations will also be tempted, and will do so at all costs.

In Carlow’s mind, the demon beast wrapped in the cocoon of light in front of him cannot naturally have that kind of horrible potential, but it is also somewhat elegant and precious enough.

“If you can grow up, maybe one day in the future, you can really reach the fifth level or higher …”

Standing in place, silently looking at the cocoons in front of him, he thought this thought quietly.

Roar! !

A soft low roar sounded around, attracting Carlow’s attention.

He turned around and looked towards himself.

There, a body full of purple, with three silver horns on its head, all the savage beasts covered with purple black scales standing silently on their bodies, the breath on their bodies is extremely fierce, more fierce than the most terrible reckless beasts, terror.

This is Carlo’s beast, an adult purple scale beast.

The powerful deed beasts usually have arrangements, and they need to suppress various dark areas to prevent the scourge of beasts.

Because of this, in normal times, whether it is Carlow, Ire and the others, the deeds around are often not around, and will be sent to the rest of the place to perform various tasks.

And this time, the reason why Carlo’s beast was around was also to prevent the accidental Adier from being transformed and forcibly escape from him.

After all, in the final analysis, this is a deed beast that someone else has signed a blood deed. If the deed owner performs a summon, if it is not good, it will be forcibly recalled.

But at this time, the purple scale beast, which is usually the most fierce and the most maddening in combat, behaved somewhat abnormally.

It drooped its head slightly, a pair of lantern-sized purple beast eyes looked at the light cocoon in front, and yelled softly, with a hint of inconceivable fear and a slight vigilance in its voice.


Through the connection of Bloodline, feeling the emotion of the beast, Carlo suddenly froze.

The purple scale beast is a powerful deed that is unique in the area around the Kingdom of Kumar. It has some of the Bloodline of the ancient Purple Winged Dragon King. Under normal circumstances, as long as it is an adult, the strength will reach the sixth level directly, even if it is placed in the Peak In the empire, there are also extremely precious deeds.

In the beginning, in order to obtain this purple scale beast, the family behind Carlow took great risks, forcing the entire family to wager, and forcibly broke through more than a dozen Secret Realm. The larva of the scale beast, thus making Carlo the brightest genius of the new generation to contract.

All these losses, all kinds of hardships, and how many of them are the luck components, have finally achieved today’s Carlow and his side beast.

But now, such a powerful deed beast would feel vigilant when facing a mutant red beast that is still in the metamorphosis state?

The implication of this is that even if it is as calm as Carlow, it can’t help but stay.

It was just that he hadn’t waited for him to reflect. In front of him, the original silent cocoon began to deteriorate.

On the surface of the light cocoon, an inch of light cocoon began to break, and there was a shadow trembling, seemingly trying to escape from the light cocoon.

Over time, gradually, the area where the light cocoon is broken gradually increases, and the gaps inside it also increase. Eventually, the life in it is freed from it.

boom! boom! !

A dull sound came from the eyes, like the heart of a huge life, beating constantly, making a huge and dull sound.

boom! !! boom! !! boom! !! !!

A giant claws burst out from the cocoon of light, next moment, Carlo Meng’s eyes opened.

In his eyes, a strange beast that had never been seen before appeared.

This is a huge but extremely scary creature.

He has a body similar to that of a tiger and a leopard, but it looks very different. Not only is he covered in scarlet scale armor, but he is also densely covered with various complex textures.

A purple complex imprint is stamped on the forehead. On Adier’s body, complex textures are woven on it to form various complex, orderly, beautiful, and mysterious Blood Imprints.

He stood so quietly in this place, a pair of red eyes that were somewhat similar to the red beast, but looked deeper and closer to Carlo.


Being watched by the giant beast in front of him, at this moment, Carlo felt only blank in his mind, as if he had been stared at by some horrible existence.

It’s a long-lost feeling. After forming a Bloodline deed with the purple scale beast, in the long time since then, except for a few people, few people can bring him a strong sense of threat, let alone as in today, only a single look can make him He felt instinctual threats.

Roar! !

Beside him, the purple scale beast of the whole body made a growl and looked at the strange beast whose body shape was not much different from his own, and his eyes were full of vigilance.

The feeling of seeing life at the same level and seeing an opponent that is life-threatening.

The collision in the depths of Bloodline caused the two beasts to have some kind of induction at the first moment of encounter, immediately turning their attention to each other.

Through the Bloodline contract, Carlo’s heart was full of unbelievable emotions and feelings.

What can make the purple scale beasts feel fear and vigilance, and be regarded as a deed of the same level? What level is that! !!

At least Level 5, or even Level 5 or above, can have this qualification.

The beasts below Level 5 will not even have the qualification to stand in front of the purple scale beast, let alone make them feel instinctively vigilant.

“A powerful magic beast comparable to that of a Metamorphosis Stage wizard, it seems to carry some sort of powerful ancient Bloodline …”

Looking at the purple monster with a huge Bloodline scent in front of him, Adier turned around and flashed the thought in his heart.

While thinking in his heart, his eyes were staring at the strange beast in front of him, with deep meaning in it.

For him, a powerful alien with an ancient Bloodline like his eyes is what he needs most now.

On the road to Bloodline, what he needs most now is all kinds of powerful Bloodline. The purple scale beast in front of you is just right. If it can be swallowed, the Bloodline power obtained may be enough for the next transformation.


Thinking of this, he felt a little sorry.

The purple monster in front of him is too powerful.

After this metamorphosis, he still condenses the Bloodline seed, and officially embarked on the Bloodline road. When it comes to strength, he is even better than a formal wizard.

However, this kind of strength is still weak in the face of the purple beast in front of it. If it is forced to fight, most of them will have no good results.

And, this is not all Strength of each other.

The owner of the other party, the blond man named Carlo, stood next to the other party at this time.

The Strength of this one is naturally not as good as that of the purple deed beast, but as the deed owner of the deed beast, his strength is not weak enough to be comparable to a formal wizard.

Adding the two together, once the owner and the beast cooperate, Strength is much stronger than Adier alone.

By this time, all the cocoons around Adier were also detached. The Strength contained in it, at this time all turned into light rain, as the first wave of nutrients, returned to Adier.

A faint warm current poured in from the depths of the body, and across the body, a little new blood began to flow, and the power of the Bloodline began to surge, causing some instinct to begin to surge.

Feeling this instinct, Adier didn’t suppress it, just let it go, just looked towards the sky.

Roar! !

A huge beast roar came from the place, and the sound of terror filled the wild, spreading far and far.

And in this voice, the majestic Bloodline majesty bloomed, even the slightest breath contained in it was enough to bring down the first-order disaster beast, trembling and shaking in place, dare not move.

As the sound drifted away, the majesty of Bloodline broke out, gradually penetrating the isolation here, and spreading far and far.

At this moment, in the distant city, I don’t know how many people were awakened, and their eyes gradually looked in this direction.

“Not good !!”

Listening to the roar of the beast in front of me, feeling the majesty of the Bloodline radiating in it, Carlo’s originally calm face changed instantly.

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