“The magic mist outside is getting bigger …”

Standing on a high platform, looking at the huge mist that gradually diffused outside the city of Kumar, Seria had a somber eyes, and her mood was a little complicated.

“Don’t feel unbearable …”

Yi Lei said quietly: “At the time when the city of Aryan was breached, it was time for our people to try it again.”

“I understand.” Beside Silia silently, she asked, “What shall we do next?”

“Wait!” Ireem said silently, looking at the distant lights and chaotic scenes, his face indifferent: “The outbreak of the magic disaster has not yet reached Peak, in the city of Kumar, whether it is Yi Lida or Kumar The king has more power. “

“It’s our chance until they are entangled and lose their excess Strength!”

“I’ve contacted the Guardians, and I’m lurking in Kumar at this time. When the chaos in Kumar is chaotic, we go directly to the Kumas Colosseum to rescue the Red King.”

“Where’s Tarina, wouldn’t you like to meet her?” Listening to Irene’s words, Seria was first nodded, then calmly opened the mouth and said.

“If I go, I’m afraid I won’t be able to come out.” Irene sneered. “What Tarina is, others don’t know, can I still know?”

“I promise, as long as we dare to see her, she will feel at us and hold you down.”

“You know, in this city of Kuma, the person who wants the Red King the most is either someone else or her.”

He sneered opened the mouth and said, and knew Tarina very well in words.

Aside, Sria did not speak, but quietly followed the Bloodline in her heart, looking towards the direction of the Colosseum in the distance.

Hong long! !

boom! !

With a loud noise, the huge Strength bloomed in place, forcibly smashing several holes in the place.

In a clearing, a scarlet’s claws snapped, as if pinching a few flies, and slapping a few giant beasts ten meters high.

Out of the night, Adier’s appearance has changed a lot.

The body that was more than 20 meters high swelled again, directly approaching 40 meters, and a pair of scarlet’s eyes also brought a little golden, even the purple mark that originally existed before the forehead, at this time it has become a lot more complicated, and the whole looks It’s like an ancient beast that only exists in the legendary mythical legendary, beautiful and powerful, terrifying and terrific.

He walked out of the night, and slammed a few dozen meters high terror beasts in place. The Bloodline seed in his body directly radiated, and the Bloodline of all the beasts in the place was directly taken away.

The power of the strange and powerful Bloodline is extracted into the body. In the body, Bloodline is smelting at high speed, and the newly extracted vitality and blood are used as materials to assist Adier in refining these Bloodline powers into themselves. Background.

Just in the blink of an eye, there was a slight change in the surface of his body, the scales on the body seemed brighter, and the already huge body seemed to increase a little.

“Not enough! Not enough!”

Scarlet’s blood dripped into the ground, corroding the solid ground into several large holes.

Standing on the flat ground paved with black slate, looking at the few beasts with bones around, and feeling the violent response from a distance, there was a flash of eagerness in Adier’s heart.

In just one day, he hunted down most of the disaster beasts in the Colosseum. Most of the disaster beasts had his vitality and blood removed, and he used to refining a few high-level disaster beasts Bloodline.

In the case of sufficient raw materials and blood food, in just one day, his progress was horrifying and horrifying. He directly entered Level 2 from the original, and reached the level of the initial change of Level 2.

This level, if it is said to go out is scary enough, but compared with the escalating battles in the distance, it is not enough.

In the distant magic mist, dozens of silhouettes with horrific majestic silhouettes were fighting, fighting with a demon wolf.

Among them are silhouettes familiar to Adier, such as Carlow, Prince Lida and the others, as well as many unfamiliar silhouettes. The only exception is that these people are strong and none are weak.

Even the weakest silhouette is comparable to a formal wizard. The powerhouse, such as Prince Lida, is comparable to the Level 2 wizard.

Even more thrilling is the silhouette of the faintly discernable after the fog.

It was a demon wolf full of 100 meters, with a pair of scarlet eyes. It was black, except that it had two heads. It looked too different from the common devil wolf not at all.

But in this demon wolf, the horrible, fierce, and violent atmosphere is far from being comparable to any other beast. Compared with this devil wolf, all the disaster animals that Adier has seen so far together are far from being rivals and are not worthy of comparison.

This is the real Demon Wolf King! A terror beast comparable to a Level 3 wizard! !!

In the deep mist, this Demon Wolf King has been standing there, and in Adier’s induction, it seems to be facing something.

That ’s another horrible creature. Its size is not inferior to that of Demon Wolf King, but it is hidden in the power of the huge soul. In Adier ’s induction, it is like a deed with a Bloodline contract, but it has Greatly different.

Just to be sure, this is also a powerful existence comparable to Level 3 wizards. Compared with today’s Adier, it is almost a world-wide gap.

Compared with these two peerless beasts, Adier’s Strength today is a long way off.

Thinking of this, Adier’s eyes were somber and he went silently to a deeper place.

In the Colosseum Colosseum, all the powerful disaster beasts captured by the Kingdom of Kumar for more than 300 years are held, and among them, the powerful ones are naturally not a few.

Although Adier had killed a large number of parts before, there were few disaster beasts of level 5 and above.

Most of the fifth-order or even more than five-order disaster beasts are also detained inside the Colosseum.

Walking quietly towards it, after a while, he broke through the door and entered the cage.

A pair of eyes opened sharply. At this moment, a black giant claw slammed, bringing Supreme’s prestige, and the calamity that made Adier familiar with almost nausea.

boom! !

Two giant claws staggered in mid-air, but in the blink of an eye, a giant White Tiger with eight giant claws and three heads was shot and a huge wound appeared on the stomach.

But next moment, its eyes bloomed fiercely, although the wound on his body was bleeding, he still ignored his body and rushed directly to Adier. That fierce momentum and terrifying chaos, even Adier could not help but choke.

“A ferocious beast comparable to two levels !!”

Feeling the Strength on this ferocious beast, Adier was stunned, then his body leaned down slightly, and in his eyes, there were endless rays of light blooming.

The blazing light was blooming, among which the fiercest red inflammation was burning. In a blink of an eye, the eight-claw giant tiger was drowned, and it was directly burned into a ball of coal.

Although it is also Level 2, it has been trapped in this initial cage for hundreds of years. The strength of this calamity beast has begun to decline, naturally Adier when it is not the case.

Withdrawing the vitality from the giant tiger and the Bloodline, Adier looked coldly and continued to move forward.

A slaughter feast is beginning.

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