Drip … Drip …

The rain of black is still falling, and the drops are continuously falling, which dyes the surroundings into a pure black.

Among the black flesh and blood, there is endless calamity rising and falling, among which the torn flesh and blood continues to squirm and seems to be dead.

Looking at this scene, the surroundings fell into absolute silence, and it seemed that the battle would not end so soon.

Looking at the countless pieces of the torn city in front of him, but still wriggling flesh, Adier looked coldly, within the body, a Bloodline was silently agitated, a Bloodline wave slowly spread, and turned into red light.


Around, shrouded by the red light, a burst of sharp hissing erupted, like a sorrow of despair before death, exuding endless despair and resentment.

The torn flesh and blood is still wriggling, and the disastrous Strength is spreading on it, and it seems that it wants to take a life-threatening final struggle.

In the face of all this, Adier’s response was very direct, a scarlet sharp claw was pressed down, with a surge of momentum, and everything was crushed into nothingness.

Around, everyone could only hear a sharp sorrow, and then all vitality disappeared, and they were all defeated in that hit, almost all the body structure was completely penetrated, leaving only a round of unshaped flesh and blood.

At this step, this alien is already dead, and most of the organizational structure in the body has been defeated. Even the best doctor cannot save it.

There was a shroud of red light. Among the black flesh, a little bit of black blood was directly extracted, and was directly drawn under the control of Adier, and returned to Adier’s body.

“The power of the chaotic and disorderly Bloodline. Is this the origin of the so-called disaster beast?”

Taking away the power of Bloodline from the alien, and feeling the power of this new Bloodline, Adier shook his head secretly.

The Bloodline power of the Alien is indeed powerful, and even raises the level, which is higher than that of Adier’s Bloodline today.

Just in this Bloodline, however, it is full of disorder and chaos, and with a strange atmosphere, deeply imprinted in this Bloodline.

With the chaos and power of this Bloodline, once a normal person comes into contact, even if it is only contaminated with a trace of blood and breath, I am afraid that it will be affected by it. The irreversible alienation reaction will gradually disappear, and the chaotic monster will gradually disappear.

This unique trait and chaotic attribute fits the name of the beast of disaster.

“It’s perfect …”

On the VIP table, looking at Adier’s figure in the distance, Wu Prince was wearing a robe, and most parts of his body were covered by the robe. At this time, he was mumbling while sitting there, his eyes were full of fanaticism.

“This level of strength …”

In the distance, Carlow’s face was dignified, and he was frightened in his mind when he recalled the fighting just before.

Ask yourself with your own heart. If the strength of the alien is only met by himself, although he may not be defeated, he will surely fall into a struggle, and it will take a long time to kill the other party.

It is almost impossible to solve the alien monster with no difficulty like the Red King Beast.

To some extent, this also illustrates an indirect fact.

“I may not be the opponent of that Red King Beast?”

Flashing this thought in his mind, Carlow had an extremely weird feeling in his mind.

He is Knight of the North of Dignified. In the past years, he has been invincible on the battlefield and made great achievements.

But until now, it is possible that even a demon beast born less than three months ago is not an opponent.

This fact made his feelings extremely complicated, and even mixed with some remorse.

Feeling the feelings in his heart, he shook the head, then turned around, looking at a certain direction in the distance.

At the top of the VIP seat, Prince Lida was sitting in a state of peril and well-dressed, but at this time her face was also a little stunned, and she was obviously surprised at the performance of the Red King Beast.

“Are you surprised?”

Sitting next to Yi Lida, looking at Yi Lida’s expression, Tarina turned and looked at him and asked.

“Just a little surprise …”

Shook the head lightly, Yi Lida did not deny her emotions, and looked at Adier in the distance with a little stun: “I originally thought that even if it could win, it would have to go through a struggle, but it was not thought …

“This surprise came a bit too far.”

In the end, he shook the head with a grin on his face: “I can already imagine the next scene.”

“After this beast is over, I am afraid there will be many guests in my manor.”

“That is of course …” Tarina said with a smile on her face and said softly, “I have a lot of interest in this Red King Beast …”

“That’s really its honor.” Yi Lida’s face with a decent smile, and then shifted the topic by herself: “However, from the test this time, the red king beast looks It’s not eye-catching, but still drains all the vitality from the disaster beast. “

“For me, this is good news. After all, compared with the precious deed beast, the disaster beast is of little use and quantity.”

“That’s true.” Tarina nodded, disregarding Lida’s shifting topic.

The extraordinary strength of this world, although it is mainly based on the contract between the beast and Bloodline, but not at all is enough to extract and purify Bloodline.

Therefore, even if Prince Lida, who is so knowledgeable, saw Adier’s actions, he only thought that he was absorbing the vitality of the beast, not at all thought of other aspects.

And this is exactly what he would like to see.

In this world, the disaster beast represents absolute chaos and disaster. Wherever a beast appears, it means the coming of darkness and death, which is one of the absolute horrors of this world.

In the world shrouded in darkness, terror beasts breed everywhere. The kingdoms are constantly threatened by a large number of catastrophes.

Because of the chaos and weirdness of the beast, this creature not only has no way to contract, but even if it is used in other ways.

It is used to conduct Bloodline contracts, and Strength feedback on the disaster beast will turn the main disaster into a demon. It is used to feed the deed beast, and the strange Strength in it will also contaminate the deed beast, causing various adverse reactions.

Even if it is minced to be used as fertilizer, the Strength in it will still pollute the earth, making the original clean place a disaster.

In this case, these beasts have almost no value, and they can’t see any beneficial use except for fighting animals.

Adier’s use of Bloodline from these cats is a waste utilization.

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