“Misty Moon …”

Looking silently at the natural phenomenon on the sky, Talina whispered to herself, as if thinking of something, and was caught in place for a while, even the bonfire in front of her was gone.

“The last misty moon erupted, fifty years ago …”

Behind him, Zhilo Riya frowned: “It’s only been fifty years now, why is it so soon …”

Standing on the other side, listening to the words of the two, Adier seemed calm, but just stared at the moon on the sky, wondering what was thinking.

During this time, through the information provided by the two Zhilo ria, Adier has also understood some basic common sense of this world.

The so-called misty moon is the saying of this world, and its essence is that the violent Strength in the misty area starts to become active, causing the disaster beast to become more bloodthirsty and violent, and thus crazy to advance to the real area.

In the past, every misty moon would cause a large number of lives to decline, the powerful empire of each and everyone would decline, and even the entire empire would be swallowed up by the mist.

As a result, no one can remain calm at the sight of the misty moon.

In particular, Tarina and Zhiloria, as the noble Prince Princess at birth, know more about the secrets than this.

“Every time the misty moon comes, there must be a person. The demon is awake. At that time, fifty years ago, there was Hechi, the demon.”

Standing in place, looking at the bright moon emerging from the sky, Zhilo Lia frowned, with a little anxiety in her eyes: “Who is this time again?”

“Unsurprisingly, it should be the devil wolf.” At the side of Zhilia, after a long groan, Tarina spoke softly, with a low sigh in her words.

“The devil wolf, Yari Andora?” Zhilo Riya was a little surprised and seemed puzzled, but looking at Tarina, she said nothing in the end.

Looking at him like this, Tarina showed some hesitation on her face, but at last she said, “It’s about Gulo …”

“Guluo …” With that name in mind, Zhilo Riya looked calm and didn’t say much.

The so-called Gulo is the Gulo empire born in Tarina, and also the hegemon of the northern region. Its national strength is still above Kumar.

“Ten years ago, in order to get something, my father went to the fog in person, but an accident happened.” Standing in place, Tarina gradually fell into the memory: “An accident, the devil wolf god Arian Andora was Startle in advance and wake up from a long sleep. “

“You know what happened next.”

Looking at Zhilo Riya, she sighed and said: “The descendants of the devil wolf burst out of the mist and attacked the Gulo border. A disaster killed at least millions of people …”

“A while ago, the appearance of the devil wolf Zager was also related to the original incident.”

In the distance, quietly listening to the words of Talina, Adier was calm in his heart. There was no psychological fluctuation in this, but he quietly opened the mouth and said: “So, the devil wolf will recover soon?”

“It should be a long time.” Tarina shook her head. “The devil has been sleeping in the fog for a long time. To wake up the devil from the fog requires huge vitality.”

“A foggy moon often lasts for several years, and the demon wolf will only appear on the Late Stage.”

She was so opened the mouth and said that she didn’t know what she thought, and her face gradually turned pale: “In Early Stage, there were a lot of crazy beasts attacking, creating slaughter on the earth, and providing strength for the recovery of the devil wolf god · ·· “

Hearing this, Adier was just nodded.

Tarina’s statement is consistent with the results he had observed.

When Demon Wolf King was killed, through the last curse of Demon Wolf King, he briefly glanced into some aspects of Devil Wolf God.

As the Xeon Strength of this world, the devil wolf is in deep sleep. In Adier’s original induction, it would take at least several decades to wake up spontaneously.

However, if the Moon of the Mist erupts, and a large number of beasts are active, pushing the Mist Strength to Peak, the other party may not be able to wake up in advance.

“It seems necessary to hurry …”

Thoughts flashed through my mind. Next moment, Adier looked at the sky, looking at the silver moon, which was gradually obscured by shadows, thinking so.

He didn’t forget that there was still the curse of Demon Wolf King on him.

With this curse, after the demon wolf revives in the future, the first thing to look for is him.

At that time, if their own strength is inferior, I am afraid the end result will be miserable.

Thinking of this, he stood up silently, with the surprised eyes of the two people in front of Zhilo Lia, and walked towards the distant peak.

After killing Demon Wolf King Zager in the first place, although Adier extracted the power of Bloodline on the opponent, he has not tried to digest it.

Now, a few months have passed and his status has been adjusted to Peak. It is also time to digest this Bloodline.

A faint Spirit message was transmitted in situ, and was accurately conveyed to both Zhilo Lia.

After allowing the two to find a place to hide, Adier stepped towards the mountains, and then the silhouette gradually faded, and the breath exuded gradually faded, hiding all traces.

In all around, an inexplicable and complicated rune is flashing, which contains a variety of different Strength, combined together into a complex and delicate large Wizard Array, enveloping Adier.

After doing this, Adier was satisfied with nodded and then closed his eyes.

In the core of the body, a Scarlet test Bloodline seed is flashing, and with the infusion of a large amount of blood, there are phantoms on the surface that are constantly manifesting.

Red Beast, Tiger, Alien Demon, Devil Wolf …

Various Bloodline forces have evolved and brewed in it, including both the life previously devoured by Adier and the devastated beast recently.

A little Strength mixed in, like a hodgepodge, looks messy.

Due to the nature of Bloodline’s power, these Bloodlines are not compatible with each other. Even at this point, they still occupy an area and are not compatible with each other.

Among them, the power of Bloodline is very prominent.

It was the power of a bloodline with scarlet in black, exuding a faint Bloodline majesty, and the power of Bloodline leaped, a roaring devil wolf phantom manifested.

Just feeling the power of this Bloodline, the rest of the Bloodline involuntarily contracted spontaneously, and the phantom manifested also appeared a lot of faintness, and vaguely acknowledged allegiance to the devil.

“Bloodline at Level 4 …”

Feeling the surging bloodline of the devil wolf, Adier whispered to himself, and the next moment was ruthless in his heart, urging the Seed of Bloodline to Peak.

As if the valve was opened, a lot of blood gas poured in, rolling in like waves, without seeing any end at all.

All the blood gas that has been accumulated for several months is poured into it at the first time, and then inside the Seed of the Bloodline, a flame forms in an instant, first a little flower seedling, and then rapidly expands, all the blood gas, Bloodline The force swept through them.

Roar! !

The magical fire is shining and it is ignited with blood gas, like a huge cage, calcining all the power of Bloodline that has not been digested, and digesting it arrogantly and arrogantly.


In the middle, countless sounds came quickly, as if dozens of muffled thunders sounded in an instant, if the surging sound came out, it would shake the earth for thousands of kilometers.

In Adier’s Spirit observation, the phantom condensed by the power of Bloodline quickly disappeared, melted by the Bloodline fire, and turned into the purest Bloodline power into the Bloodline seed, so that the Scarlet’s Bloodline continued Blinking, the light in it seemed brighter and horrible.

Over time, after absorbing many of the origins of the catastrophe, the nature of this Bloodline seed is also changing. The scarlet above is gradually disappearing, and it gradually brings a deep black.

This black was weak at first, but over time, the powerful calamity Bloodline was continuously digested, and the black in it continued to deepen, until the entire Bloodline seed became this color.

However, Adier has not observed this process.

Over time, and the power of Bloodline continued to digest, he fell into a deep sleep.

His body is gradually transforming, and the will fights against the Bloodline will contained in the power of Bloodline. At this time, only instincts remain, and it is impossible to consider observing too much.

In a way, this can be said to be his most dangerous time.

The body undergoes metamorphosis, and the will falls into deep sleep. Once a peer exists at this time, it will be extremely dangerous for Adier.

But Adier had already anticipated this.

At this time, the external layout of the Wizard Array is prepared for this.

With the existence of Wizard Array, during the transformation process, the breath of his entire body will be reduced to a minimum, blending with the surrounding mountains and rivers, even if standing in front of him, the scene existing in Wizard Array will not be seen at all.

If you want to break the Wizard Array, unless there is a breakdown of the mountain range of hundreds of kilometers, you can make Adier’s silhouette appear.

However, if this is done, Adier’s early warning measures will take effect, forcing him to wake up from the transformation process in order to deal with unknown dangers.

“His Adier has left, and will begin the next transformation.”

In the distance, standing in place, and confirming that the scent of Adier in the distance disappeared, Tarina turned and looked at Zhilo in front of her, her eyes mild: “Where are we going?”

“Find a small town and live quietly.”

In the goddess, Zhilo Riya said with a smile, a big hand stretched out, stroking Tarina’s long hair: “I haven’t done this for a long time.”

“There may be wonderful experiences in the future, but before that, I want to be quiet with you, forget everything and enjoy life.”

He looked at Tarina, his eyes were gentle, as if remembering the past, with a smile on his face.

“Okay.” Looking at Zhilo Leah, Tarina also laughed. She didn’t say much, just nodded, showing her attitude.

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