“The increase in the number of catastrophes will demonize an area into a dark area.”

“If you want to avoid this, you must always be vigilant and clean up the beasts in your own territory.”

Standing next to a stream, Zhilo Riya opened the mouth and said, and her face seemed a little serious at the moment: “And to do this, only a powerful deed …”

Hearing this, Adier was thinking: “Are there guardian beasts among those kingdom empires?”

“Not necessarily.” Zhilo Riyah shook the head: “Only an underworld deed can qualify as a guardian beast.”

“Among the countries that can have guardian beasts, only those with a long history, strong national strength, and heroic kingdoms have appeared on their ancestors.”

“An ordinary kingdom, even if it is powerful, is not eligible for a guardian beast.”

“So.” Adier was disappointed when he heard this.

He was still thinking about whether to hit his mind on these guardians.

As a guardian beast, its own strength and Bloodline will certainly not be weak, and it is most suitable as a nourishment for Bloodline seeds.

But now it seems that the number of guardian beasts is extremely scarce, and each head represents the survival of an entire country.

Once Adier starts to deal with those guardians, it’s not just a guardian, but a collection of strengths for the whole country.

Compared to the rare and troublesome guardian beasts, those disaster beasts are more suitable. Not only are they numerous, they are also better to start with.

“In some parts of the world, they once owned a guardian beast and once thrived for this cauldron, but when the guardian beast fell, it soon fell down and was even destroyed by other kingdoms.”

After setting his mind, in front of his eyes, Zhilo Riya continued to say, “The Aryan Kingdom where Seria Princess is located is such a country. The ancestors once had powerful guarding deeds, but they fell unexpectedly, resulting in national strength. It gradually faded and was eventually destroyed by Kumar. “

“Aryan …” Adier said softly, his voice shaking in space: “What is that emerald heart?”

In previous conversations between Irene and Tarina and the others, the word Emerald Heart was mentioned more than once, and it was remembered by Adier and asked at this time.

“It was something left after the fall of the Aryan Guardian that year, and it contained most of the life force of a Hades-level Guardian.” Zhilo Riya answered seriously, without any stagnation in the discourse: “This kind of thing with a lot of vitality is precious, Even if it is acquired by the same level of guardian deed beast, you can also use it to absorb and grow your vitality, so as to extend the life span of the guarded deed beast. “

“The reason why Tarina wants to obtain this emerald heart is also because of her Constitution, and she hopes to gain the vitality contained in the emerald heart to extend lifespan.”

As he said, his words seemed calm.

In this regard, Adier nodded, expressed understanding.

At this moment, a breeze came from a distance, with a slight fragrance.

Tarina is wearing black clothed, Shi Shiran walks from afar, dragging a huge giant elephant behind her.

There are many wounds on the giant elephant, but there is ice on the wound, which completely freezes the wound without allowing blood to flow out, retaining most of the blood of this giant elephant.

Dragging the giant elephant from a distance, Tarina gave Adier a gift, and then she sat next to Zhilo Riya, sitting quietly with him.

She got rid of the danger of life depletion, and after gaining a lot of vitality, she seemed to have changed a lot, even her personality has changed a lot, and she seemed much calmer than the past.


A huge iron sword fell to the ground, right in front of Zhilo Leah.

Looking at this giant sword, Zhilo Riya knew, pulled the giant sword from his front, walked silently to the side of the stream, and started his own practice.

In his within the body, as he moves, a tiny Life Seed is slowly stretching, and a touch of Life Energy is already breeding on it, and it gradually penetrates out.

Watching this scene quietly, Adier secretly nodded.

During this time, after signing a contract with Tarina, the two of them became his seekers.

Among them, Zhilo Riya naturally said that after killing his brother, that is, the Prince of the Kumar Kingdom, it is impossible for him to return to the Kumar Kingdom. At this time, he dared to risk the offense of the Kumar Kingdom to retain his power. Not much.

As for Tarina, the background is also a bit complicated, and Adier has to conduct a long-term study of her Constitution, so she has no choice at all.

Under these conditions, after weighing and weighing for a moment, the two decisively chose to stay with Adier and become Adier’s only followers at this stage.

For these two followers, Adier also trained them both under the right conditions.

Zhilo Riya has the qualifications to become Knight. Although the qualifications are just average, Adier has trained him to put him on the road to Knight.

As for Tarina, she was taught by Adier himself.

A thin strip of Spirit force slowly extended towards the periphery, forming a circle in Tarina’s eyes, in which several runes were jumping, emitting light together, forming a most basic spell model.

After a few moments of serious contemplation, after a few minutes, Tarina looked up, and also a Spirit force began to spread in the back of her head, imitating Adier’s previous actions, and slowly building a most basic spell model.

Her movements are very slow. Compared with the smooth and rapid construction of Adier, not only is it slow, but also the rune is stumbling, and it almost deviates several times.

Nevertheless, under the gaze of Adier, she still worked hard to sketch, and slowly and firmly built the model in front of her.

“Hu ···”

In front of me, after a full half hour, the rune in front of me finally took shape.

Looking at this rune, Tarina was sweating, but at this moment she was relaxed and relaxed: “Finally succeeded …”

“Good.” In front of him, a faint Spirit message sounded.

Looking at Tarina, who was full of Han in front of her eyes, Adier could not see any emotions on his face, but he was very satisfied.

Compared with Zhilo Riya’s qualifications, Tarina’s qualifications in front of him have given Adier a big surprise.

With the Constitution that transforms vitality into the soul, in the essence of the soul, Tarina in front of her is very special, and it is extremely suitable for the wizard system.

Just under the wizard’s system, Tarina’s qualifications in front of her can be said to be the only thing in Adier’s life. Even the student Somme received in Ancient World is far worse than the Tarina in front of her.

This terrible qualification made Adier unable to bear some glances and collected him as a student.

Aaaaaahhhh! !! !! Sorry sorry sorry !! Lazy cancer has been committed again in recent days! !! I’ve been playing Laozhuwu, looking for various mods! Forgot to update! !! !! It will definitely be added tomorrow! !!

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