“It’s time to stop.”

Sitting in front of a flat ground, looking at the sweating in front of her eyes, like Tarina who had worked hard for one day and one night, Adier gently opened the mouth and said, and the sound echoed in the space, and gradually spread to Shino Octagon.

“Yes.” Listening to Adier’s words, Tarina quietly nodded, and then sat up from where she was.

After working hard for a long time, her face still looked calm. She didn’t complain at all because she was tired, but she looked paler.

She stood up silently, walked straight to the side, and with the help of the golden lion, started to make a fire, preparing to prepare lunch for Zhilo Lia on the side.

In the process, her eyes from time to time looked at Zhilo in the distance, with tenderness in her eyes, so that Adier in the distance could clearly feel.

Looking at the igniting girl in the distance, Adier shook her head secretly, but didn’t seem to interfere with it, just went silently and closed her eyes.

In my mind, a little information is continually integrated. At this moment, the huge Spirit force starts to perform simulation calculations, integrating all the information obtained recently.

Although there is no assistance from the chip, and some losses in the derivation, the existence of Level 3 has a strong Spirit power. Although its computing power is far less than that of the chip, it is also extremely scary. Checking some data in the brain is only a basic operation .

“It’s weird.”

Combining the information from recent observations, looking at Tarina in the distance, Adier slowly opened his eyes.

During this time, he did nothing but hunt and kill the beast.

In addition to teaching the cultivation of these two followers, he did not let go of Tarina’s research.

The ability to transform vitality into the power of the soul, this kind of constitutional adier has never heard of it in the past. If I had n’t seen it in this world, I would not believe it.

But unfortunately, even after working hard for several months, he still hasn’t researched much in the face of Tarina’s unique Constitution.

Just through a lot of experiments and trials, Adier also probably got some results.

The constitution of Tarina should be formed because of the unique environment of this world, the principles of which are very complicated, involving high-level construction and change.

In this regard, limited by conditions, Adier has not been able to research much.

However, just the point that was researched made Adier feel shocked. Many of the previous doubts about Dao of Soul disappeared without thinking about it.

Adier estimates that to thoroughly study the constitution on Tarina, I am afraid that it will not be possible until at least Level 4.

“In this regard, there should be no gain in a short time, but there is still a lot of progress in the study of the power of the soul …”

Standing still, Adier flashed the thought in his head.

As a wizard, after studying the power of the soul for a while, he also gained a lot.

The so-called soul force is, in essence, a Spirit force.

But compared with the normal Spirit force, this kind of soul force is not pure. It is not only mixed with Human Spirit, but also has various imprints and emotional presence deep in the human heart, thus forming a unique Strength.

Compared with the ordinary Spirit power, this kind of soul power can nourish the soul, and even Bloodline and the body, which gradually enhances the essence of life, thus constantly breaking the limit and becoming more powerful.

Theoretically speaking, if the amount of soul power is sufficient, the strength of the user can be continuously pushed up without limit.

It sounds wonderful, but once the power of the soul is used, then over time, the user’s own soul will be slowly affected by the imprints contained in the power of the soul, and gradually assimilated by the imprints in it. With all kinds of consequences.

In Adier’s derivation, the influence of this soul power may eventually affect the user’s ego, causing the user to be subtly changed by the emotions and imprints contained therein, and gradually become another look.

By then, the user ’s Strength will continue to grow, but can he still be considered himself?

Just like that, the earth giant Adier had seen before was just average.

The strength of the opponent is naturally very strong, comparable to the level of the Level 3 wizard, no matter where it is placed, it is not weak.

But even with such strength, the other party is still willing to become the guardian beast of the Kuma Kingdom, sheltering the mortal kingdom from the wind and rain.

Among them, although there is a need for Cooma King Descendant, but the impact of the power of the soul on it is definitely not small.

“It’s really a pit everywhere, and you’ll step on it accidentally.”

Thinking of the results that have been studied in recent months, Adier shook his head silently, feeling a bit tired.

In my mind, the fluff of milky white flickers and turns directly into a light rain, where there flows quietly, the number seems to be quite a lot, and it is growing all the time.

These are the soul forces that Adier has accumulated since this time, and most of them are from Tarina.

After studying the fault of the power of the soul, Adier stopped absorbing the power of the soul and just stored it without absorbing it.

Over the course of several months, a lot has been accumulated.

“The refinement and purification of the power of the soul has no results.”

Looking at the power of the soul within the body, Adier whispered to himself: “The use of 137 different methods has had very poor results. Although there are some ways to separate impurities, but To be thorough, it is still far away … “

“Like Tarina’s Constitution, research in this area can be stopped for the time being.”

Thinking of the various experiments recently done, in the end, he shook the head, feeling a bit helpless.

The power of the soul is indeed a good Strength.

Using this Strength, in theory, can accelerate the transformation and make the essence of life grow slowly.

However, the consequences of this Strength are too great. If it is used in large quantities, I am afraid that it is not good. It will cause bad results, making the self no longer pure and polluted by the power of the soul.

The only way to solve this is to purify the power of the soul and remove impurities from it.

And this is bound to be a long process.

“Speaking of which, is this Strength unique to people in this world, or does it exist in all Worlds?”

Thinking quietly, a moment of confusion arose in Adier’s mind.

Traveling through many worlds, like Strength of the soul, Adier has only seen in this world, there are not many traces in other worlds.

Not only that, but not much of the Strange World knowledge he gained from Destiny World was related to the power of the soul.

But if the power of the soul exists only in this world, it may not be able to make sense.

Among the multiple Worlds, the endless World may give birth to different Strength systems.

These Strength systems are some strong, some weak, some perfect, and some rough, but they all have similarities, either from the body, from the Spirit, or both.

Among these complicated Strength systems, some of the most basic Strength are undoubtedly common.

Like Knight’s Life Energy, or Wizard’s Spirit. These two types of strength are the most basic strength of life. They will exist no matter which World they are in, but because of the differences in World, their expressions will be slightly different.

In the final analysis, the power of the soul of this world is a unique Strength that is formed by the combination of Spirit and the impurities of the soul, emotions, will, and so on.

According to Adier’s understanding of this kind of strength, although this kind of strength is unique, its basic structure is not uncommon, and it exists widely in life.

Therefore, in theory, since this kind of Strength emerges in this world, it should also exist in other Worlds, but it may hesitate the differences in the World, resulting in a different activity of this Strength.

All thoughts flashed in his mind, and after a while, Adier stopped his thoughts, rose up silently, and looked into the distance.

“what happened?”

Looking at Adier’s reaction, in the distance, Tarina froze, and was a little surprised by Adier’s reaction, so she asked aloud.

However, Adier did not take care of her inquiry.

Standing quietly in the wilderness, Adier quietly looked into the distance, watching the distant landscape change.

In his sight, the distant landscape was gradually changing.

A little bit of thin fog is forming, with different forms of heads. Catastrophes with different high-power fields from their bodies are used from the depths of the fog, and are advancing toward the earth crazy. Wherever they go, all Fire of Life is dim, Stifled by the deep fog.

Deep in the mist, Adier can feel a strong strength of hair, each of which is enough to be comparable to a Level 2 wizard.

And in this, there are several more deep and huge breaths, with horrible Strength waves, slowly walking towards this land.

These breaths are very powerful. In Adier’s induction, each of them will not be inferior to the previous Demon Wolf King.

“The beast of Level 3 …”

Quietly feeling the Strength fluctuations from distant feedback, Adier murmured, his heart was very calm, and there was no response.

“That’s …” In the distance, Zhilo Leah exclaimed, attracting Adier’s attention.

I saw that in the distance, Zhilo Riya was wearing a pale black robe, holding an iron giant sword in her hand, and sweat was everywhere on her body. At this time, she looked at the sky with a horrified look, both in horror and in her eyes Fear is like seeing something dangerous.

Following his gaze, Adier looked into the sky.

I saw in the sky that the silver moon had hung above the sky. At this time, half of the body was covered by a black mist, and the whole scene looked strange and horrible.

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