“Which one is your owner?”

On the empty ground, the dull voice of the giant sounded.

“she was?”

Adier looked in the direction of the giant and looked at Siriah, who was fighting Lida in the distance. Adier was a little surprised, but he didn’t have the slightest emotional change: “Forget it.”

“The qualifications are too bad.” Looking at Sria in the distance, after observing for a while, the earth giant shook the head, and was not optimistic about Sria’s qualifications: “The owner of this qualification is for you There is no benefit, but it will reduce your strength. “

“After all, the Strength on her, in essence, comes from you.”

For this, Adier indifferent expression, gently nodded.

He discovered this long before signing the contract.

The Bloodline contract is essentially a transaction.

The deed owner supports the deed beast with the power of his own soul, so that the deed beast completes the transformation, and the deed beast shares his strength to his own deed owner, so that the deed owner can have a strong strength.

This is a win-win choice. Both the owner and the beast can get what they want from the other party, thus achieving a delicate balance.

But in Adier, this balance is undoubtedly broken.

Siya’s qualifications are really too ordinary. Compared with Adier’s strength, the part of the soul power that she provides to Adier is basically a slap in the bucket, and it can only be said that chat is better than nothing.

Relative to that poor soul power, the part of Strength that Adier assigned to Seria was extremely huge.

Although insignificant to Adier, for his current level, casually escaping a little Strength is enough to easily push people to the level of Level 2 wizard.

This breaks the balance of the transaction, breaks the win-win nature, and makes Seria’s existence not only help but not a drag for Adier.

“I can help if there is a need.”

The giant extends the hand, with a huge palm spread out, a little golden crystals on it: “This is a gem condensed by the power of the earth. With the secret method, the Bloodline contract on the body can be slowly weakened or even cancelled.”

“It’s just this process, it will consume a lot of your vitality.”

Having said that, he glanced at Adier and stopped talking.

The wreckage of the battlefield is still there. Adier’s performance in the previous battle is still vivid.

It is meaningless to talk about the vitality consumption with this powerful vitality subject.

“many thanks.”

Looking at the golden gem in the giant palm, hesitated for a while, and Adier reached out to take it.

In my mind, a stream of information quickly poured in and was received in the blink of an eye, even if I wanted to forget it.

This is a lot of knowledge about the Bloodline contract, which includes the understanding and exploration of the Earth Giants’ Bloodline contract, and contains a lot of related secrets.

For people in this world, these are priceless treasures, but for the level of the underworld, they are just used as human things.

“Bloodline contract. Can I sign with multiple people at the same time?”

After receiving this part of the message, stopped for a while, Adier suddenly spoke.

“Theoretically.” In front of him, the giant shook the head: “You can sign a blood deed with many people, just do it, not at all what’s the point.”

“Everyone’s soul imprint is slightly different, and the power of the soul produced will carry its own imprint.”

“Different soul forces can cause strong conflicts, so if you accept the soul force of one person, it is difficult to accept the soul force of another.

Listening to this, Adier’s eyes flashed a little clear: “That’s why you will stay here and become a beast of deed?”

“Good.” Looking at Adier, the giant was a bit surprised, and continued to open the mouth and said: “My owner is the ancestor of the Kumar Royal Family, and today the Kumar Royal Family are his descendants.”

“The Bloodline and Mark of the ancestors will remain in the descendant’s within the body. Compared to others, Bloodline’s pure descendants fit best with the Marks of their ancestors, and the generated soul power will not be too great for me. I can absorb the obstacles. “

“Of course, you are different from me.”

Looking at the Adier in front of him, he paused, and then spoke again: “I can grow to this point, thanks to my owner, and the spiritual power of the Kuma Royal Family generation after generation, the soul imprint has long been on the library The Royal Family ’s deep imprint makes it impossible to change the owner. “

“But when you grow to this point, you rely on yourself.”

“Her soul power has not imprinted your mark, so you still have a chance to choose.”

“I see.” For a moment of silence, Adier gently nodded, then looked up slightly.

A scarlet’s mark drifted from him, and under his operation, it turned into a scarlet’s gem, which gradually fell on the giant’s palm.

“This is my mark.” He opened the mouth and said: “With this mark, you can call me when you need it.”

“In return today, when you call me, I will help you again.”

The earth giant is gently nodded and put away the gem.

At this point, the assassination on the earth was nearing its end.

Without Demon Wolf King, for Adier and the Giant Earth, the remaining magic wolves are just things that can be solved at will, which is not worth mentioning.

In fact, most of the demon wolves and disaster beasts were cleared by Adier long before Adier and Demon Wolf King fought.

For Adier, these demon wolves and disaster beasts are rare foods, and naturally they will not let go. Earlier, they were swallowed by him in half.

The remaining beasts were nothing to Kumar King’s Courtyard. During Adier’s conversation with the giant earth, they were almost cleaned.

Standing on the ruins and stepping on the body of Demon Wolf King, Adier turned to look back.

In the middle of the crowd, Sria stood with Yi Lei, and was still confronted with Lida and the others.

At this moment, it seemed to feel something. On the flat ground, Sria turned gently and looked in the direction of Adier.

The fog is still shrouding, and the sand is still spreading. In the mist and haze, Silia’s long hair fluttered. At this moment, she seemed to see the silhouette of Adier in the distance through some kind of induction.

Gaze at each other lightly, next moment, Adier got up, his body disappeared in situ, and in an instant he didn’t know how much distance he had crossed, and went towards an unknown distance.

“what happened?”

On the flat ground, looking at Sirea’s expression, Yi Lei was a little nervous and asked.

“He’s gone.” Silia opened the mouth and said, looking silently into the distance, her heart was a little complicated for a moment.

“Your Majesty has a command.” A voice sounded across the road.

Carlo rode on the purple scale beast and quickly came to Yi Lida, looking at Yi Lida in front of her opened the mouth and said: “Your Majesty said to let them go.”

“I see.” Unexpectedly, to this order, Prince Lida was not at all accidental, just calmly nodded.

He was not surprised by this result. In other words, as long as Adier killed Demon Wolf King and ceased fighting the Giant Earth, he already knew the result.

Unconsciously, the Red King Beast had grown to a terrifying state. A Red King beast comparable to the underworld, as long as it is unwilling, no one can force it to do anything.

In addition, in order not to anger the Red King Beast, no one can fight Sria before the Red King Beast actively cancels the contract.

It was just that, even though he knew the result in his heart, but out of unwillingness, he still made the last effort, but failed.

Thinking of this, he sighed, staring at the two Sria in front of him, and finally turned slightly. This moment was like a perfect gentleman, leading the way: “Please come with me.”

Behind each other, Siya and Yi Lei went forward, followed Yi Lida silently, and shuttled in this city of Kuma.

Cough … cough …

In the wilderness, a cough sounded intermittently, and it sounded very heavy, as if to cough out the entire internal organs.

By a small stream, Tarina lay quietly beside a boulder, making a cough from time to time.

At this moment, she looked very bad. There were large and small wounds all over her body, with black and red blood flowing out, accompanied by a rancid smell.

Sitting hard on the boulder, she lowered her head and looked down at the stream below.

An ugly face emerged from the water of the stream.

Unblocking her seal, in a blink of an eye, she seemed to be several decades old, and her original beautiful face was now withered and ugly, full of age spots, and nauseating light yellow pus.

“Lie down!” Beside him, an anxious voice passed quickly.

A few meters away, Zhilo Riya was holding a bunch of herbs, looking at Tarina who was sitting in front of her eyes, with anxiety on her face: “You can’t move now!”

He hurried forward, lowering the herbs, and extended the hand to lift Tarina.

A withered arm grabbed his hand for a moment, stopping his action.

“It’s useless···”

Grabbing Zhilo’s hand, Tarina’s voice was hoarse and dying: “I unlocked the seal, and the vitality of within the body has been burned, even if … no matter how long, I can’t live long … ·· “

“Stop talking!” Holding Tarina’s hand, the expression on Zhilo’s face became more anxious, and there was an inscrutable madness in her eyes: “Trust me! Tarina, trust me!”

“I will find a way, don’t give up !!”

He desperately held Tarina’s hand. At this moment, it seemed to speak to Tarina and herself.

As for his performance, Tarina just laughed. Then, a withered arm stroked his head and touched his long golden hair.

“Actually, from small to large, I have a willingness.”

“Zhilo Leah.”

She looked at Zhilo Riya, her voice trembling gently: “When I was very young, I knew that I was not meant to be with you all the time or to be with you …”

“So, I really want to settle the Constitution on me, and then stay with you and do many things I always want to do with you …”

“Just now, I’m afraid I can’t realize this wish.”

She worked hard with eyes opened, looking at herself on the water and laughing: “Zhilo Riya, I look like this now, would you still marry me?”

“Yes!” Zhilo Leah eyes opened, speaking like a growl, and then looking at Tarina’s appearance at this time, tears could not help but stay.

Holding Tarina, he kissed Tarina’s forehead lightly and didn’t care about the stench.

And as time passed, he could feel that in his arms, Tarina’s vitality was rapidly declining, like a flame that was about to extinguish, leaving only the last glory.

He felt pain in this change, but he didn’t have the slightest ability to change it. He could only close his eyes in pain and try not to let tears flow.

Beside, it seemed to feel the emotions of the owner, a golden lion whispered, as if mourning.

In the distance, unknowingly, a faint change began to occur.

The glory of a scarlet is spreading, bringing a faint mist.

In the fog, a giant beast walked up, and a pair of scarlet eyes stared at Zhilo Lia.

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