“Have you seen the fog before the destruction …”

Standing on the high platform, looking at the two eyes that gradually opened in the distance, Tarina like a smile yet not a smile, as if recalling the past: “That was the scene of my childhood, a natural disaster came, the wolf The descendants of the devil rushed out of the mist and directly took the lives of millions of people … “

“And now, I’m going to watch this scene again.”


The voice had just fallen, and in the distance, a huge noise suddenly sounded, and then erupted.

The earth began to tremble, as if it were about to start an earthquake, and began to tremble gently. There were countless gravel and sand on it, as if pulled by something, and flew to the sky involuntarily.

If you keep raising your eyes and looking down from the top of Kumar City, you can see a wonderful scene.

Outside the city wall of Cooma City, a pair of scarlet eyes are unfolding, and two scarlet eyes are hanging on the sky, just like the moon of two scarlets.

boom! !

There was a bang like a smashed glass, and at this moment, countless people were awakened by it, came back to his senses from the sorrow.

A bustling palace, the lights all around shone brightly. In it, a handsome young man in a gown holding a wine glass turned and the smile on his face disappeared and became serious.

“This aura ···· is far more powerful than the former alien monster by hundreds of times. In the end …” In the midst of the lights, he turned to look into the distance, and his sight seemed to penetrate at this moment. Isolated heavily, and saw the pair of scarlet eyes opened in the distance.

“The terrible Bloodline majesty!” In the Kumas Colosseum in Kuma City, at the moment when the distant magic mist appeared, Adier couldn’t help but open his eyes and feel the majesty that emanated from them. Surprised.

“At least Level 3, or even above Level 3, it is comparable to Bloodline breath of Level 4 …”

Looking at the distance, Adier got up from Mu Ran, and his eyes gradually became solemn.

“No !!!!” In a flash, he felt the distant breath carefully, and he felt something wrong: “Bloodline’s breath is a bit impure, this is not pure blood, it’s just a hybrid of blood!

“Even, even this mixed blood has not reached Peak. It is just still growing and has a lot of strength.”

He thought so, but the weight in his eyes did not decrease by half.

Level 4 Bloodline, how powerful its Bloodline is, even if Bloodline is not pure, Bloodline can reach Level 3 at least after mature.

Even if Bloodline has not yet reached the Peak period, but according to Adier, it has at least a Level 2 limit, which is close to the level of Level 3.

Level 2. Adier is still not an opponent today.

Moreover, from the breath conveyed by that Bloodline, Adier also felt a unique strength of chaos and disorder, just like the strength breath on the other alien.

This shows that the person outside the city at this time is likely to be a catastrophe.

“You can only go one step at a time.”

Quietly got up from where he was, looking at the huge shadow outside the city. Adier’s eyes were cold and thought quietly.

boom! !

In the void, a huge black sharp claw was photographed fiercely from the air, and the calamity contained in it was enough to shock the world, making countless existences trembling.

Bang …

The earth began to turbulence, and the sky began to sway …

It was just a single blow, but it seemed to contain endless power. The breath contained in it spread out enough to crush the mountains one after another and crush the endless sky.

At this moment, with the unbelievable eyes of countless residents in the city of Kumar, the buildings outside Kumar began to collapse.

These buildings are some tall, some low, and some are smeared with blood. There were once powerful beasts who left blessings here, but at this moment there is no exception. Under the prestige of the giant claw, they trembled and silently. Crash.

Even more, this is far from over. After these buildings, a large city wall began to crack, and the stones above could not withstand the powerful calamity, and began to collapse directly, causing a large collapse.

“City wall is ruined !!”

In the unbelievable eyes of countless residents, the huge city wall outside the city of Kuma was pushed into, directly reduced to countless fragments, and easily collapsed.

The huge city wall of hundreds of 1000 meters was knocked down, and the result was catastrophic.

Large tracts of dust flew from the ground, and fell quickly. Large pieces of rubble smashed uncontrollably into the distant residential areas. For a time, it was unknown how many people were killed.

“Do not!”


“I have broken my leg!!”

A cry of sorrow spread throughout the wild, a burst of crying and calling sounded from all directions, and rang together for a long time.

Roar! !

A sharp and huge beast roar broke out, and in the mid-air, a purple glow gradually drifted away, and a huge purple strange beast flew out of it.

It was a huge and beautiful mighty beast with purple scales, a purple unicorn shining in the night, and there was a person sitting behind him. It was Carlo and his beast.

They danced in mid-air, and the whole Strength condensed into a huge enchantment in the mid-air, directly stopping the numerous building debris hit by mid-air, and not letting it fly into the city and raging.

“It’s North Knight !!”

“Knight North is here !!”

Below, seeing the purple glow flying in the air, the crowd called out.

However, in mid-air, standing on the purple scale beast and looking at the distant scene, Carlo’s face was solemn.

“Really strong disaster, what’s in it!”

He looked at the black mist in front of him, feeling the burst of breath conveyed in it, and his heart could not help shaking.

wu wu! !! !!

An astonishing howling came from the dark fog, drawing Carlo’s sight away.

He looked down at the fog, but just saw it in the fog below. The huge black demon wolves ran out of it, with a pair of miserable green eyes with chaos and bloodthirsty, and rushed directly into the city of Kuma. Go out.

This is because the devil wolf is very large, generally about two meters tall, and has a strong body, with a strong sense of calamity on his body, which is definitely not something ordinary people can handle.

“Not good !!”

Looking at these huge devil wolves, Carlo jumped in his heart, trying to land and intercept.

At this time, however, some of the larger silhouettes began to appear.

wu wu! !! !!

A wolf howling began to erupt. Under the sky in the distance, at this moment, the three heads were ten meters tall, covered with scales, and the scary demon wolf with five claws appeared. The green wolf’s eyes stared at Carlo, and the blinking in their eyes was absolute killing intent and greed.

“Comparable to the fifth-order devil wolf !!”

Just looking at it, the gas machine on the other side told Carlo that the demon wolf in front of him was an absolute rival.

“Drag these magic wolves first, and wait for the adults in the city to come over and solve them!”

For a moment, Carlow flashed the thought.

The three demon wolves are comparable to the fifth tier, and only he will never be an opponent.

But at this time in Cooma City, there are still many powerhouses. Not to mention the two super-standard powerhouses, King and Prince Lida, there are many other powerhouses.

As long as they feel that they will be able to easily resolve the three devil wolves when the people unite.

The thought had just flashed in his mind, but at the next moment, the scene that held him back began to happen.

Within sight, after seeing Carlow, the three fifth-tier magic wolves not at all directly launched the offensive, but roared in the sky and issued a huge wolf howl.

wu wu wu! !! !!

A loud howl was echoing, with a special meaning, like what was calling.

Before Carlo came back to his senses, in the distance, dark shadows began to emerge from the mist with great oppression.

One head, two heads … Ten heads, twenty heads …

Just a few moments later, Carlow’s complexion turned green.

Because in the distance, under the call of the three fifth-tier demon wolves, a total of twenty or thirty tall demon wolves appeared, the weakest of which was fifth-order.

And the strongest of them was even more horrible. Just a little breath was felt, and Carlo was trembling all over his body, and he couldn’t help raising an urge to escape.


Looking at the dozens of demon wolves that appeared in the distance, Carlo’s face was very green, without any hesitation, and he ran back with the animal under him, without even the urge to stay.

Roar! !

A huge roar came from behind him, in the marginal zone of Devil Mist, looking at Carlo who fled in the distance, many tall Devil Wolf eyes were faint, and rushed in without hesitation.

“Really big!”

Standing silently in the cage, feeling the powerful breath from outside, Adier flashed this thought in his mind.

Looking at the cage in front of him, he got up and waved his paw gently.

A ray of red light passed through the eyes, with sharp rays of light, which instantly split the huge iron cage in front of them, directly breaking it.

dong dong dong! !!

The moment the iron cage broke, a sound of alarm sounded all around, and it kept ringing around.

In normal times, Prince Lida will soon arrive and recapture Adier.

But at this level, I’m afraid the other party has no time to control him.

Quietly out of the cage, it didn’t take long for him to communicate with Bloodline within the body, and Adier received the message from Sria.

“Destroy Kumas Colosseum and release the scourge?”

Feeling the message from the contract, Adier shook his head secretly and didn’t take it seriously: “However, this has given me a lot of convenience.”

The metamorphosis has just been completed, and despite deliberately covering its strength in front of Lida and the others, Adier’s current strength is only worthy of reaching Level 2, and in the current situation, it cannot guarantee its own security.

In front of the Coomass Colosseum, there are countless powerful disaster beasts captured by the Kingdom of Kumar for three hundred years, and both the quality and quantity of the disaster beasts are terrible.

It is also because of the amount of horror of the beasts here that Tarina and the others have their ideas here, hoping that they can release all the beasts here and bring chaos to Kuma City.

For Adier, it was too wasteful to release the plagued beasts here.

It is more in his interest to eat it directly.

Based on the huge number of disaster beasts stored here, once all the disaster beasts here can be eaten, Adier’s Strength will probably reach an extremely scary level.

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