The faint mist gradually rises all around the earth, starting from the margins and slowly spreading to the whole continuous.

In a small remote town, a tall, handsome man stepped out, carrying a giant sword on his shoulders.

The man had long golden hair and a beard on his face, and the whole man seemed to be out of the ordinary. It was very eye-catching in this small town, and attracted all the pedestrians to watch.

“came back.”

Walking all the way to a manor house outside the city, just stepping into the gate, a female voice came from the gate.

Listening to the sound, Zhilo Lia looked up, just looking in the courtyard, and at this time was standing the beautiful girl enjoying the flowers.

The girl is beautiful and stunningly beautiful. At this moment, she is wearing a comfortable black long skirt and black hair falling down. The whole person is looking at Zhilo in the distance, with a quiet smile on her face. .

“I am back.”

Seeing the appearance of the girl, Zhilo Riya was light in her heart, and she couldn’t help but smile, as she lowered the giant sword on her shoulder, she walked towards the girl.

“How are things going?”

Putting down her hand and looking at the Zhilo who walked in, Tarina asked.

“A bit bad.”

Zhilo Riya opened the mouth and said: “I have already inquired in the city. In the past six months, the number of beasts in the north has been increasing. The magic disaster is said to have spread to the north of Gulo, causing a huge casualties.”

“Kumma’s situation is not very good either.”

Hesitating for a moment, he continued to opened the mouth and said: “Some time ago, there was a sudden shock outside Kuma city, and a mountain range was interrupted by forcibly. It was suspected that there was a battle in the underworld.”

“Even Lida Uncle, who seems to have been seriously injured some time ago, is now being healed in the palace.”

Standing still, he slowly spoke.

At this point, three years had passed since Adier fell asleep.

For three years, Zhilo Lia didn’t do nothing. On the surface, they seem to be reclusive, but they are actually active among the countries.

In order to complete the task that Adier explained before falling asleep, relying on the powerful strength of the two, Zhilo Riya established an organization with extensive activities among countries.

On the surface, this organization is only conducting business activities, walking between countries, and just trading in different places. But in fact, the real purpose of this organization is to collect all kinds of information and information, as well as clues about various ancient ruins.

Because of this, despite being in a small remote town, Zhilo Lia didn’t know anything about the outside world. Instead, she knew it in great detail.

“Gulou, Kumar … nowhere is calm.”

Listening to Zhilo Leah’s narrative, Tarina sighed softly: “The disaster of the mist is really hateful.”

“No way.” Zhilo Riya stepped forward, placing one hand on Tarina’s shoulders, and holding her in her arms: “The mist has existed since ancient times and has never disappeared. No matter how you hate it, you must face it.”

“Unless, in the future, all the deities will die out, the fog may slowly dissipate.”

“That day is too far away, and we’re afraid we can’t see it.” Shook the head gently, and Tarina’s face smiled bitterly before she opened the mouth and said, “What about the Aryan Kingdom?”

“It’s bad, it’s not too bad, but it’s been difficult.”

Zhilo Riya said softly: “The magic disaster is coming, and a large number of plagued beasts are pouring in wildly without any accidents.”

“The Aryan Kingdom reconstructed by Aryan King Descendant has gradually become chaotic over the past few years with the influx of these beasts. Although it will not be extinct, it will not be easy.”

When they say Aryan King Descendant, they naturally mean Ire and Sirea and the others.

After Adier left the city of Kumar at the beginning, the two quickly left the kingdom of Kumar and went to the northern border to explore, clean up the beasts, recruit refugees, and then rebuild the kingdom of Aryan.

Compared with the old kingdoms such as the Kumar Kingdom, the strength of the newly born Yarian Kingdom is weak. Not only is the population sparse, but the real estate is poor. Even the main Strength is also based on some residual forces of the Yarian Kingdom in the past.

Only with the five-level or higher combat powers of Ire and Seria, the new Aryan Kingdom barely stood still, even the Kumar Kingdom that destroyed the Aryan Kingdom in the past, because it was estimated that Adier The relationship did not start with it, allowing it to develop in the wasteland and rebuilding the kingdom of Aryan.

After three years, the vitality of the new Aryan Kingdom broke out. After vigorously clearing up the beasts of disaster, it finally managed to recover some vitality.

But at this time, the magic disaster came quickly, and a large number of beasts came from the misty area, which caused a sudden increase in the pressure on the new Aryan Kingdom.

“Some time ago, Iray sent a lot of people here, and it seemed they were looking for us.”

Standing in place for a long time, after a while, Zhilo Leah said.

Tarina froze: “Did they give up yet?”

“If you want them to give up, you can’t do it.” Holding Tarina, Zhilo Riya said, her language is very certain: “Especially, now that His Excellency In a deep sleep. “

“That’s right …” Shook the head, thinking about Seria and Irene, and Tarina’s mood became a little complicated for a while.

The cause of the matter goes back to that year.

In that year, after Adier chose to sign a blood deed with Tarina, there was induction in Sria.

In the final analysis, Adier’s Strength is limited. Each signing of a leaseholder must allocate its own Strength. Although it is not much for Adier, it is also terrifying under the accumulation of time.

Therefore, after signing the contract with Tarina, Adier stopped supporting Silia. Although the Strength not at all changes previously, it stopped the deeper sharing of Strength and stopped the growth of Silia’s Strength , Staying on a level comparable to Level 2 wizards.

Strength at this level is naturally extremely terrifying. Even in the entire Kumar kingdom, except for the Kumar lord, only Prince Yi Lida can compare with that’s all.

But compared to Adier, which has reached the bottom level, this kind of Strength is insignificant.

According to common sense, even if Strength cannot reach the underworld, it is enough to reach the Peak under the underworld.

Therefore, for Tarina’s new deed, Aryan King Descendant behind Silia naturally instinctively hostile, believing that it is her existence that has shared the Strength blessing that should belong to Silia.

Of course, this is indeed the case.

After signing a blood deed with Tarina, in order to maintain the huge vitality required by her Constitution, Adier gave her a strength that far surpassed that of Seria, and even once caused her strength to drop.

Thinking of all the events of the past few years, Tarina’s mind seemed a bit complicated at the moment.

When she hadn’t signed a contract with Adier that year, she tried hard to take away the Red King Beast from Sria.

But to this day, the order of the two sides has been reversed, and the other party has tried hard to take away the contract of the Red King Beast from her.

However, what the other party didn’t know was that Adier would sign a contract with her, which is completely the other party’s autonomous consciousness, and it is not too close to her.

Even if the contract on her body is cancelled, with her understanding of Adier, the other party may not invest more strength in Sria.

Thinking of this, she sighed softly and looked behind her.

At this time in the early morning, the light outside was light and warm, spreading the ground into a golden.

Standing quietly in place, the Spirit force jumped in the scene instantly, Tarina and Zhilia Lia looked at the huge mountain range in the distance, at this moment, they seemed to feel something.

“Do you feel it too?”

Looking at the huge mountain range in the distance, Talina gently opened the mouth and said.

“Well.” Zhilo Riya was silent and nodded, her brown eyes with perseverance, and a touch of emotional ups and downs: “Lord Adier, I’m about to wake up.”

“Yes, it should be in these months.”

Tarina was nodded, then turned around, looking towards the courtyard all around: “It’s been a few years, and it’s time for us to move.”

While speaking, she walked towards the long pavilion and sat on the swing, closing her eyes there, her thoughts not knowing where to go.

Standing silently, Zhilo Riya didn’t say a word, just watching the scene of all around quietly, her attitude was very peaceful and calm.

In silence, the quiet time passed quickly.

One morning a few months later, a visitor came from afar and knocked on the door of the manor.

Bump …

The crisp knocking sounded in front of the gate, and after a while, the dull gate was opened, revealing the appearance of several servants.

“Please come in.”

A calm voice came from inside the manor, as if he had anticipated the arrival of the guests.

Hearing the voice, the comer didn’t hesitate. Under the guidance of a servant, he walked forward silently and entered the manor house.

In the sun, the person’s appearance gradually revealed.

This is a very handsome man who looks like a young man. He wears a decent golden robe, and his golden hair flutters in the wind. His looks are similar to Zhilo’s, but they are very different. A gentle and decent temperament, like a distinguished aristocrat walking out of the castle, is inseparable.

In the sun, his face looked a little pale, but his temperament was still out of the ordinary, and along the way, the maids all around couldn’t help looking at it secretly, and looked at the young people from time to time.

The servants in front were still walking. Slowly, they came to the inside of the manor, beside a beautiful garden.

“You came.”

In front of the garden, Zhilo Riya holds a pair of scissors and is trimming flower branches.

Seeing the arrival of the youth, he put away the scissors, set his mind, and looked directly at him.

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