The fiery light was flickering, and the endless light rain was permeating.

Under the attention of everyone, the scarlet giant beast soared into the sky and appeared in the sky in an instant.

His Strength gradually rose, turning into a strong beam of light, his breath continued to dissipate, colliding with the other two breaths that existed in the distance.

In the process, the scales on his body are constantly falling, and every black scale is falling from the sky, like a falling star, the Strength contained in it is enough to change the color.

Countless scales keep falling, for a time like one after another meteor keeps falling, setting the entire sky against a scarlet ocean in the city.

After that, Adier walked in the rain, re-growing in the ocean of scarlet rain and rain, and the scales on his body quickly grew.

Compared with the scales that have faded before, these newly grown scales are very beautiful, full of mysterious textures that meet in black and red, and they continue to spread on the scales, perfectly integrated into a whole.

“Is this … molt?”

Looking at this scene, in the distance, Yi Lida muttered to himself: “This giant beast should have just been transformed.”

“He rushed to the battlefield!”

At the next moment, his face suddenly changed, looking at the distance straight into the sky, Adier rushing towards the distant battlefield, his face was gloomy.

In the distance, the Giant Earth and Demon Wolf King are still fighting. At this time, the killing has reached its peak. Both sides have no doubt lost a lot of Strength.

And in this situation where both sides are not wasting a lot, what kind of change would a Red King Beast inferior to Hades rush to the battlefield?

“In case the demon wolf joins with the Red King Beast, that elder brother …”

Thinking about this possibility in his heart, the expression on his face changed abruptly, looking at Sria in front of him, and the ruthlessness in his eyes broke out instantly.

“All shots!”

He spoke loudly and figured everything in a blink of an eye: “The contract of the Red King Beast is in her possession. If she orders the Red King Beast to strike us, then everything is over!”

“Talina, don’t you want that Red King Beast? If you miss this time, I’m afraid I won’t have another chance in the future!”

He looked at Tarina, shouted loudly.

The Red King Beast, naturally, cannot be abandoned.

Not to mention a red king beast on the brink of the underworld, even the eighth-order red king beast is enough to make people crave, at any cost.

A Red King Beast on the verge of going to the Underworld is enough to make the Kuma Kingdom crazy, and to grasp it at the expense of the country. Even if the Guluo Empire behind Tarina, when faced with such a Red King Beast, it will inevitably go crazy and willingly pay all the costs to obtain it.

To get this Red King Beast, Sria in front of her is the biggest obstacle.

The other party is the owner of the Red King Beast. After the Red King Beast is promoted to the Underworld, the strength will become extremely scary over time.

If you don’t settle the other side now, I’m afraid there will be no chance in the future.

After thinking about this key, Tarina’s heart was fierce, the smile she had always maintained began to disappear, and a beautiful face began to become indifferent.

And on her, a huge soul that was as cold as prison and deep as a deep began to gradually manifest, and gradually blessed her, making her strength gradually strengthen.

At this moment, the power of the soul contained in her body was about to escape, and the sheer strength of her soul Strength made Side Yi Lida unable to bear her eyes.

“who are you?”

The indifferent voice sounded deep in the magic mist.

Above the sky, looking straight at the distance, Adier with crazy killing intent, the two-headed devil wolf turned slightly, and two heads looked at Adier at this moment.

Opposite him, the same was true of the two-headed giant. A pair of huge, orange eyes looked at Adier, as if waiting for his response.

Due to the fear of each other, and the extremely delicate balance, the battle between the two has stopped as soon as Adier broke in, and each other’s attention has shifted from each other to Adier.

Facing these two sights, Adier’s eyes with a killing intent, looking at the giant earth in front of him.

The earth giant in front of him is the guardian demon beast of the kingdom of Kumar, and also the deed beast owned by the ancient heroes who originally established the kingdom of Kumar.

As a demon beast owned by ancient heroes, this earth giant is not weak, and Bloodline has reached Level 3.

Standing in place and thinking for a moment, Adier’s eyes gradually shifted and gradually focused on the two-headed devil wolf.

For several months, Adier also ate a lot of Yi Lida, and finally wiped out all the beasts in the Colosseum.

For these reasons, Adier skipped the Earth Giant for the time being, and finally focused on Demon Wolf King.

Compared with the Earth Giant, this Demon Wolf King is no less powerful, and the Bloodline on his body is more than Level 3, reaching a deeper and stronger level.

“Bloodline at Level 4 …”

Looking at the two-headed demon wolf in front of him, Adier’s eyes were indifferent, and the thought flashed quietly in his heart.

In front of her eyes, she was stared at by Adier’s eyes. The eyes of the two-headed devil wolf were faint, and the eyes of a scarlet were unclear: “You …

Roar! !

The violent beast roar erupted at this moment.

Without warning, a fierce battle soon began, sweeping the entire battlefield.

In the endless light and rain, a huge body, like a mountain-like giant beast, rushed forward, but the surging between the postures made a large mountain turbulent.

The huge Strength is pressing down, and the horrible elemental particles are stirring, cheering, and finally turned into the purest blow, fiercely pressing down.

boom! !

The two sharp claws were pushed down at the same time. At this moment, the space began to collapse, the earth began to turbulence, and everything began to collapse, as if the end of the world was coming.

Large tracts of light rain are breeding in the void, and each drop of light rain falls on the ground, turning into a scarlet lake, nourishing a soul.

Flesh and scales were dripping, and in the midst of a huge storm, two giant beasts began to fight, each of them erupting into a horrible Strength.

The mountains and rivers began to be turbulent, and a large area of ​​land was affected by the aftermath of the battle of two lives. It began to collapse involuntarily and turned into pieces of ruins.

Large city walls are collapsing. Under the city wall, endless souls are mourning and lamenting.


“How great is this !!!”

In the city of Kumar, feeling the shaking of the earth, Carlo changed his face: “The whole city of Kumar is shaking, this …”

“You are not my opponent!”

In the deep fog, a devil wolf roared, and there was no bloody wound on his chest.

Opposite him, however, Adier looked much miserable, one front paw was completely crushed, and the scales on his body were smashing.

Although he devoured the scourge in the entire Coomass Colosseum, in the end, he still had a certain gap compared with the Demon Wolf King in front of him to promote Level 3, so he lost in the frontal collision.

Roar! !

He yelled, the whole voice permeated the whole mist, passed through the void, and passed to an unknown distance.

In his body, the previous wound was healing rapidly, the wound was healed quickly, and the scales covered on the body surface were quickly stretched, as if never before, as if he had never been seriously injured.

Although he has not been promoted to Level 3, swallowing countless calamity beasts in one breath has also made his savings within the body reach a peak, and the blood and vitality accumulated within the body are unthinkable.

With the help of these vitality and vitality, the wounds on his body healed fast, unbelievably fast.

Compared to him, the Demon Wolf King is not recovering so fast. Although the wound on his body is healing fast, the blood is still flowing and dripping slowly onto the ground.

“Awakening the recovered innate talent?”

Looking at Adier whose body was healed in front of him, the devil wolf opened his mouth wide, and the scarlet eyes of his scarlet were full of violent and killing intent: “Swallow you up, your huge vitality belongs to me …”

The voice fell, and a huge iron fist slammed down.

It was the earth giant. At this moment, when he saw that Adier was falling into the downwind, he immediately shot violently, slamming an iron fist, and smashing against the head of the two-headed devil wolf.


The violent Strength erupted at this moment, and the power of the orange yellow earth was raging at this moment, colliding with the force of calamity in front and annihilating.

boom! !

The deep power of calamity and the power of the earth collided with each other. In the end, a huge devil wolf was hit and flew away from a distance. I don’t know how many mountains were broken.


The next moment, a huge crimson beast rushed from a distance, and a huge sharp sharp claw grabbed it.

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