“Her Zager, do you want to go to war with our Kumar?”

Riding quietly on a huge golden eagle, Yi Lida’s emotions were surging, but her face remained calm, she looked in the distance silently, and stared at a huge silhouette in the distance.

It is a two-headed demon wolf with two heads and a large figure, full of 100 meters, quietly perched in the fog of black. There is no other movement, just breathing, which will cause the surrounding disaster. Resonance and echo.

It seemed to hear Yi Lida’s words, the two-headed devil wolf turned, and a pair of scarlet eyes larger than the lantern looked in this direction.


It was just a gaze of sight. At this moment, Yi Lida felt as if he had been squeezed by a mountain, as if the whole world was pressing on him, choking him.

And in the depth of one’s soul, a terror of majesty is still pervading, and only a brief contact will make his original indestructible soul mark tremble, as if he cannot bear this majesty, and will soon disintegrate.

“Heaven …”

He trembled in his heart, and then flashed the thought, his original calm face could not help changing color.

Under him, the golden eagle was also shaking slightly, even if it was a scary beast comparable to a Level 2 wizard, in front of the two-headed demon wolf, it was only shiver coldly.

Looking at these two lives quietly, it didn’t take long for the devil wolf to quietly turn his gaze and looked into the distance.

There, a tall tower stood quietly, inlaid with countless gems and precious materials, but at this time they were all glowing, so that the whole tower was so bright.

At the top of that tower, a pair of eyes were staring.

There were a pair of golden eyes, the eyes were very deep, and there was a divine light on them. In the night, they were as dazzling and sacred as two suns.

He stood silently on the high tower, a pair of eyes and two-headed demon wolf staring at each other, apparently did nothing, but attracted the sight of the devil wolf, and took most of the pressure for Yi Lida.

“Sha … Liru …”

A faint, hoarse voice sounded from the fog, like a voice sounding from the darkness of the abyss, deep and long. Although there is no exact language, the meaning in it can be accurately conveyed to everyone’s heart.

“Brother …” Looking at the twinkling tower in the distance, feeling the huge breath that gradually rose up, Yi Lida’s eyes flashed with ecstasy: “You have succeeded!”

Roar! !

A dull and huge beast roar erupted, as if coming directly from the ground, dull and irritating.

Then at the next moment, in countless people’s horrified faces, the earth began to stir.

“what is this!!”

“Would you like an earthquake?”

A cry exclaimed from the four wilds of Kuma City, feeling the shock of the earth. At this moment, countless people were frightened and fled towards all around. Only a handful of people seemed to understand something, and looked in a certain direction instantly.

“That’s the south canyon of Kumar city!” Feeling the fierce tremor of the earth, and aware of the unique force of the soul, Carlo’s eyes were shining brightly, and his heart was shaking now: “Your Majesty, he succeeded Come on !!! “

The earth began to oscillate, and then under the eyes of countless people, the originally thick earth began to tear, and a huge crack appeared directly.

The mountains began to collapse and the rivers flowed against them. At this moment, everything was changed and completely destroyed by a drastic change.

In the middle of this upheaval, in the southern canyon of Cooma City, a terrible giant beast recovered from it.

It was a tall giant like a mountain, with a huge body all over it, with a bronze-like skin and countless runes on it.

He stood in a gorge like that, he was much taller and firmer than that two-headed demon wolf, and the Bloodline all over him spread out majesticly, which made the countless people present at this moment look shocked.

Roar! !

Awakening from a long sleep, he roared towards the sky, and the power of the violent and horrifying soul was shaking. At this moment, it seemed to collapse the whole world and stagnate the power of disaster that had been spreading around Kuma , Expelled by a strong but equally horrible Strength.

“That is···”

On a high platform in the distance, looking at the resurrected giant in the south, Zhilo Leah was horrified on his face, and he was horrified.

The giant in front of him feels very special. Among them are fear, shock, and some inseparable kindness, just like a long-lost relative.

This unique feeling suddenly reminded him of something.

“Giant earth, Dohera …” Without waiting for Zhilo Riya to answer, Tarina took the lead to speak, and sighed softly, “Your Kumar’s guardian beast is still alive …”

“Even, not only alive, but also successfully awakened by your father …”

She looked at the distant sky, at the giant as tall as a Yue, and the two-headed demon wolf terrifying like a monster’s depth, her voice trembling for the first time: “Today, maybe we can witness a battle of the underworld ·· “

Hades, this is the level that only ancient heroes possess. No one who has this level of strength has the power of ancient heroes.

The heroes of ancient times have long been silent, and the epic is now severed. Today, this battle of the underworld, I am afraid, will be recorded in the annals of history and become the epic of later generations.

Roar! !


Above the earth, under the testimony of countless people, the attitudes of the two heads are different, but Strength’s extremely horrific life directly fought and fought outside Kuma City.

Flesh and blood flew horizontally, the power of calamity and the power of the earth opposed each other, and the shock that erupted straight into the sky, making the entire city of Kumar at this moment trembling.

roar! bang!

In the Colosseum, a slight beast roared, then fell quickly, followed by a violent percussion.

With one slap, he sent a terrible beast like Level 2 sorcerer to the west. Adier looked up and looked at the direction north of Kumar City. His eyes were full of dignity.

“Did you finally hit?”

He looked north, his eyes were full of dignity, and a hint of imperceptibility.

“What a powerful Bloodline …”

Looking into the distance, feeling the majesty of the two huge Bloodline, a flash of fiery flashed in his eyes.

In within the body, after a lot of tempering, the already indestructible Bloodline seed flickered frantically. It seemed to feel the majesty of the two Bloodlines in the distance, and the instinct began to shake, as if urging something.

“Coming soon … Coming soon …”

Taking out Bloodline and vitality from the cat in front of him, Adier’s eyes turned red and he went to the next cage.

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