Roar! !

The beast roared on the ground, shaking the sky with a sound of ten thousand li.

The voice was thunderous, and the momentum was catastrophic. The imposing Bloodline majesty was like a dragon and a tiger, which no one could ignore.

At this moment, in this King Kuma city, I don’t know how many people turned around suddenly, and I don’t know how many people were awakened, their eyes turned towards the direction from which the sound came.

A lonely palace, an ornately decorated room full of various kinds of medicine, the five princes are all around, sitting on the bed, looking at a certain direction in the distance, with ecstasy in their eyes.

“Hahahaha !!!”

“Sure enough! Sure enough, metamorphosis !!”

“This is a gift from heaven!”

Looking at the direction Adier was in the distance, his eyes bloomed brightly, his posture was upright, and an empty right arm sleeve swayed gently in the wind. Only his face was extremely excited, with ecstasy, and There are rays of light that see hope.

In the previous period, in order to better understand Adier’s information, he had made a long-term observation of Adier, and he had long remembered the unique Bloodline breath on him.

At this time, the burst of beast roar in the distance, and the Bloodline breath diffused in it, although it is stronger and I do not know how many times, but its essence, it is the breath of Adier.

Despite the loss of the Beast, as the once strong Great Knight, the horrible sense of the Beast still exists.

In the sense of the five princes, the Bloodline on Adier in the distance is majestic, powerful and brilliant, with all the momentum and strength, and the potential of Bloodline alone is not inferior to some only spread in epic legends. Powerful Bloodline.

“It must be done as soon as possible!”

Feeling the majesty of the Bloodline from a distance, he settled down, a bit cruel in his heart, and made up his mind in an instant.

Such powerful deeds are often extremely rare, and many people may not have the opportunity to encounter them, let alone own them, even during their lifetime.

Now that he can run into one, if he doesn’t get it as soon as possible, I am afraid he will not forgive himself!

Just as the five Princes made up their minds, in the distance, in a loft in the Kumar Palace, a beautiful woman wearing a silver dress, quiet and elegant, covered in a layer of mist stopped and stopped.

“Tarina Princess, what’s wrong?” Behind him, a handsome, handsome young man with a calm smile on his face, carefully accompany the beautiful woman.

“It’s nothing, it just feels like something nice has appeared.”

Tarina turned around with a soft smile on her face. The smile was like the most dazzling flame, enough to attract countless moths.

Looking at the smile on the beautiful Princess’s face, the youth’s eyes could not help but shifted after a long time: “You can be praised so much by Princess, it must be a precious and rare treasure.”

“Perhaps.” Tarina just laughed, looking at a certain distance in the distance, and did not answer the youth’s question directly.

“This aura!”

In a courtyard, in a yellowed maple leaf forest, Yi Lei was wearing a black strong suit and holding a long sword in his hand. At this time, suddenly turned around, looking in a certain direction, his eyes were horrified: “This feeling, there will be no Incorrect···”

He murmured to himself, familiar with the majesty of this mighty Bloodline.

Only in a blink of an eye, he subconsciously denied: “Impossible, now only two months, how come this step?”

Suspicious in his heart, he could hardly believe what he sensed, because it didn’t make sense at all.

“Brother, it’s bad !!!” In the distance, anxiously shouted quickly.

Yi Lei looked up and saw exactly at the end of the maple forest. Larry was wearing a loose white robe, and ran anxiously from a distance.

“What’s wrong?” Larry, looking at the distance, with anxiety on his face, asked subconsciously.

“Sria elder sister … Sria elder sister … She suddenly fainted!”

Quickly ran to Yi Lei, Larry’s face was anxious, but his breathing was short. It took a long time before he could breathe out and finish the whole thing.


Yi Lei froze, then seemed to think of something, opened the mouth and said: “Lead the way.”

Walking through the maple groves, the yellowed maple leaves continued to fall from the air, gradually covering the ground.

After traversing a long, narrow path, Irene walked into Sria’s room.

In the room, Sria was lying quietly on a large spacious bed, still boasting heat.

And in her forehead, a complex imprint of light purple is slowly emerging, condensing into a triangular pattern, and it looks beautiful and mysterious at first glance, like a delicate work of art.

Through the power of the powerful soul, Yi Lei keenly felt that in the depths of Seria’s body, the power of Bloodline that was quickly emerging.

“This is … a deep metamorphosis of the Bloodline contract!”

Experiencing the situation on Sirea’s body carefully, Yi Lei’s heart was shocked, and her face showed unbelievable performance.

The deep metamorphosis of the Bloodline contract is a condition that occurs when the Beast is undergoing essential metamorphosis, that is, after being promoted to the fifth level.

At this level, due to the rapid transformation of the beast, under the influence of the Bloodline contract, the owner ’s Strength will also be affected, and the essence of life will begin to be leapt to the level of the beast.

The reason why Seria is in a coma is because her life is too low.

With the life nature of ordinary person, if you are blessed in a short period of time and forcibly elevated to the level of life equivalent to a formal sorcerer, it will inevitably cause all kinds of reactions, and even make the deed owner fall into a coma in the short term, and complete it more quickly At this stage, take the initiative to adapt to the transformed Strength.

No matter what strength Sira is in front of, she will reach Level 5 after she wakes up this time, and will be forced to this level by the strength of Qiqiu.

The younger sister is blessed by the beast, and is about to break through to the five levels that countless people have dreamed of. This was originally a good thing, but in front of me, looking at the younger sister who was deeply transformed in front of her, Yi Lei had a sense of dream.

At the beginning, how much hard did he suffer in order to advance to the fifth level and to gain strong strength?

How many days and nights of sweat accumulated, how many hours of sleepless nights, how much time for meditation and exercise, how much resource consumption, plus a cub that is a peerless treasure, finally achieved him now Strength.

But in front of her, Siriah did nothing. Just contracting a mutant red beast, she easily possessed such strength in just a few months. The process was as natural as eating and drinking. And relaxed.

Thinking carefully about the whole process, Yi Lei has a deep sense of unrealism, for fear that at a certain moment, everything in front of him will disappear into a dream.

It was only after standing there for a long time that he slowly reacted, looking at Sria in front of him, and for the first time there was a strong hope in his heart.

For many years, after the demise of the Kingdom of Aryan, every night, he struggled to sleep, thinking about the possibilities of returning to the country.

But until now, seeing Sria in front of him, he really saw hope.

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