In the night, the dim lights swayed.

Looking at the silhouette in the distance of Adier, Tarina’s eyes were deep, which seemed to contain deep meaning, with a trace of fiery heat that was not easily noticed.

She stood there just like that, without any intention to leave, so she stood silently, seemingly waiting for someone.

In place, after a while, subtle footsteps began to appear in the distance.

The footsteps were low, with a strong and powerful feeling, and should be a man.

Listening to the footsteps, Tarina smiled and looked in the direction of the footsteps.

There, a majestic man in a light black gown appeared, a beard with a face, and a blond hair dazzling at night.

This is Zhiloa, Second Prince of the Kingdom of Kumar, the parent and child of King Kumar, and the nephew of Yi Lida.

“Zhilo Riya, you are really punctual.”

Looking at Zhiluo Lia, Tarina laughing from the distance, the smile revealed at this moment is amazing.

“Just let them go, is that okay?”

In front of Tarina, looking at the direction where the two were leaving, Zhilo Leah was frowned: “The emerald heart is the heritage treasure of the Aryan royal family, which is very important to them.”

“Prior to the defeat of the Kingdom of Aryan, the father had proposed an armistice at the cost of the emerald heart. At the time, King Aryan did not even consider it, and rejected the request on the spot.

“Now that you are here, why do you believe that Yi Lei will give you the emerald heart?”

“If he pays the letter, he doesn’t have to pay it.” Faced with the question from Zhilo Riya, Tarina’s smile remained unchanged, and her skirt fluttered with old age. The so-called emerald heart … “

“All I want is just that red king beast that’s all.”

She sighed sighing: “An emerald heart is an excellent treasure, but it may not be better than that red king beast …”

“You are so bullish on that Red King Beast?” Zhilo Lia was surprised.

“Of course.” Tarina laughed, as it should be by rights opened the mouth and said: “Just three months after birth, an adult alien can be torn apart. This kind of demon beast, you have seen the first Two heads? “

“The potential of this Red King Beast is endless. As long as it is cultivated, it will be uncertain, there is hope to go to the underworld …”

“You haven’t given up yet …” Glancing at Tarina deeply, Zhilo Riya stood still, watching her quietly.

“It is impossible to give up,” Tarina said with a mockery on her face. “Even if it is only an insect, it has an instinct to survive, let alone me.”

Aside, looking at her like this, Zhilo Leah appeared silent, but sighed softly in her heart.

As a friend for many years, he is one of the few people who knows Tarina is special.

Compared to others, Tarina is undoubtedly special, and she was given a special constitution at birth.

This constitution is called the body of the soul. With this Constitution, the growth of soul power will be very fast, dozens to hundreds of times of ordinary people.

Owning this Constitution may sound like a good thing, but as the price of the rapid growth of soul power, Tarina’s vitality will be quickly suppressed, so that lifespan is rapidly shrinking.

If nothing else, she would die before she was thirty. Unless she can find a powerful deed that can bear her Constitution, she can completely solve her problem.

And if she wants to do this, the beast she needs, I am afraid that only the legendary underworld can do it.

But how is this possible?

As the Second Prince of the Kumar royal family, Zhilo Riya can’t understand the meaning of the lower level.

It is an absolute condemnation and mighty power. Even if you use all the power of a kingdom, it may not be powerful.

Only in the ancient epic, those legendary heroes, and the partners they contracted with, can be mediocre.

How could Tarina want to achieve this feat …

“My business, you don’t care.”

Gently glancing at Zhilo Leah, Tarina went on, “It’s you, but you can’t let it go.”

“After all, it’s your father, and Uncle.”

“From the moment they ordered my mother to die, they were not my loved ones.”

Zhilo Riya sneered: “And, if you don’t, the throne will always be my big brother.”

“It’s all up to you.” Looking at this picture of Zhilo Leah, Tarina sighed softly, and said nothing.

They talked in place for a while, and did not leave until they agreed on the next meeting time, and walked towards their place of residence.

After they left, a long time later, the eyes of a scarlet opened slowly.

“It’s nothing simple.”

Silently lurking in the night, watching the silhouette, Adier shook the head, where Tarina and Zhiloria left, the whole silhouette was shrouded in shadow.

Part of the Bloodline smelted the alien, although it has not been completely digested, but Adier has gained some of the unique latent ability of the alien.

In addition, in terms of strength, he is far stronger than the rest, so he can lurk in the distance, has not been found, and thus overhear the conversation between the two.

“The night of magic fog, the only chance to escape, seems to be only then.”

Recalling the conversation between the two just before, Adier flashed countless thoughts: “But before that, you must improve your strength as soon as possible.”

“Otherwise, don’t say you stepped out of this city. I’m afraid you just fell into the hands of others as soon as you got out of this prison.”

He is also very clear about his situation.

After showing his powerful combat power and the potential of horror, he has become a fragrant, no matter who he is, if he has the opportunity, he wants to come up and reach out his hand.

This situation is undoubtedly very dangerous, and it is undoubtedly very difficult to escape from this Colosseum in this case.

All kinds of thoughts turned in my heart, and in the end, the problem returned to the original point.

Standing in place, Adier turned slightly and walked towards his cage.

In the blink of an eye, a few days passed.

boom! !

There was a loud crash like a rock, with numerous beasts roaring, and endless cheers from the auditorium in the distance.

In the Colosseum, Adier stood alone, broke his claws, pressed all around, and permeated everything in the range of several hundred meters.

The brightest light is blooming, the most prosperous light of life is gradually permeating. Under this claw, more than a dozen calamity beasts with at least level three or higher directly fell, the bones were destroyed by the Strength contained in them, and all vitality was completely destroyed at the beginning, leaving no pain at all. .

“Red King! Red King !!!”

In the distance, the audience was cheering, and the enthusiastic audience from time to time threw the wreath and food in their hands to the venue to express their enthusiasm.

Even sitting on the stage, sitting tightly, Yi Lida with a calm face, after seeing Adier’s performance at this time, couldn’t help but bring some admiration on his face: “In just seven days, the strength of this Red King Beast has increased. Now. “

“This level of strength is very close to Tier VI. Compared to as long as the food supply is sufficient, in a few months, you can really be promoted to Tier VI.” Adier, with all his enthusiasm in his eyes, can’t wait to grab the Red King Beast now.

Listening to the almost no screaming call around, Adier did not do anything extra, except that the kind of within the body Bloodline oscillated gently, a gleam of light came out, directly directing the Bloodline Force all drawn.

In just a few days, Adier’s strength improved much faster than he imagined with the supply of a lot of food.

For the Bloodline of the Alien, Adier has been smelting and is about to be smelted, so that there are many changes in the inner body.

As for his current strength, if it is by the standards of the past, he is already equivalent to the Metamorphosis Stage wizard, only one step to reach the Peak.

And until the Bloodline of the dozen or so calamity beasts has been smelted, even if Adier’s strength cannot reach the first level Peak, I am afraid it is not far away.

This is the horror of the Bloodline path. As long as you eat enough food, the smelted Bloodline is strong enough, and you have enough luck to support the transformation of the Bloodline without falling, the strength can be quickly improved, even to an alarming level.

“On Bloodline, I should now be considered as a Peak, but in terms of strength, it is far from reaching …”

Feeling the power of Bloodline flowing from within the body Bloodline seed, Adier was calm in his mind, but just silently thinking: “If you want to reach the Peak of Bloodline quickly, you must add some Strength.”

Thinking of this, he turned around and returned directly to the cage where he was being held.

There, a large number of flesh and blood were already laid there, of which there were both raw and cooked.

Looking at these flesh and blood, Adier did not dislike it, and opened his mouth gently, and the countless flesh and blood flew into his mouth automatically, and he swallowed quickly.

A large amount of blood, in conjunction with Strength previously extracted from more than a dozen calamity beasts, matured Adier’s body and quickly reached Bloodline’s Peak.

The Strength digested by this process is very large, but under this consumption, every inch of flesh and blood in Adier’s body is growing rapidly, and at the fastest speed, it can reach the highest Peak that the Bloodline can grow. .

In this process, it is very fast, it is a long time passed.

Two months later, in the eyes of countless people, a terrifying howling erupted, shaking the entire city of Kumas.

Under the surprise and surprise eyes of Yi Lida and the others, the Red King Beast once again fell into transformation in the Coomass Colosseum, and formed a cocoon of light.

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