boom! !

In the evening, an iron door was knocked open quickly, colliding with the walls of all around, emitting the sound of metal collision.

Listening to this voice, Adier silently opened his eyes, looking down into the distance with a pair of red eyes, and got up directly from the place.

Compared to the previous few days, his body shape has not changed much. There are several black pollution marks on the entire body, which are the injuries caused by the previous fighting.

“Alien … The Bloodline of this plagued beast is really hard to digest.”

Running the Bloodline seed within the body quietly, feeling the throbbing from the depth of Bloodline, Adier eyes opened, the thought flashed for the first time in my heart.

Compared to many Bloodlines he had previously accepted, the alien Bloodline is undoubtedly higher, and even the depth of the entire Bloodline is full of chaos and violent Bloodline power.

There is no doubt that if you let other people come into contact with this Bloodline power, it won’t take long before it will be directly overwhelmed by the confusion contained in this Bloodline, and eventually it will be contaminated by this Bloodline power and become a new disaster. beast.

Only Adier, who owns both the Bloodline Secret Scripture and Level 4, will be extremely tenacious in order to drive out the chaos and fury contained in the Bloodline and gradually melt this Bloodline into one.

However, even then, it would take a long time for him to fully absorb this alien monster Bloodline.

This time, according to Adier’s estimation, also takes at least half a month.

呲 呲 ···

At this moment, a slight footstep sound slowly sounded outside.

Listening to the sound, Adier slowly raised his head, a pair of red eyes, with some surprise.

In his induction, there seemed to be a living being in the distance approaching him, walking towards him slowly.

In the midst, through the Bloodline contract, a faintly discernable summon flows from the depth of the Bloodline, making Adier squint.

Standing in place, thinking about it for a while, in the end, Adier still followed the summon in his heart and walked outside.

Outside, the iron cage that originally held Adier had been unknowingly opened.

Of course, if full force broke out, this iron cage would not have been able to trap Adier, but once destroyed, it would then alarm the entire Colosseum and attract more powerhouses.

Therefore, it does not make sense to do so.

But at this time, since the cage had been opened by an outsider, Adier naturally lost one of his restraints and was able to escape directly from the cage.

Walking all the way out of the spacious road, following the induction in his heart, Adier walked all the way forward, and finally came to a ruin.

This is a piece of ruins in the Colosseum. It seems to be a long time ago and rarely passes by.

But today, here, there are a few people standing there, including a few silhouettes that Adier is very familiar with.

“King of Red!” A soft cry came from the front, with great joy.

Adier looked forward and saw that on the ruins, Seria was in a white dress with long hair falling down and looked very beautiful.

And in her body, a completely different from before, the powerful vitality unlike the mortal comes out, so that Adier can’t help looking.

This is comparable to the vitality of a formal wizard, and the corresponding life essence. In just a few months, the girl in front of her was no longer a mortal before, but a powerful Transcender.

The reason for this amazing transformation is that Adier also guessed that it was nothing more than the vitality that was shared to him through the Bloodline contract, so that he could transform that’s all.

As Seria stepped forward slowly, a faint soul force slowly fell, and gradually fell on Adier, slowly nourishing Adier’s entire body through the Bloodline contract.

This kind of nourishment does not nourish the body lightly, but starts from the whole source, from the body Bloodline, and even the Spirit soul.

It’s just that this kind of nourishment is very slow and slow, which is far inferior to Adier’s own exercise.


Applause came from the side.

Adier glanced forward, and behind Silia, there was a beautiful girl in a long silver dress with long black hair standing there with a smile on her face.

“It is indeed the last inheritance of the Aryan Royal Family. Although this soul power is weaker, it is quite good compared to your age.”

She gently opened the mouth and said, and then her eyes gradually shifted to her eyes, looking at Adier, with a touch of fiery depth in her eyes: “And I didn’t expect that you could really take this Red King Beast out of the bucket In the beast, summon comes out … “

“That’s a blessing that drags Tarina Princess.”

Beside, looking at Tarina’s expression, Irene said coldly: “Without your help, even if we can summon the Red King Beast, it is impossible to avoid Yi Lida’s arrangement.”

“Nothing simple.”

Listening to Yi Lei’s words, Adier glanced a little, looking at Yi Lei and Tarina in front of him, his eyes flickered a little.

Things went a little unexpectedly.

Despite being in a cage, during these times, Adier was not completely cut off from outside news.

On the contrary, because of being a demon beast, whether it is Yi Lida or Carlo and the others, he will not deliberately avoid him when talking, and therefore, in the chat of these people, he has no idea about the surrounding situation. Little understanding.

In the previous days, Irene and Sirea and other Aryan Royal Family had no doubt absconded directly. Many people sent people to hunt, but in the end they didn’t catch a single hair.

Until now, the two have appeared directly in the Colosseum and have not yet been noticed.

As for Tarina in front of her, it was not a simple matter.

In the previous days, Adier watched the woman laugh and chat with Lida and the others, but now, the Tarina Princess is standing with the rest of the Aryan royal family, such as Irene, showing its complex background.

“Your request, we have already done it. Specific cooperation matters. Now, we can talk about it.” Standing aside, Irene wore an inconspicuous black robe, and her blond hair was conspicuous even in the dark At this time, looking at the side Tarina said.

“Of course.” Tarina laughed, withdrawing her gaze from Adier: “Since you can still summon the Red King Beast, then naturally you have the right to cooperate with me.”

“Three months later, the magic mist night will then erupt again, sweeping the entire city of Kuma.”

“Wait!” Listening to the news, Ilay complexion changed, a little surprised: “Why is Kuma city !!!”

“According to the astrologer’s prediction, shouldn’t Carro be the next monster disaster to erupt?”

“You know a lot …” A deep glance at Irene, and Tarina was silent for a while before she said, “But the time and place predicted by the astrologer may not be correct.”

“As long as there is sufficient external influence, even the correct time and place can finally change …”

I don’t know what I thought of, Tarina fell into silence, and after a long time, she said again: “Specific news, I will send someone to tell you at that time.”

“What do we need?” Coldly looked at Tarina, Irene opened the mouth and said.

“When the magic mist erupted three months later, you and your people were responsible for suppressing an area and disrupting the layout in Kumar City.” Tarina pointed to Adier, and then said: “There is this Red King Beast in the It’s not difficult for you. “

“The Coomara Colosseum is the largest colosseum in the Cooma Kingdom, with a large number of various beasts held in it.”

“On the night of the magic mist, the magic disaster suddenly broke out, Yi Lida and the others will inevitably be dragged. At that time, as long as you control this Red King Beast to destroy the Kumara Colosseum, all kinds of disaster animals They would all run out, destroying the defense line of Kumar from the inside. “

“You are really cruel enough.” Listening to this plan, Irene looked at Tarina coldly: “Prince Lida admired you for a long time, so you treat him like that?”

“How he admires me is his business. How I treat him is my business.” Listening to Irene’s words, Tarina didn’t care, just laughed: “And to you, Aryan King Descendant, come Say, I’m doing this, you should be happy. “

“After the incident is over, you can leave this Red King Beast safely, and then you can find a place to start again, and even rebuild your Aryan kingdom.”

“I hope so.” Yi Lei’s face remained cold. “After the incident is over, I will send it in automatically.”

“It couldn’t be better,” Tarina said casually.

When the words fell, Irene turned directly, pulled the side Seria, and walked directly toward the depths of the ruins.

Before leaving, Seria touched Adier’s body. A message was conveyed through the Bloodline contract, allowing Adier to follow the same path as before and walk back to the distance.

Feeling this message, Adier’s eyes flickered, and Yu Guang looked at all around.

It’s just that Seria and Ilay are okay to say that, to some extent, they are their own.

But there was a Tarina in front of her.

In Adier’s induction, the Tarina Princess is not weak, although not to the extent of Prince Lida, but it is enough to be comparable to Irene, Carlo and the others, and is a formal wizard-level wizard.

Once he started, Adier was confident that he could subdue it with three moves, but it was impossible to escape.

This is the Colosseum, the site of Prince Lida. Even if Adier subdues the Tarina in front of him, he cannot escape from Lida.

And even if he fled from Yi Lida, in this city of Cooma, there will inevitably be more powerhouses coming to hunt, and it is impossible to walk out of the city in front of him.

“It seems that I can only wait three months honestly.”

Adier’s eyes flickered, and eventually he lowered his head, and walked down the line when he came.

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