“That red king beast has fallen into metamorphosis again.”

Late at night, a faint conversation sounded.

Standing in a dark and small room, looking at Zhiloa in front of her, Tarina frowned.

“For you, this should be a good thing. It just happened at this juncture, but there were some problems.”

Listening to Tarina’s words, Zhilo Leah was also frowned, thinking of the impact after this incident.

To some extent, the more transformations, the greater the potential of that Red King Beast.

This was originally a good thing. After all, the greater the potential of that red king beast, the higher level it can be cultivated in the future.

But this time the metamorphosis happened right now, there are some problems.

A big show is about to begin. At this time, there is one missing Strength. By then, there may be many twists and turns.

“Look at the situation again.”

Tarina frowned, opened the mouth and said: “If it doesn’t work, use the plan, not from the Colosseum, but directly from the palace.”

“That’s all it can be.” Zhilo Riya was gently nodded, and nodded with some sigh.

Days passed day by day without any rest.

What counts people who are relaxed is that this time Adier’s transformation time was not at all too long, and it was only over a month.

When the light cocoon gradually disappeared and Adier’s figure appeared from it, even Prince Yi Lida, who had been sitting in the Colosseum, was alarmed.

“Sixth order! And sixth order Peak.”

Looking at the surge of Adier’s body, feeling the powerful soul power in Adier’s body, and the soul imprint, Yi Lida was shocked and happy, only to be hit by a big cake.

Tier VI, this level is already considered very strong.

In many kingdoms, although the people below the fifth level are rare, they are not a decisive strength. Only the fifth level can be regarded as the top. The sixth-order level is a powerful Strength that only one giant has.

Many powerful kingdoms that dominate a state, and their own kings, are probably only at this level. Even in the Kuma Kingdom in the powerhouse, such as a cloud, a sixth-tier deed beast is enough to rank in the top ten.

Not to mention, this is not an ordinary sixth-order, but a sixth-order Peak level.

This was naturally enough to make Yi Lida excited, and turned directly, looking towards the side Carlo: “Is there a trace of Yi Lei?”

“It’s been found.” Looking at Prince Lida, feeling the breath of Adier, Carlo’s heart was a little complicated, but he still bowed the mouth and said: “It’s in a desert valley north of Kumar city. Someone found the breath of Wing Terror King, it should be Yi Lei them. “

“The Winged Terror King.” Listening to Carlo’s words, Yi Lida nodded.

As a former Aryan Prince, Yi Lei ’s beast is a fifth-order winged fear bird king who once fought on the battlefield, leaving a deep impression on Prince Lida.

“You do it yourself, be sure to find them as soon as possible, and catch Ire and Seria back.”

He opened the mouth and said: “Only by taking them back and canceling the Bloodline contract on them, can this Red King Beast truly belong to us.”

“Yes!” Carlo was nodded.

“I know something about your family.” Standing in place, looking at Carlo in front of her, after thinking about it, Yi Lida opened the mouth and said again: “This time, if you can bring Yi Lei and Siya The two arrested them, and although this Red King Beast can only belong to the royal family, Ire can be the master of the winged Terror King on Yi Lei and give it to you.

“A fifth-order winged fear bird king, although not as good as this red king beast, but want to compare is enough to satisfy your family.”

Listening to this, Carlo was stunned for a while, it seemed that I didn’t expect Yi Lida to say so, and then reacted, his face became ecstatic: “Many thanks Prince!”

“Well.” Looking at Carlo, Yi Lida smiled, nodded and said: “Let’s go.”

They walked out slowly and had no choice to stay here too much.

Behind them, after they left, Adier slowly opened his eyes. In his eyes, a little bit of scarlet flickered, as if the most dazzling stars were shining.

This metamorphosis is naturally his budget, including the time when the metamorphosis is completed, all stuck at exactly the same time, just at this time to face the next major event.

Gently got up and shook his body. Adier noticed that there were still many changes in his body.

After the Bloodline digestion of the alien and some other disaster beasts is completed, under the influence of these Bloodlines, his body also has some characteristics of the disaster beasts.

For example, at his scales, the original scarlet red texture has been added with some black textures, which is similar to the Blood Imprint of the alien.

And before his forehead, unconsciously, a black unicorn has been added, which looks very beautiful, like a crystal, reflecting a little shimmer under the light.

As for his body shape, it increased from more than ten meters to more than twenty meters, and he looked up from a distance, as thick and magnificent as a mountain.

“Wait, then···”

Looking at the distant sky, feeling the enthusiasm of Strength around all around, Adier closed his eyes and seemed to fall into a deep sleep.

While waiting, a few days passed quickly.

In the dark, she stood quietly on a high platform, and Tarina looked at the distance quietly, as if she thought of something, and the whole person looked a little bit surprised.

In the distant palace, Lida and the others are participating in the banquet. The whole palace stretches over 1000 meters, and there are bright lights everywhere, and the whole palace is illuminated like daylight.

“What are you thinking?”

Behind him, Zhilo Riya raised her glass and walked quietly to Tarina, looking like a stranger’s greeting.

“You’re here …” Tarina turned and looked at Zhiloa in front of her, then came back to his senses: “Did you feel it?”

She pointed to the sky and the sky in the distance, wondering what she thought of, and her face suddenly became a little complicated.

Following where she was pointing, Zhilo Leah looked forward.

I saw that in that deep night, a little black mist was rising and permeating, like the most evil and weird thing, began to slowly spread on the earth.

I wonder if it was an illusion. In the deep mist of the night, Zhilo Riya seemed to see, a pair of red eyes.

“Devil Wolf God, Ariana Andra …”

Aside, Tarin’s murmured voice came: “It is said that He is the most greedy demon, and every time he opens his mouth, he will swallow millions of lives. Every time he opens his eyes, he is an empire At the time of destruction … “

“He revives every thousand years of sleep, and every revival represents the advent of darkness.”

“Don’t …” Aside, Zhilo Lia frowned, her face slightly changed.

“Yeah …” Tarina sighed softly: “It’s not too far away from the days when Ariana Andora recovers again …”

“In front of him is a descendant of him, a Demon Wolf King born from the blood of the demon wolf …”

Hey! !

The voice fell, and in the distance, a huge howling broke out, attracting everyone’s attention.

In the distance, under the gaze of countless people, the original moonlight began to be blocked. In the endless distant land, a huge shadow began to fall, with a huge howl.

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