“long time no see.”

Standing in the garden of the courtyard, looking at Zhilo Riya in front of him, the young laughed, and his pale face did not look at all pale in the sun.

“Yes, it’s been three years since we counted the time.”

Looking silently at the youth in front of him, Zhilo Lia looked calm, but whispered, “So, what are you doing here this time?”

“Yi Lida Uncle.”

“It turns out you remember, I’m your Uncle.” Opposite Zhiloa, the youth laughed.

The blond hair youth in front of him is the Prince Lida of the Kumar Kingdom, which is also the Uncle of Zhiloa.

During these three years, due to the outbreak of the demon disaster, as a pillar of the Kumar Kingdom, Yi Lida had to be active on various battlefields. Not only did the reputation not diminish in recent years, but it became more and more prosperous, enjoying great prestige among the countries .

Until some time ago, the battle of the underworld outside Kumar broke out, and Yi Lida was badly wounded and had to withdraw from the battlefield to cultivate, but did not want to come here.

“Your face is very wrong, and your body is a bit out of sync.”

Looking at Yi Lida in front of him, Zhilo Riya was silent for a while, and then opened the mouth and said: “It seems that the injury on your body is a little heavier than I thought.”

“Yeah.” Yi Lida nodded, admitted this frankly: “The level of the underworld is still too reluctant to me. Forcibly interfering in such existing battles, I did not die on the spot, it is already good luck. “

“What happened that day?” Zhilo Lia frowned, looking at Yi Lida, whose face was pale.

Despite concerns about the intelligence of the nations, the Strength involved in that place outside the city of Kumar is too horrible to know the exact news at all, only to know the existence of this war.

However, judging from the situation in front of Yi Lida, the situation in that war was probably terrible.

There were many thoughts in his heart. After a while, he raised his head and looked at Yi Lida in front of him: “I have defected from the kingdom, and Kumar’s affairs have nothing to do with me.”

“It’s you, Yi Lida Uncle. What’s the matter this time?”

Suffering from a serious injury, at this time, Yi Lida should have been hiding in the King’s City for cultivation, and quietly waited for the wound to heal, and should not risk appearing in this area.

You must know that from Kumar’s arrival, you need to step through multiple dark areas in the middle. In the current state of Lida, if you encounter a dangerous beast on the way, I am afraid it will be very dangerous.

“I’m here to get you back.”

Regarding this issue, Yi Lida sighed, and did not sell anything, directly opened the mouth and said.

As the words fell, Zhilo Riya first froze, and didn’t seem to expect the result.

However, he reacted quickly, with a sneer on his face: “Go back? What are you going back to?”

“You know, I am now a sinner in Kumar, who has killed the rebellion of the heirs of the kingdom.”

He was coldly said, without hesitation in words, without any room for negotiation.

“That thing was wrong between Your Majesty and me.”

Standing in front of me, looking at the complexion grave and stern at this time, it seems like a little excited Zhilo Lia, Yi Lida sighed softly, “It is just now that the kingdom needs you.”

“I’m afraid you don’t need me, but the Red King Beast.” Zhilo Lia said coldy, even if it is his own Uncle in front of him, he is not polite.

“Yes.” Yi Lida nodded, admitted this very straightforwardly: “Compared to you, what the kingdom needs most now is the combat power of the Red King Beast.”

“Sure enough.” Zhiloria complexion grave and stern: “What if I say no?”

There was a moment of silence in the place, quiet enough to hear all around Insect Cry, full of choking oppression.

Standing in place, a long time later, Yi Lida sighed softly: “In that case, I have to do it and take you back.”

The words fell, next moment, Zhilo Riya was suddenly alert in her heart, an inexplicable sense of danger breeding in her heart, and then quickly expanded.

He hadn’t responded yet. In front of his eyes, a sharp black long sword stabbed suddenly. The long sword carried a magnificent golden lightning and stabbed forward at a very fast speed.

boom! !

The sound of metal collision sounded in Shino, spreading far away, smashing the floor within the range of several meters under their feet.

Between light and flint, Zhilo Riya pulled up the giant sword, with a faint crimson Battle Qi flashing on it, blocking Yi Lida’s blow.


Looking at Zhilo Lia in front of him, feeling the breath of him, Yi Lida was a little surprised, but also relieved: “You have been promoted to the eighth stage.”

In three years, I obtained the Knight inheritance originally given by Adier. In these three years, on the basis of the original, Zhilo Riya also went further and quickly grew into a powerful Knight.

His Knight qualifications are just average, but his original body Strength is strong enough to be comparable to the first-level Peak sorcerer. Over the years, the Seed of Knight has grown rapidly with the strong vitality, and has approached Radiant Knight. In terms of the Strength standard of this world, it is eighth order, which is equivalent to the original Yi Lida.

However, despite this, in the face of Yi Lida at the moment, Zhilo Riya was not at all relieved, but she was extremely dignified.

Because in his induction, Yi Lida in front of him looked like a huge torch, and the terror was almost suffocating, almost doubting whether this was a serious injury.

Just the damage to the body still has this prestige, making Zhilo Lia at this moment not dare to act blindly without thinking, just staring at Yi Lida with all his eyes, and the imposing Battle Qi locked it firmly and was ready to shoot at any time.

Under his gaze, in front of his eyes, Yi Lida had a plain expression, holding a deep black long sword in his right arm, and walked towards him so quietly.

As if taking a usual walk, Yi Lida was wearing a golden robe, and her long hair fluttered with the wind. The whole person looked very beautiful. In the sun, like a god of aloof and remote came, a pair of eyes looked into Zhilo Asia.

He just walked in so quietly, every step, the momentum of his body was inflated, the horror of Strength made Zhilo Liaia nervous at the moment, and some fine sweat appeared on his forehead.


Quietly walked in front of Zhilo Riya, looking at Zhilo Riya in front of her, Yi Lida gave a deep sigh, and then silently put away the long sword in her hand, and looked at the person in front of her eyes: “You have this strength , It surprised me. “

“There are a lot of things that surprise you,” Zhilo Riah said flatly.

The words fell, and the place fell silent again, until Prince Yi Lida’s voice sounded again.

“Your Majesty is dead.” Looking at Zhilo Leah in front of him, after a long silence, Yi Lida opened the mouth and said.


This time, the indifference and calmness on Zhilo’s face finally couldn’t be maintained, and the arm of the sword trembled, seemingly unbelievable.

Regarding his reaction, Yi Lida didn’t say anything, just stood still, waiting for him to digest quietly.

A few hours later, when the sun gradually became fiery on the ground, Yi Lida walked away from the manor with an expression of calmness, silently looking out from the eyes of the servants behind him.

In situ, looking at the silhouette where Yi Lida left far away, Zhilo Leah fell into silence.

He stood alone for a long time in the sun, then turned around and walked in one direction.

“how about it?”

On foot to a long pavilion, Tarina’s gentle voice came from a distance, and gently reached Zhilo’s ears.

In the long pavilion, Tarina, in a silver dress, stood quietly in front of the long pavilion, looking at Zhiloa in front of her.

“My father is born.”

Looking at Tarina, Zhilo Riya sighed softly, with some complexity in her words.

For his father, in the past, he has always hated because of certain things, and that kind of hostility has hardly been concealed.

The other party never cared about Zhilo Riya’s hostility, and always turned a blind eye. It wasn’t until Zhilo Riya killed his brother that the other party became angry for the first time and expelled him.

By now, the other party is dead, and then remember the past, even if it is Zhilo Riya, at the moment can not help but a little complicated.

“Although the battle outside the city of Kumar repelled the beast, the earth giant was also seriously injured and forced to fall asleep. He was also affected by this and died shortly after.”

Sitting by Tarina, Zhilo Riya whispered: “This time Lida Uncle came to me to return to the throne and become the new king of the Kumar kingdom.”

“What’s your opinion?” Tarina asked quietly beside him, listening quietly to the story of Zhilo Leah.

“I …” Zhilo Riya murmured, a little complicated.

Neither of them is a simple character, and naturally understands the purpose of Yi Lida.

The Kumar Kingdom was attacked, the guardian beast was seriously injured and fell asleep, and the kingdom leader was killed. It can be said that the loss was heavy.

In this case, Kumar’s most urgent thing is to find a new powerful combat force to resist the attack of the beast.

And this goal, the Red King Beast can not be more suitable.

With the power of the Kingdom of Kumar, I must have known something over the years. For example, Adier signs a contract with Tarina, as is the case with Zhilo Riya and Tarina.

In this case, if Zhilo Riya chooses to return to the country to inherit the throne, Tarina will be together if there is no accident. In a way, it can be regarded as binding the Red King Beast to her chariot.

However, even if you can see it, Zhilo Riya can’t feel any bad feelings.

As a Prince who has grown up in the Kingdom of Kumar since Small Accomplishment, it is impossible to say that he has no feelings for Kumar.

Moreover, King Kumar’s position was still his goal for a long time in the past, which made him put a lot of effort into it.

As for the old hatred, in the past three years, it has slowly passed away.

Three years of seclusion and three years of sedimentation. During these times, the two Zhiloa devoted their energy to their lives, and the rest, though not going away, were wiped out by time.

In addition, as the object of hatred, his father was already dead in the battle surrounding Kumar at this time.

Thoughts flashed through my mind, and thinking of it, Zhilo Riya became calm and slowly made her decision.

The next day, when the sun rose again, the door of the manor was opened again, and Zhilo Leah and Tarina walked out of them.

Outside the manor, Yi Lida stood there, wearing a golden robed fluttering with the breeze, shining golden.

Seemingly aware of Zhilo Riya’s decision, standing in place, he looked at the silhouette of the two people, and slowly smiled.

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