“Beginning is starting!”

A burst of exclamation sounded around, gradually spreading around, reaching an unknown distance.

Squeak …

With the squeaking sound of the iron gate, the huge iron gate in front of it was gradually opened, exposing the outside vision.

Looking at the open iron door in front of his eyes, Adier’s eyes were so deep that he rose silently from the place and walked forward.

The steps he took were very stable, the height of the ten meters, and each step would leave a large paw mark on the place, which looked very clear.

Following the continuation of the road, he went all the way out, and finally reached today’s arena.

Roar! !

In the distance, it seemed to feel the breath of Adier, a violent roar broke out, the sound of incomparable tyranny and killing intent, the killing intent contained in it went straight to the sky, almost to become a substance, and was directly culled.

Bursts of black gas were sweeping through, violent gas of calamity erupting, condensing into a silhouette in the air, making countless people instantly horrified.

“What a terrible beast!”

Looking at the huge phantom condensed in mid-air, some aristocrats showed horror on their faces and were rushed by the distant breath. The whole person was trembling and could not control it at all.

Originating from Bloodline’s instinct, these people’s bodies tremble, and in the face of this inexplicable breath, they dare not even move.

Sitting quietly in the upper corner, feeling this aura, even some VIPs who came specially to watch the war couldn’t help but be surprised and surprised at the strength of this beast.

“Yi Lida Uncle, you’re really tough.”

A young man with blond hair and a lush beard, looking mighty out of the ordinary, was surprised: “The strength of this beast of disaster is probably close to the sixth order, so just arrange for that red king beast, isn’t it? Too much? “

“The Red King Beast has just been promoted to the fifth tier. It would not be good if there was a mistake in the assassination.”

“Zhilo Ria, don’t worry.” Sitting on the side, Yi Lida looked very calm. “This is what I specially arranged for the sake of seeing the true strength of that Red King Beast.”

“With me, nothing unexpected happens.”

He looked up, looking at the two figures that appeared gradually in the distance, his face full of confidence.

“Is it starting?”

Feeling the horror from the distance, Adier didn’t move much, and still maintained the previous appearance. He just moved forward so quietly, and it seemed that he was not affected at all.

Unsurprisingly, when he stepped out of the iron gate and showed his shape, he exclaimed directly.

“Is this really a red beast?”

At the moment Adier appeared, I don’t know how many people had this idea in their hearts.

Even in the VIP seat, I needed to see Adier’s influential figure for the first time. When I saw Adier’s appearance, he couldn’t help showing a surprised expression on his face.

The reason for this reaction is that Adier’s body size is too different from that of ordinary red beasts.

Just in terms of body shape. Ordinary red beasts have a maximum body size of two or three meters after adulthood, but the Adier in front of them is at least ten meters tall, which is a tall building.

In addition, after consuming a lot of Bloodline and condensing Bloodline seeds, Adier also brought many other Bloodline characteristics, such as the barb on the scarlet scale at this time, which is the Bloodline factor derived from the Tiger.

The combination of various factors makes Adier’s body very different from the ordinary red beast. Although the shadow of the red beast can still be seen from the body structure, the overall has been greatly different.

Roar! !

Stepping out of the iron cage, regardless of the exclamation from outside, Adier looked directly at his opponent.

This is a horrible monster with three heads and eight lower limbs. The skin on the body is black, with a weird skull pattern on it. The whole looks weird and scary.

Especially the breath on this monster is very scary, just a little feeling is enough to be alarming.

After this monster appeared in the field, I don’t know how many people are trembling in fear, and their hands and feet are shaking.

“That’s … Alien Devil, even he will play here !!”

In the distance, an exclamation sounded.

Above the stage, sitting next to Yi Lida, looking at the three-headed monster that appeared below, the beautiful girl in a silver dress was a little surprised: “This monster is not said to have disappeared at the border of the Northland three years ago. Are you here, why are you here? “

“More than a year ago, there was a cataclysm in the northern part of the Kingdom of Utah, and most cities were shrouded in darkness.”

Sitting next to the girl, Yi Lida calmly said, “I was ordered to take a shot, and I went to Secret Realm 73, and finally caught this monster.”

“Amazing,” the girl praised loudly. “It is indeed the former imperial goshawk, known as the strongest genius of you.”

“Compared to Tarina Princess, these are nothing.”

Yi Lida shook her head slightly and looked at the young girl in compliment.

“You are welcome····”

Bursts of speech drifted around, and in the center of the field below, a fight was beginning.

bump! !!

The light of the scarlet and the gas of calamity collided with each other. In the endless light rain, two huge silhouettes collided in it, and between every move, there was a burst of fog and glory.

Roar! !

Looking at Adier, feeling the unique breath on him, the three-headed monster issued a sharp roar, and the entire body surface showed a variety of brilliance, and the countless skulls on it flickered, mourning like a real undead.

As the battle continued, and there was a flood of calamity, each and everyone phantom emerged from the three-headed monster.

These phantoms have some human shapes and some animal shapes. They all look lifelike, but their faces are twisted, and they rush towards Adier with endless resentment and curse.

For a moment, the sky’s phantom was flying, and the terrible scourge of evil covered everything, destroying all around everything. The scent of breath came out, so that countless people in the distant auditorium could not help trembling in fear, like seeing the most fearful thing in the soul, and the heart was full of Supreme’s fear.

“The situation is not good.” Looking at the scene on the battlefield in the distance, the previously spoken blond man Zhilo Riya frowned: “The innate talent of the alien is able to mobilize the power of calamity to form a unique calamity force field, Once in it, even if it is a Tier 6 beast, it will be a bit difficult to break free … “

“After that Red King Beast wins, it’s mostly bad.”

bump! !!

Zhilo ria tone barely fell, a violent clash erupted.

In the eyes of innumerable people, the glory of a scarlet soared from the ground, like a star, directly into the sky.

Hong long! !

The sharp claw of a scarlet swept across the air, making a noise. The next moment, in the endless mist rising, a huge red beast with a sturdy figure, covered with scarlet scale armor, came out of it.

He just walked from the scourge of calamity, full of scarlet flame, like a stroll in the courtyard, and walked gently from it, without seeming any effort.

In the process, the calamity of the surroundings that was enough to corrode steel continued to fall on him. The calamity of calamity that could pollute the entire town was just a single one. When it fell on him, it seemed to be completely ineffective In general, he was directly expelled by the scarlet flame shrouded in him, and even turned into the fuel of the scarlet flame, making it burn more fiercely.

This unique and arrogant gesture made countless people stunned at the scene and couldn’t help feeling a shock.

Before they could react from this scene, a loud roar erupted.

Roar! !

With the attention of countless spectators in place, Adier calmly moved forward, without any extra action, waving a claw.

It’s just a claw, with a horrible Strength that is enough to turn over the mountains and tear the sea, and even makes the surrounding void faint ripples, like it can’t bear the pressure.

boom! !

In the most violent collision, a huge three-headed monster was knocked off without any resistance to Strength. He was directly knocked by Adier, and a huge crack appeared on the entire body.

Roar! !

Feeling the pain in his body, the three monsters howled out angry, and the three heads looked at Adier together. The countless weird patterns on his body were even more shiny and transparent.

It’s just the next moment, the scarlet’s giant claw has been swept through the air, and it seems to hit hundreds of times in a split second, and directly hack it.

boom! !

The sky was full of rain.

With the shock and unbelievable gaze of countless viewers, Adier walked bloodily, tearing the three monsters in front of him.

Countless black blood flowers bloomed in situ, looking at the debris on the ground, Adier stood up quietly, and a pair of scarlets were cold.

The place became silent for a moment.


Keep pushing books. Recommend a friend’s new book, “Blessings to the beautiful ship maiden”, I hope you have time to see it!

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