Roar! !

On the vast earth, the beast roared from the ground.

Fighting and sorrowing, the collision between Strength and Strength comes one after another, resounding and spreading on this land, and gradually passed to an unknown distance.

The earth began to tremble, the space began to become a nothingness, and the magic mist of the sky was also shaking. It seemed that it could not bear this huge Strength, and began to wander involuntarily outwards and was completely dispelled.

In the mist and mist, a drop of blood began to drip, and large scales turned into meteors, and they fell quickly onto the ground.

Hong long! !

The sharp claw collided with the iron fist, and the prestige that erupted at this instant was heartbreaking.

Under a mountain, the devil wolf and the giant fought each other, the iron fist and sharp claw collided at all times, and the majesty scattered all over him spread out, making countless people in the distance tremble physically and mentally.

They were fighting, and the whole scene looked like an epic myth.

Drops of blood dripped onto the ground, turning them into lakes of each and everyone on the ground, falling down into pieces of flesh and blood, according to their respective strengths and wills, they were turned into a piece of land, or pure fertile sacred earth, or strange and chaotic Demon Domain.

In the meantime, a giant claw of a scarlet was photographed fiercely from the sky.

boom! !

In an instant, Adier came from under the sky, and decisively shot at the moment when the devil wolf and the giant handed over and collided, and a full Strength burst out.

The bright scarlet brilliance shrouded the whole land. At this moment, the night was completely illuminated, and a new sun appeared in the whole world, bringing the light back to the earth.

The mist was dispersed, and the night was expelled. In the endless brilliance, a huge red king beast roaring and roaring like a mountain.

Roar! !

A sharp claw covered everything, and at this moment, all the glory began to dim, only Adier’s own light and shadow, and the one who looked forward, with the fearless giant claw.

boom! !

At an instant, the blow was taken fiercely, the devil wolf growled backwards, and a bottomless crack appeared at the heart of his chest.

On the rift, black blood was flowing continuously, dripping from the ground from time to time, turning the ground into a black and red.

Looking indifferently at this scene, Adier stood here, the seed of within the body Bloodline was running quietly.

An inexplicable traction began to spread. In the surroundings, it seemed to be pulled by some Strength. All blood and flesh began to recover, and all rushed directly into Adier.

In the process, the red light on his body is constantly drifting, eventually covering the endless disaster beasts in the magic mist, causing countless disaster beasts to burst directly, flesh and blood into a pure blood mist floating to the sky, Eventually absorbed by Adier.

Supported by this vitality, Adier’s wound was healed immediately, and the injuries he had suffered immediately healed completely.

“So terrifying vitality.”

Looking at this scene quietly, behind Adier, a little surprise flashed in the earth giant’s eyes.

The vitality of the underworld life should have been extremely powerful. Under normal circumstances, a drop of blood is enough to infect a piece of land and bring new vitality to it.

As a giant of the earth, his vitality can be regarded as extremely strong even in the underworld. Under normal circumstances, he can only crush others.

However, in front of the scarlet giant beast of strange origin in front of him, this kind of vitality is not enough to see. If he is placed on the battlefield and is caught in a war of attrition, I am afraid that it may be consumed by the opponent.

This is also the case where the other party has not really been promoted to the undergraduate level. If the promotion is successful, it is not known how terrible it will be.

Roar! !

Before we can think about it, the battlefield is changing.

Under the gaze of the earth giant, the scarlet giant beast in front of him was smashed forward, and fiercely rushed towards the giant wolf. The kind of sworn death and the violent fighting style are better than the Demon Wolf in front of him. King is more like a beast.

boom! !

The claws collide with the claws, and the Strength contained in them erupts, with a terrifying roar.

Looking at the demon wolf in front of him, Adier slammed into the other person, and finally bite at him.

The strong bloody taste ran down the bloodstream, and the smell that belonged to the disaster animal made Adier unknowingly be affected, and the violence and madness in his eyes began to intensify.

Roar! !

On the opposite side of Adier, he was bitten by Adier, and there was a flash of madness in the eyes of the demon wolf, and a huge mouth opened to bite Adier.

At this moment, the red and black scales began to flash, and the rune above began to shine, and at the moment of bloom, the most terrifying enchantment was interwoven, trying to block the opponent’s offensive.

However, under that magnanimous mouth, all this is useless.

The enchantment only blocked the opponent for a moment, and then it burst into pieces. The scales attached to it were bitten by forcibly, revealing the flesh below, bitten by forcibly, and then torn.

The flesh began to bloom, and the blood began to flow at a rapid speed. At this moment, two giant beasts bite at each other, and bite each other crazy toward each other, as if they want to bite each other forcibly.

Blocks of flesh and blood were torn apart by the other side, and horrible pains came from the body and even the soul. Feeling this, the madness in Adier’s eyes became more intense. Not only did he not immediately separate, but he bited more violently.

In the surroundings, the huge magic mist and elemental particles are roaring, shrouding all around Adier and Demon Wolf King, gradually turning into the hottest flames, as if the two were completely melted.

In the distance, watching this scene quietly, a hint of hesitation flashed deep in the earth giant’s eyes, and the iron fist that was about to hit could not help but stop.

To him, the two-headed Demon Wolf King is the enemy, but Adier is one of the potential rivals.

Now, letting these two parties fight each other and consume each other is the most advantageous option for him.


With this in mind, after a while, the cage in front of me started to break.

The power of calamity is roaring and mourning, mixing with the surrounding huge elemental particles, erupting a huge Strength, causing a burst of vibration in an instant.

The fog of the sky began to rise, the power of calamity and the power of the elements were intertwined, and the land was completely shrouded in it.

“Who won?”

In the endless fog, at this moment, the earth giant glared his eyes, a pair of yellow, jewel-like eyes exuding golden light, among which there seemed to be endless rune flickering to break the falsehood in front And see the most realistic scene inside.

Under the golden glitter, the fog in front was quickly expelled, revealing the most realistic scene inside.

Endless calamity is mourning, huge elementary particles are roaring, surrounded by endless light, a giant, majestic giant beast stands quietly on the earth, and the scales are shining with the light of the scarlet. It’s Adier.

He stood on the ground, most of the scales on his body were broken, and a huge wound on his chest cracked, and the white skeleton was faintly visible.

Scarlet’s blood was dripping constantly. He stood on the ground, looking coldly at the four corners, and quietly just stood there, but the momentum that shook the heavens and the earth changed countless people.

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