Drop it … Drop it …

The crisp sound of blood dripping onto the ground was sounding.

On the ground in front of you, scarlet and black blood are mixed with each other, intertwined, and the power of Bloodline contained in them collides with each other, forming one blood pool after another on the ground.

Standing quietly on the ground, Adier stood there, majestic, looking coldly.

Under his feet, Demon Wolf King was still mourning, his body was shattered, and the whole body could hardly see the previous shape.

This was forcibly bitten into this. In the process of tearing, his limbs were bitten by Adier, the flesh on his body was forcibly torn, and even the skeleton within the body was torn at this moment. Many, in a short time, have lost the Strength to continue fighting with Adier.

However, despite such misery, he was still alive, the wounds on his body continued to squirm, and the flesh and blood on it was glowing rapidly, causing his wounds to heal quickly.

Led by his breath, around the sky, the power of the calamity flooded into his body quickly, turning into his Strong Spring, helping him recover quickly.

If there is no external interference, I am afraid that after a while, this two-headed devil wolf will recover and ravage one side again.

However, whether it is Adier or the Giant Earth, no doubt will not give him this opportunity and time.

A giant claw of a scarlet was depressed, and forcibly hit his skull in the eyes of the Devil’s despair and anger.

boom! !

The earth shook again, and in its place, a huge pothole with a length of 100 meters appeared suddenly. In it, the devil wolf lay quietly.

After being hit hard by Adier, he is still alive, but there are a few more cracks on his skull, with black blood flowing and dripping.

wu wu wu ····

Silently, he wailed, as if calling, as if cursing.

boom! !

In front of everything, Adier turned a blind eye and fell down with a single blow, and shot directly on the head of the devil wolf.

With a loud bang, the pothole in the place expanded again, and the devil wolf inside it had completely turned into a headless corpse, and black blood flowed throughout the body.

“He … won …”

Looking at the scene from afar, Carlo stood for a moment, muttering to himself.

In my mind, I saw Adier’s scene one after another for the first time, and quickly came to my mind.

When he met for the first time, Adier’s strength was only one order, and he could be pinched to death with one hand.

At that time, if he made up his mind, he could just grab Adier.

But now, in less than half a year, the opponent’s strength has expanded to this point. With Carlow’s strength, he could not even bear a breath of the other side.

“If I was then …”

Strong remorse rushed into my heart, looking at Adier standing in the distance, standing on top of Demon Wolf King’s corpse, Carlo was in a mixed mood, and for the first time in his life, he raised strong remorse.

But, by this time, everything was too late.

The Red King Beast has been promoted to the underworld level, and the luckiest person who will make the most profit will be the Ariya King Descendant.

As the owner of the Red King Beast, when the strength of the Red King Beast reaches this level, the opponent’s strength will also be quickly promoted to a point where he must look up in his life.

Thinking of this, he stopped himself and looked in a certain direction.

There, a fierce fight is still underway.

boom! !

The crisp sound of metal collision rang through.

In the middle of the venue, Sria was wearing a black robe, her face looked a little pale, and there was no trace of blood.

Opposite her, Yi Lida’s face was indifferent, and her body was filled with horror, which looked like an aloof and remote king.

But at this moment, looking at the seemingly weak girl in front of her eyes, Yi Lida’s heart was equally astonished.

The girl in front of her looks weak, but the Strength contained in it is really amazing.

As he had previously thought, although Seria had eight levels of life and strength, but her own combat power was far below this level. At the beginning, it was only within a few strokes. What he suppressed was not his opponent at all.

But what struck him was that as time went on, the girl’s Strength grew rapidly.

This enhancement is not an experience and skill, but an enhancement in Strength itself.

In the continuous battle, although the young girl’s combat skill is far inferior to him, but with her own growing Strength, she can forcibly support her offensive.

The result of this horror, even Prince Lida, could not help but be shocked.

“The roots are in that Red King Beast.”

He looked to the distant battlefield, his eyes penetrated the distant distance in the blink of an eye, and saw the real scene: “The Strength of that Red King Beast is too strong, and just a little Strength’s drive has strengthened Seria. so much.”

“It’s going to be bad again.”

Looking at the Red King Beast standing on the earth in the distance, and even though his face was pale, there was a horror-strength Siriya, and he thought about it.

boom! !

One paw slaps Demon Wolf King to death, stands on the ground, and Adier stops not at all.

Looking at the demon wolf’s body in front of him, within his body, a Bloodline seed was rapidly oscillating, and a faint ripple was passing by, turning it into a scarlet glow covering the four directions.

At an instant, the speed at which the demon wolf’s body in front of her eyes had been visible began to disappear, and the flesh and blood on it melted in an instant, leaving only a faint black skeleton.

To do this, things are not over. On the skeleton left by the devil wolf, a little of the power of the Bloodline was quickly extracted, and under the strong traction of the Bloodline seed, it was forcibly drawn to within the body of Adier.

A noble, proud, full of chaos and mighty Bloodline majesty spread to all around, and finally condensed into an image of a giant devil wolf in Adier’s mind.

It was a huge demon wolf with five lower limbs and three heads. He was lying quietly in a deep valley somewhere, sleeping quietly.

His body is huge, if his body stands up, at least 1000 meters, as tall as the ancient mountains in mythology. Even in deep sleep, the terrifying Bloodline majesty on him still passed on to Adier through endless distance.

Just feeling the majesty of the Bloodline, Adier’s body was shaking slightly.

It has nothing to do with the will. This is the instinctive reaction of the inferior Bloodline to the superior Bloodline, and it illustrates the power of this Bloodline.

wu wu wu ···

It seems to be feeling something. In the image, the eyes of the three devil wolves are opened, and the eyes of pure black are like endless stars, shining with the most ancient and magnificent light.

He looked up into the sky, and in an instant, the power of the grand soul seemed to be directly conveyed to Adier through the connection of Bloodline.


At the moment when that devil wolf opened his eyes, Adier decisively isolated the connection of the power of Bloodline, completely sealed the power of Bloodline extracted from Demon Wolf King, and isolated any external connections.

“The existence of Level 4 is not inferior to Moonline’s Bloodline …”

Feeling the devil wolf in the image, Adier’s eyes were deep, and he raised a front paw silently.

A faint mark remained on his paw, with endless resentment, which seemed to be some kind of curse.

This mark is very faint, but it is also very tenacious. It reveals the spirit of the previous Demon Wolf King, which should be left by the Demon Wolf King.

“This is the mark of the devil wolf …” Behind him, a loud voice sounded.

Looking at Adier in front of him, feeling the imprint of Adier, the earth giant said, his voice was hoarse and heavy, and a little dull: “Zager, the two-headed wolf, is a descendant of the devil wolf god Ariandola. When you kill Zager, you leave his curse on him. In the future, the demon wolf will recover, and he will inevitably find you along the mark and avenge his descendants.

He muffled opened the mouth and said, and the sound spread in Shino, ringing for many miles.

After Adier killed Demon Wolf King, he converged the faint hostility that had previously existed and took the initiative to speak, showing a certain goodwill.

In the previous battles, the terrifying vitality shown by Adier really frightened him.

In his current Strength, if he is tough with Adier, the one to emerge victorious is not known at the end.

Since there is no certainty of victory, for the giant demon beasts that protect a country, such as the Giant Earth, they will not easily operate to avoid unnecessary losses.

“It sounds good.”

Quietly turned from the place, looking at the towering high behind him, like a giant mountain, Adier opened the mouth and said, he didn’t seem to care about the so-called mark of the devil wolf.

“In return for helping Ghazger kill this time, if necessary, I can perform earth sacrifices and expel the mark on you.”

On the opposite side, the earth giant continued to speak, and a pair of huge yellow turbid eyes stared at Adier quietly: “Without your mark, as long as you are careful, if you avoid it, even Yrian Andora will find you hard.”

“No need.” Adier didn’t care at all about the giant: “I have a solution.”

Although the curse issued by the demon wolf is troublesome, for Adier, there are many ways to make it clear, but it is only a little troublesome.

Moreover, Adier is not ready to remove this mark.

Although it was just a glance, Adier also sensed part of the state of the devil wolf in the induction.

That devil wolf is still deeply asleep, at this time at least several decades before the other party completely wakes up from the deep sleep.

For decades, such a long time, at the speed of Adier’s current progress, when the demon wolf is completely awake, then who will kill who?

“Which one is your owner?”

Standing in place, the earth giant suddenly opened the mouth and said.

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