The faint scarlet brilliance flickered around, accompanied by that unique and powerful air machine.


Suddenly feeling that kind of sudden and powerful air machine, Zhilo’s scalp was numb, and he looked quickly behind him, just matching the eyes of a pair of scarlet.

The intense Bloodline majesty is spreading and gradually spreading.

At this moment, Zhilo Riya just felt that she was trembling all over her body, every flesh and every particle in her body was screaming wildly, making him desperate to escape.

At this moment, the fog in front of him gradually dispersed, revealing the scene inside.

A large body, as if a scarlet giant beast of a mountain, walked slowly, a pair of scarlet eyes quietly looked at him.

“Red King Beast !!”

Looking at the giant beast in front of him, Zhilo Riya subconsciously issued cry out in surprise, seeming a little surprised.

Perhaps it was because of Wytarina, that there was no fear in Zhilo’s heart at this time, only a slight surprise, and a little relief.

“Maybe it’s not bad to die with her like this …”

Looking at Adier walking slowly in the distance, this thought flashed in his mind.

“She’s about to die.”

Walking slowly from a distance, he came in front of Zhilo Riya, looking at Tarina in his arms, and Adier calmly spoke.

“I know···”

Listening to Adier’s words, Zhilo Riya silently, holding Tarina, who was unconscious, stood just like that.

In the distance, a golden lion snarled and rushed over. Although he couldn’t help trembling all over his body, he insisted on standing in front of Zhilo Riya and looked at Adier fiercely.

Feeling this, Adier lowered his head slightly and looked at the golden lion.

A majestic Bloodline bloomed majesticly, but for a moment, the lion was directly bound by the invisible Strength and passed out.

After doing this, he looked at Zhilo, who was in front of him, and Tarina in his arms.

“I can save her.”

An indifferent and whispering sound was sounding, and a faint ripple rippled in Zhilo’s heart at this moment.

“Really?” Zhilo Ria suddenly raised his head, the brilliance in his eyes was unprecedentedly bright.

Adier didn’t speak, but just bowed his head silently, looking at Tarina in Zhilo’s arms.

In his induction, at this moment, Tarina’s Fire of Life was fading, and at this speed, she would soon reach the limit.

But at the same time, in her body, the power of the soul became more and more huge. With the continuous burning of vitality, the power of the soul was so strong that it led Adier all over.

“A unique Constitution should be the continuous burning of vitality, so that the strength of its own soul continues to grow.”

Looking at Tarina, for a moment Adier felt it.

There is no doubt that this unique Constitution has great advantages for this world’s system.

The stronger the power of the soul, it means that it can nourish the deed beast faster and make the deed beast complete its transformation quickly.

However, whatever happens in this world, once it exceeds a certain limit, it will bring about various adverse consequences.

Tarina within the body The tremendous soul power is obtained by burning her own vitality. The faster the power of the soul in her body grows, the more terrifying the burning of vitality.

And at her speed, the vitality of the general beast cannot be carried at all. If it is a coercive contract, it can only be exhausted and die.

“If you follow this method of burning, I am afraid that even a Level 2 animal can’t carry it, and she can only support her for a few more years.”

“If you want to carry this kind of combustion, you need at least Level 3 to do it.”

Observing Tarina quietly, feeling the speed of vitality consuming on her, Adier shook his head secretly.

The requirements of this Constitution are too harsh. A beast equivalent to a Level 2 wizard will not be able to stand for a few years, and will be drained of vitality, showing its horror.

However, if you can withstand this consumption, you can enjoy sufficient benefits.

For Adier, Tarina in front of her is undoubtedly valuable.

Even if she doesn’t count on the power of her huge soul, it is just her unique Constitution that can burn vitality to grow the power of soul, which makes Adier very interested.

The road after Level 4 is closely related to the soul. If the Constitution of the girl in front of me can find out the core of the source, it will be very helpful for Adier.

Thinking of this, he lowered his head silently, and in his eyes a little scarlet light was blooming.

Under the gaze of Zhilo’s eyes next to him, the glimmer turned into a complex mark, and finally fell on Tarina’s body, slowly integrating with her.

In the blink of an eye, a unique change began to occur.

On Tarina, a gentle light is slowly blooming, and the Fire of Life, which was about to go out, lights up again, gaining a new pillar of life.

After the Bloodline contract was established, a new connection was quickly established in Adier’s induction, and a huge sheer force of soul was flowing through the connection.

Compared with the power of the soul provided by Sirea before, the power of the soul provided by Tarina is much too much, and the gap between the two is not double, but a thousand times.

Moreover, standing in the distance, carefully feeling the difference between the two soul forces, Adier was able to perceive that, compared with the soul force provided by Sria, Tarina was undoubtedly much more powerful. Impurities are also scarce.

However, with the influx of huge soul forces, the original solid vitality was like opening a mouth on Adier, and a large amount of vitality escaped from it, and was quickly passed to Tarina’s through some connection. Body.

In the surprise face of Zhilo Riya, in his arms, Tarina’s appearance changed rapidly.

Her body, which was nearly withered, recovered again. On her body, she received Adier’s vitality support, and the various reactions that originally occurred due to the exhaustion of vitality began to fade away.

On her face, horrific age spots gradually disappeared, and the wrinkles on her face gradually subsided. Even the wounds left in the previous battle were directly healed with the support of a large amount of vitality. Not only restored the beauty and appearance of the past, it even looked younger.

Lying quietly in the arms of Zhilo Riya, she looked like a young girl, beautiful and delicate, showing a youthful vitality.

And these are all supported by the vitality of Adier.

“Good horrible consumption.”

Aside, looking at the changes in Tarina’s body, feeling the vitality of within the body passing away, even though she was psychologically prepared, Adier couldn’t help but be surprised.

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