
Outside Kumar, a fight is beginning.

The huge Strength is straight into the sky, and a terrifying storm sweeps all around.

In the countenance of countless people, two terrifying creatures began to fight.

As recorded in the ancient epic, just when two horror creatures met, a Strength that shook the world shacking erupted.

The power of calamity and the power of the earth are entangled with each other. Outside the city of Kuma, the terror of tragic disaster erupted, among which storms were enthusiastic. Even if only a breath leaked out, it would be enough to hit the fifth-tier existence.

The fifth-tier existence, such as Knight Carlow in the Northland, can’t even get close at all when facing these two peerless beasts, and can only watch the war from a distance and avoid the impact of the breath.

Only Prince Yi Lida and the others can endure the fighting atmosphere of these two peerless beasts and move through them.

But even so, he didn’t dare to get too close to the battlefield, for fear of being touched by the aftermath on the battlefield, and killed him directly.

“The devil wolf god Ariana.”

After watching the battle for a long time, I quietly retreated to the city wall of Kumar City. Yi Lida looked at the distance, and her mood was a bit complicated: “Ancient old legend, the Bloodline of the Devil Wolf are numerous, but those who truly inherit the blood of the Devil Wolf are also There are those. “

“The one in front of me is one of them. Zagel, the two-headed demon wolf, is really famous. I have grown up listening to his legend since I was born.”

“The earth giant’s reputation is also not small …” In the distance, a subtle and inexplicable voice sounded.

Yi Lida looked back, just at the end of the city wall, a beautiful girl in a long silver dress was walking towards him.

“The earth giant Dohera, the beast of the ancient hero Gander, was active three years ago, and is the guardian beast of the Kumar kingdom …”

Walking towards Yi Lida quietly, looking at the turbulent battlefield in the distance, Tarina sighed softly.

“You are still coming …”

Looking at Tarina, Yi Lida was not surprised at her arrival, but just glanced at her deeply.

“I have to come.” Tarina laughed, with a beautiful smile on her face, and she couldn’t help but shine: “Like you, it’s so hard to kill outside, it’s not the same.”

To her words, Yi Lida did not respond, but looked backwards, gradually looking behind Tarina.

“Zhilo Riya, how about you?”

He calmly opened the mouth and said: “As a Kingdom’s Second Prince, it’s too late to return now.”

“Come back now, whether it’s me or your father, will not blame you.”

Listening to Yi Lida’s words, standing silently behind Tarina, Zhilo Lia stood upright like a tall tower, but at this time she laughed and ignored: “It’s too late.”

The words fell, and he reached out his hands at will, as if he had left something behind.

It was a human head with hazy flesh, long golden hair, and a fairly handsome face at this time looked stiff and stiff, with thick bloody air.

Looking at this human head, Yi Lida’s expression suddenly changed: “Zhilo Riya, you!”

He single-handedly pointed at Zhilo Riya, and the expression on his face was unbelievable.

“Yi Lida Uncle, sorry.” Looking at Yi Lida’s appearance at this time, Zhilo Lia sighed softly.

“Kill your brother, Zhilo Riya, do you know what you did?”

Yi Lida looked ugly and pointed at Zhilo Leah.

“Okay …” Aside, Tarina’s soft voice came.

She looked at the uncle and nephew in front of her, and smiled gently: “Compared to this, let’s do more important things now …”

“Ire you saying that?”

She looked in a direction behind her and smiled.

As she opened her mouth, next to her, Zhilo Leah and Yi Lida stopped for a moment and looked in that direction.

The scene was quiet for a while, but the sound of killing in the distance was still coming on and off, making some sound around.

Tread … tread … tread …

A slight footstep came from the front.

With the attention of several people, a silhouette emerged from the shadows, and slowly walked towards the three.

He has an ordinary face and a tall and erect posture. Although his appearance is not outstanding, he is full of prestige and temperament, which makes people dare not belittle at first sight. Ann Royal Family’s last generation Prince Erie.

Behind Yi Lei, some people were quietly following, including Sirea.

“Have you tampered with us?”

Quietly walked in front of Tarina, looking at Tarina and Zhilo Riya, Irene frowned and asked, “When?”

“A long, long time ago, when I helped you escape from the city of Kumar.” Tarina smiled, looking at Irene in front of her, as if she saw an old friend: “St. Spirit Insect’s mark is hard to detect and erase. “

Listening to her words, Irene was indifferent to nodded, then turned around and looked at Yi Lida.

“I didn’t do anything on you.” Feeling Irene’s gaze, Yi Lida pointed to Tarina on the side, and said calmly in the surprised expression of each other: “I followed her.”

“It’s really surprising.” Looking at Tarina and Yi Lida in front of her, the expression on Yi Lei’s face was still calm: “However, the reason why you want to arrest me is nothing more than Seria, or rather, yes That Red King Beast … “

“The Red King Beast has only one head, but you have two groups, how do you divide it?”

“Then don’t bother you,” Yi Lida said indifferently. “Get back, I can let you go.”

“Give up Seria younger sister.” By the side, Tarina’s smile on her face remained the same: “You’re right, our goal is just the Red King Beast.”

“I can assure you that as long as you surrender the younger sister of Seria, I will let you leave in peace, and I can even support you on behalf of the Gulo Empire, support you to open up in the dark, and restore the kingdom of Aryan. . “

“You don’t have to worry about Silia’s safety.” She continued to speak, her voice soft and kind, and she could not help but believe her: “What we want is always the contract on her. After the contract is cancelled, she can Go back without any impact. “

The two spoke in turns. Their attitudes were either indifferent or gracious, and they intended to disintegrate Ire’s resistance in language and let him surrender Sirea.

In the face of the two men’s turns bombardment, even if they were as firm as Yi Lei, at this time their faces couldn’t help hesitating. Looking at the two in front of Talina, and Side Sria, they seemed a little hesitant.

Looking at his appearance, neither Lida nor Tarina said at this time, it seemed that he was waiting for a quiet choice.

Roar! !

A violent beast roar suddenly erupted from a distance, ringing the entire city of Kuma in an instant, attracting everyone’s attention.


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