On the spacious city wall avenue, at this moment, the three parties are very acquainted. At the same time when the external environment changed dramatically, they shot at the same time, and the posture was like an appointment in advance.

Yi Lei’s face was indifferent, his body was cold and cold, and he could not see the slightest hesitation before. He hit with one hand directly and threw a punch to Tarina’s chest.

Yi Lida and Tarina were the same. Although they said well, they did not hesitate in the secret, and directly hit the full blow.

The three-party fight broke out directly, and Yi Lei confronted Tarina, and the whole body burst into momentum, opposite to Feng Zhifeng.

Zhilo Riya stood beside him, standing tall like a mountain, holding a tomahawk and slamming forward, but was entangled by several masked black robed men.

As for the strongest Yi Lida, the situation was unexpected.

Silia was wearing a black slim suit, with a beautiful face full of peace. At this time, Yi Lida’s fist was held in one hand, and although the corner of her mouth was bleeding, she could forcibly catch Yi in the eyes of others who could n’t believe it. Lida’s offensive.


Looking at Sria in front of her, Yi Lida’s face was full of wonder: “You have reached the eighth level …”

“When did it happen?” He looked at Sria in front of him, asking for the first time.

Tarina and the others are also very concerned about this issue.

As the title owner, Sirea ’s strength has reached 7th grade, then as the title beast, the strength of that red king beast will only be stronger, it cannot be weaker.

“As early as half a month ago.” Touching the blood on the corner of her mouth, Sriah opened the mouth and said calmly, even though she was facing Prince Yi Lida, her expression looked calm.

This is the strength of strength.

The strength has reached the eighth level, which is already equivalent to the Level 2 wizard. At this moment, Yi Lida is standing at the same level.

Even though it may be far worse than actual combat power, but at the level of life, there is no doubt that it belongs to the same level, and naturally there will be no more awe.

“Half a month ago, when the Red King Beast had just finished metamorphosis.” Yi Lida sighed softly: “I didn’t expect that I would have a day to look away.”

“But then, even if I make any further conditions, I am afraid you will not give up.”

In a flash, he sighed.

With a head reaching the eighth level, there may even be a stronger Red King Beast, even the entire Kumar Kingdom, there are not many things to compare with.

With this Red King Beast, these Aryan Royal Family can find another place to start and rebuild the Aryan Kingdom.

With this hope, Yi Lei will not give up anyway, so this battle today cannot be avoided.

“Okay …”

He looked at Sria in front of him and suddenly laughed: “Your father, King Aryan was also eighth order, and finally I was killed one-on-one on the battlefield.”

“Siria, although you are lucky enough to achieve the same achievements as your father without much suffering, how does the real combat power compare to your father?”

In the end, his complexion grave and stern is full of iron and steel fortitude, like a veteran who has gone through the battlefield, and all over him is filled with a terrifying bloody air.

Prince Lida’s reputation is not from sitting, but from fought from the battlefield again and again.

In the face of such a Lida, Siriah’s face was calm, her eyes were fortitude, and she did not flinch.

Above and below her body, a little bit of scarlet’s brilliance is gradually rising, and a bloodline texture is also leaping upwards, which makes her whole atmosphere suddenly change, becoming horrifying but terrifying.

Just standing around her, Yi Lei and Tarina and the others felt a horrible pressure, involuntarily stepped back, and did not dare to stay too much in front of her.

“Damn lucky!”

Standing far away, looking at Siriah at this time, no matter if it was Tarina or Zhilo Lia, she was extremely envious.

Even as Prince Princess, no matter if they are Tarina or Zhilo Lia, their process of obtaining Strength is extremely difficult. It is a little by little effort that consumes endless resources and efforts. This is how to cultivate their own beast. Only slowly got the Strength in front of me.

In front of Sria, in the process of obtaining this Strength, she paid almost nothing, and directly obtained the horrible Strength in front of her, standing on the Peak looking up by countless people.

In the city of Kuma, they couldn’t understand the process by which Sriah acquired the Red King Beast.

No so-called giving, no nine deaths and still alive, no hardship. The Red King Beast was directly obtained by her. There was no hard work at all during the whole process, and she easily obtained a powerful deed beast that countless people have dreamed of.

Compared with her, Tarina only felt that her hard work in these years, the difficult calculations have become a void.

You work hard and plan everything you want, and people can easily get it when they sit at home.

Such stark facts lay before him, even if it was Tarina’s character, and her heart was a little complicated at this moment.

The brilliance of golden and scarlet is still intertwined.

Standing on the city wall, standing face to face, Yi Lida and Si Ruiya looked at each other, Strength on his body was excited, and his eyes were about to erupt.

Roar! !

A huge roar of beasts interrupted everything, like a thunderstorm under the sky, which instantly rang through hundreds of thousands of kilometers, causing the fierce battle in the distance, Battle Qi, to stop for a while and seemed to be affected.


Listening to this voice, Zhilo Riya looked dignified: “What has been called since the beginning?”

“Are there any other epic lives besides Demon Wolf King and the Giant Earth?”

Beside him, Tarina turned slightly and looked in a certain direction: “The voice seems to come from the Colosseum.”

Roar! !

The voice fell, and a louder roar erupted.

Compared with the previous beast roars, this roar is obviously more powerful, which contains endless slaughter and devouring desires, as well as the strong emotion of horror, as it came from the bottom of the abyss, making countless people heard at this moment Jumping for a moment, his head felt a little dizzy.

Even if they were standing in the center, Yi Lida, who was about to start, couldn’t help but stop, looking diligently towards the distance.

In their induction, in the direction where the sound came, a huge momentum was rising, and a majestic vitality was being bred, which was about to break through the ground, and rush out from that direction, roaring towards the sky.

boom! !

A majestic momentum rushed from the distant sky, starting from the Colosseum, directly rushing into the sky, for a time, like a scarlet sky pillar spread, rushing straight to the sky, making this moment Countless people can see.

“How is this Strength possible?”

Looking at Tianzhu in the distance, Tarina’s face suddenly became horrified: “Hell!”

“No! I haven’t reached the level!” Beside, Yi Lida’s face was equally horrified, but opened the mouth and said: “However, even if it’s not the level, I’m afraid it’s not far from the level!”

“Who the hell is it !!”

Hong long! !

The earth began to toss again. Above the sky, the light rain of scarlet appeared out of thin air, forcibly illuminated the night, making the place look like day.

In the void, at this moment, bit by bit, the element particles are boiling, there is endless light rain permeating, cheering, praying for a life below, congratulations on its awakening.

This weird and sacred scene attracted everyone’s attention, and finally focused in one direction.

There, everyone could clearly see that in the deep void, there seemed to be a pair of eyes opening, with the majesty and power of Supreme.

It was a pair of scarlet’s eyes, with endless rune flashes, with various body rhymes and Bloodline forms, boiled at this moment, and together formed this new life.


As if a thunderous thunder sounded on the ground, the scarlet flame began to burn under the sky, and the filled Strength was not inferior to the other two terrifying lives in the distance.

In the scarlet flame, he has a handsome figure and a huge silhouette that is large enough to sit up from the ground with a huge, suffocating terror and majesty.

“That is···”

Looking at that silhouette appearing in the distance, Siriah froze, then her eyes widened sharply, seemingly unbelievable: “Red King!”

The silhouette appearing in the distance at this time is somewhat similar to the former Red King Beast, but it is also very different.

He has a huge body of scarlet, and the black and red scales on his body are distinct. Each scale carries a complex Blood Imprint, which looks complex and mysterious, with inexplicable formidable power.

In front of a huge skull, three huge black unicorns are staggered with each other, flashing light in the night, the breath on the whole body is with a kind of destruction and silence, which makes people see him at first sight, Just choking.

Consuming the scourge in the entire Coomass Colosseum, Adier’s appearance at this time has changed. If it were not for the deepest soul mark, and the purple mark on the forehead remained unchanged, I am afraid that even Seria cannot recognize it at this time.

“What! This is the Red King !!!”

Silia’s subconscious words suddenly shocked everyone present.

Standing quietly on the city wall, looking at the distance above 100 meters, his posture was terrible, and the huge giant beast was unfathomable. Yi Lei was unbelievable and could not connect the other party with the red beast of the past.

Others responded similarly. Even if Tarina, who is most confident in the potential of the Red King Beast, is looking at the giant beast in the distance at this time, there is some uncertainty.

However, for their reactions, the giant beast in the distance did not care.

Following the induction in his heart, giant beast gave a slight glance at the direction in which Seria was, and then turned around and looked up into the distant battlefield.

There, that is his goal!

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