“Sir, Irene Prince is gone!”

A few days later, in a manor, standing in front of a flower, Carlo turned around and frowned slightly: “Is gone?”

“Not bad!”

In front of him, a middle-aged man respectfully reported: “Not only Irene Prince, but also Larry Prince, Silia Princess, and some others, all missing.”

“From the traces left at the scene, it should have been sneaked away a few days ago.”

“Response fast enough!” Carlow’s face was cold, and he was surprised at Yi Lei’s quick response.

I sneaked away a few days ago, which shows that on the day when the Beast of the Demon had just completed metamorphosis, Yi Lei had decided to abscond and put it into action without hesitation, relying on the contacts and strength accumulated in the past, Breathing out of the capital directly in one breath.

The decisive behavior, the firm determination, and the superb means, even Carlo couldn’t help but be surprised, and some sighed in his heart.

“But do you think you can escape if you run away?”

In a blink of an eye, Carlow’s face sneered: “If only the original situation is good, some remnants of the Aryan Royal Family, not many people will be interested in you.”

“But now, when it comes to that Red King Beast, do you think you have escaped?”

Up to now, after a few days of fermentation, everything about the Red King Beast has been circulated throughout the city.

Those who have been promoted to the fifth-tier Red King Beast, Adier, naturally do not know or feel uneasy. Secretly, I don’t know how many aristocrats are watching, so I set my sight on the lord of Seria.

In this case, Yi Lei dared to abscond, which will inevitably lead to the hunting of countless aristocrats, in order to recapture Siriah, the deed owner, so as to truly obtain the Red King Beast.

And it is precisely because of this that Yi Lei absconded.

The contract of the Red King Beast has been known. If he does not run away, he will be coerced into the capital of King Kuma sooner or later, and will hand over Seria, thereby canceling the Bloodline contract.

This, however, is unacceptable to the Aryan Royal Family, Irene.

After sneer, listening to the latest news, Carlo had some headaches.

There are too many people here.

On that day, the transformation of the Red King Beast was over, and the Bloodline majesty erupted was caught by too many people, so much so that now, it is being watched by too many people.

There is no need to say more about Five Princes. Now he runs towards him almost every day. Every day he sees the Red King Beast and is willing to be at ease.

There is also a problem with the Kumar Royal Family. After the existence of the Red King Beast was exposed, although the contemporary Kumar King did not say anything, several Princes also had changes at the same time. Almost invariably they sent people to him to inquire about the news. The underlying meaning is very clear.

Even Carlo’s own family couldn’t help but face this grown-up Red King Beast, and several times hinted that Carlo would bring this Red King Beast back to the family to give another one Geniuses signed blood deeds.

To these various hints, even as Northland Knight, Carlo felt exhausted and busy.

But he understood that these were inevitable.

A worthy deed beast has this value and is worth fighting for.

Even if the blood deed of the Red King Beast had not been released at this time, and Carlo was not weak as Knight in the Northland, Carlo was not facing all kinds of hints at this time, but he was directly robbed. .

Just thinking of this, Carlo was a little upset, even though he was Knight of Northland, he felt a little helpless.

Standing quietly for a while in the place, next moment seemed to sense something, Carlo turned directly and looked towards a certain direction aside.

I do not know when, in that direction, a handsome-looking young man with a smile on his face is standing there, wearing a solemn black dress, and the whole person looks calm.

“Prince Lida!”

Seeing this young man, Carlo’s face became instantly respectful, and he lowered his head directly, respecting the opened the mouth and said.

The prince in front of him is the younger brother of the contemporary King Kuma, and the most powerful house next to King Kuma on the surface of the entire Kuma Kingdom.

In the face of this prince, even if his heart is as proud as Carlo, he must bow his head and put down his attitude.

“Carlo …”

Standing in front of Carlo, Yi Lida with a smile on her face, turned and looked towards Carlo in front of her, and after a long stare, she said, “Your Majesty has an order …”

Carlow was startled subconsciously, and then said, “Please tell the prince.”

“Your Majesty ordered you to send that Red King Beast to the Kumala Colosseum.” In front of Yi Lida, the smile on his face remained unchanged, so he looked at Yi Lida in front of him and said quietly.


Listening to the order, Carlow hesitated.

The Kumara Colosseum is the largest Colosseum in the Kumar Kingdom. Every now and then there are various beasts of calamity killed in it for the pleasure of nobles of all countries.

The most important thing is that the Colosseum is the private property of the Prince in front of him. Once the Red King Beast is sent there, it is equivalent to entering the pocket of the royal family.

Therefore, in the same place, Carlo hesitated for a long time, and finally he was a little unwilled: “I’ll send it right away …”

In all fairness, it was so easy to get such a precious deed beast, and just sent it out in vain, even if it was Knight North, Carlo would not be reconciled.

But what if you are not willing?

It was not others, but Prince Ilida, who was the powerhouse second only to the king in the entire Kumar kingdom.

No matter how unwilling and unwilling you are, what can you say to this prince? There is no room for rejection.

“do not worry.”

Glancing at Carlow for a moment, he was unwilling and unwilling in his heart. Yi Lida knew it, so he opened the mouth and said again: “Your Majesty won’t take your deed beast for free, and wait to send the Red King Beast After you come, go to the secret library and get three things. “

For a moment, Carlo’s face fell loose.

The mystery of the kingdom contains all the collections of King Kuma of all ages, and there are countless good things in it.

Although the best things will definitely not be placed in it, even the remaining ones are still well-deserved good things for Carlow.

Taking three things out of it, compared to Carlo, although it is not worth the value of a Red King Beast, it is quite good.

“That’s fine, at least it can divert the attention of those people.”

In secret, he even sighed in relief.

After obtaining the Red King Beast, it was difficult for others to imagine the pressure he was facing during this time. All Princes and powerful nobles are putting pressure on him, hoping that he will bring out the Red King.

After sending the Red King Beast to the Coomala Colosseum, these people’s attention will naturally be diverted.

Although the Kumara Colosseum is the private property of Prince Ilida, the Prince already has his own deed, and it is naturally impossible to go to the contract Red King Beast.

As long as you have a good relationship, you may not be able to get the Red King Beast from this Prince.


“The owner is getting farther and farther away.”

Lying on the spacious grass, Adier closed his eyes and felt the man at the other end of the Bloodline contract silently in his mind.

It must be said that the Bloodline contract of this world can become the mainstream of the World and has its own uniqueness.

With Adier’s current strength, and in conjunction with previous insights, this contract has not been released.

According to Adier’s own estimates, if this contract is to be cancelled directly, I am afraid that it must be Level 4.

The reason for this is that the Bloodline contract is rooted in some of the rules of this world. Unless it is strong enough to affect the extent of this part of the rules, it is impossible to dismiss it by its own strength.

However, with Adier’s Strength, although this contract cannot be cancelled, a slight modification on the basis of this contract and a slight change in some of the rules are without any problems.

For example, now, Adier has killed the owner of the lease, and the rule of the monster has been seriously injured.

If Siriah dies, Adier will still be affected, but the backlash will be reduced, not to be hit as badly.

With the deepening of strength, the regulations that Adier can modify will gradually increase. In the end, maybe he will enslave Siriah, the deed master.

boom! !

In the distance, the sound of the door lock opening sounded slightly, attracting Adier’s attention.

Adier eyes opened, looking in the direction where the iron gate opened. There, a handsome man with a heavy smile on his face, looked like a gentle young man came from a distance, and a pair of eyes were looking at him.


Taking a deep look at the young man, next moment, Adier bowed his head decisively and stopped staring at each other.

Although it is only short-term solidification, through the Magic Beast’s Bloodline intuition and his own powerful induction, Adier can feel the huge vitality of the youth in front of him and the potentially huge Strength.

This is the powerhouse comparable to a Level 2 wizard. Although it was nothing to Adier during the Peak period, it is an absolute powerhouse to Adier now. With one hand, he can blow him up.

“Did you feel my danger?”

Entering through the iron gate, watching Adier’s response, Yi Lida was a little surprised: “So sensitive.”

“Not just induction.” Aside, a young servant officer said respectfully: “When this Red King Beast was delivered, we tested all aspects of this Red King Beast’s ability, but the final result was very impressive It was unexpected. “

“Whether it is Strength, keen, flexible, or inductive and intuitive, this Red King Beast is top-notch, and in almost any respect, it can be compared with, or even slightly beyond, the sixth-order deed.

“This situation represents that this Red King Beast has a lot of potential that has not been tapped, and it is likely to reach a higher level in the future.

“Think about it.” Yi Lida smiled on her face, but also sighed: “Just born in March, you can reach the fifth stage, how can this horrible performance not have strong potential.”

“It’s no surprise that Princess will see it.”

He murmured to himself, then turned and looked at his servant officer: “Did you test it in practice?”

“Not yet.” The attendant shook the head: “There are not many fifth-order disaster beasts. This Red King Beast has just arrived and it is not easy to arrange.”

“Moreover, this Red King Beast is too precious, but it has fought against the fifth-order disaster ** just three months after birth. If it is not a good death, it may not be a pity …” He slowly opened the mouth and said , Expressed his concerns.

“Don’t worry about this.” Yi Lida shook the head: “If you are afraid of risk, you don’t do anything, and then you can’t do anything.”

“And with me, when it matters, I can step forward and stop, there will be no problems.”

“With your strength, there is naturally no problem.” The servant officer respected nodded, with respect on his face, and apparently trusted the strength of the prince in front of him.

“After a while, just arrange it.” Yi Lida rubbed her forehead, opened the mouth and said arbitrarily: “If there are no fifth-order disaster beasts, there is no problem with lower ones.”

“The real beast should still be used to killing, and this is best tempered from an early age.”

“Yes!” The servant officer was nodded.

“Arranged plainly.”

In the distance, quietly listening to the conversation between Yi Lida, Adier was helpless.

It is not good to be controlled by others. No matter what other people have arranged for you, you will only suffer honestly.

Fortunately, for these people, he has some usefulness so that he is not arranged to do dangerous things.

Moreover, their arrangement is just right for Adier.

Although I don’t understand what the disaster beast is, for Adier, as long as its Bloodline is strong enough, it can be used to cultivate Bloodline seeds.

Fighting with battle is the best way to learn Bloodline Secret Scripture.

Thinking of this, Adier closed his eyes, and his will disappeared in an instant, as if he had fallen into the deepest sleep.

In the dark, he silently refined a little Bloodline power, slowly nourishing the seed at the heart, allowing its quality to slowly improve under the accumulated erosion, driving his Bloodline to transform.

Soon, a few days later.

On a windy and sunny morning, with the amazement of countless passersby, today the Coomala Colosseum is particularly lively.

“It’s Patriarch of the Ai Lan Family.”

A voice sounded from the road, looking at the golden pattern on a luxurious carriage in the distance, a middle-aged aristocrat wearing a Chinese suit and holding a long black umbrella in his hands was a little surprised.

“And that one, is the bishop of North District.”

In the distance, an old man with a serious face and wearing a black cultivator suit walked down the road. His majesty was as substantive as possible, so that people around him couldn’t help but suffocate.

“That’s … Knight of Northland !!”

A burst of exclamation erupted suddenly, causing a turbulent crowd.

On the long distant road, Knight Carlow in the Northland smiled, dressed in a decent black dress, and walked through the exclusive passage of VIPs under the leadership of the attendants.

Obviously, compared with other influential figures, his reputation is much louder, and a wave has been caused along the way.

Not yet and the others have fully reacted, and next, each and everyone usually comes together with an influential figure that is rare, as if it was an appointment.

Northland Knight, Grand Prince, Five Princes, One Bishop, patriarch of the famous big family …

each and everyone usually only heard their names, and the influential figures who did not see them came one after another, and each person’s passing caused a wave, which made countless people exclaim.

In this case, Prince Lida arrived in Peak with a beautiful Princess wearing a silver dress.

“What’s wrong today, why are so many influential figures coming together?”

Looking at Prince Yi Lida who passed by in the distance, a nobleman was a little confused and curious about today’s grand occasion.

His keen sense of smell made him keenly aware of today’s unusualness.

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