
Inexplicable scenes began to emerge between the vast mountains.

The earth began to shake violently, with the center of the mountain range as the core, and gradually spread to all around.

In the sky, the rays of scarlet red began to diffuse, rippling in all around, as if a stone was dropped in the calm water, the ripples in it spread to all around, and its effects began to emerge slowly.

Roar! !

A beast roar protruded, sounded from above, and spread far away.

At this moment, if someone can look up at the earth from above the mountain range, they will find a thrilling fact.

I do n’t know when the earth will be torn by people. In the central area, a little bit of black and red breath is constantly escaping. Every breath and every gas is carrying a thrilling strange air machine, and ordinary people only need to be affected by it. , It will be assimilated by it in an instant and become another life.

The hazy dark red breath was permeating, rising like a mist over the earth. And in this fog, a pair of deep scarlet eyes slowly opened, faintly bloodied.

boom! !

Suddenly, a sharp claw slammed out of the ground, straight out to the outside, and pierced a hole in the outside earth.

With the emergence of this sharp claw, the earth began to shake more, as if something was breaking out from the ground, and the shock brought by it could not be ignored.

In this process, in the mountain range all around, a series of elements rune are shining with light, among which the Wizard Array is still playing a role, while covering the breath, it also firmly locks the mountain range, so that It collapsed under the influence of a huge Strength.

It didn’t take long, but the Wizard Array of all around completely disintegrated, and a terror of Bloodline majesty slowly dissipated.

As the heavenly deities come to life, the divine power on it is terrifying. In situ, with the appearance of a huge strange beast, the majesty carried in it gradually spreads out, with tyrannical blood, violent and violent. Breathless.

This is a giant beast that is as tall as a mountain. It is covered with black red scales. There are three long horns on a skull. The complex Bloodline rune is intertwined and intertwined, gradually forming a complex and mysterious Blood Imprint.

If you look at it from a distance, the strange beast is like a mountain, with a deep and shocking breath, but just standing there silently, no one dares to look directly.

“it’s finally over···”

Looking up quietly, looking at the warm sun rising in the distance, giant beast eyes opened, a pair of huge scarlet eyes exuding a faint light, of which there are two sun flickering, can’t help attracting attractive eyes.

Waking up from a long sleep, and waking up again, Adier only felt that this time his body had changed a lot, more of which was a huge Strength.

That is the violent power named Mist, which originated from the Bloodline of the Plague Beast within the body.

Along the way, Adier has devoured too many beasts. It can be said that in addition to some of the initial blood food, all the power of Bloodline that Adier subsequently obtained originated from the beasts.

Bloodline, who has devoured the beast for a long time, after plundering the strength of the beast, naturally will be infected with a trace of the strength of the beast, and slowly merge with the misty strength.

“Eating too many homologous Bloodlines will eventually be assimilated by these Bloodlines and lose their original characteristics …”

Standing quietly, feeling the changes on his body carefully, Adier thought deeply.

This is something that I haven’t noticed before.

For the Bloodline road to be successful, it needs to consume the power of Bloodline from outside as food, and slowly enhance its own Bloodline essence.

But even if it swallows an external Bloodline, it is not without taboos.

Bloodlines that have swallowed too many homologs will eventually be infected by the homologous Bloodline and eventually become infected with these characteristics of Bloodline.

At this time, if you go to eat other Bloodline, it will eventually cause unknown consequences.

Just like Adier’s current state, after swallowing a large number of disaster beasts Bloodline, his entire Bloodline has decayed, gradually infected with some characteristics of the disaster beasts, and even slowly developed towards a disaster beast.

At this point, if we go to eat other Bloodline, I am afraid that the final result will be unsatisfactory, and even cause rejection.

Of course, this is also the starting point of Adier’s body is too low to be easily assimilated by the origin of the beast.

According to the standards of this world, the strength of the Red Beast is only a first order, which is converted into the standard of the wizard, even the strength of the official wizard is not enough.

At this level of Bloodline, it is natural to continue to refining those stronger cats, Bloodline, which will be affected by it.

If it were called the body of Adier, there would not be much problem.

“No matter how good the previous deduction was, it was impossible to deduct all the problems.”

“The characteristics and deficiencies that are unique to the road can only be revealed most truly when you really step on the road.”

Looking at the distant sky, Adier stood up quietly, the scales on his body were trembling gently, and the complex Blood Imprint of each and everyone was on it: “This is also the purpose of my business.”

The faint Bloodline majesty is blooming, and at this moment, the mountains in the distance seem to have changed.

The inch of fog is rising, and the black breath contained in it is slowly tumbling. It seems to be dragged by something and slowly pours into Adier’s body.

With the continuous influx of these black breaths, Adier’s body gradually changed, the scales covered with the surface gradually lightened, and the Blood Imprint above shimmered, as if activated by an unknown Strength, and began to become active.

Not only are the scales on his body, after this metamorphosis is completed, Adier has a closer relationship with the outside fog area, and even the Strength therein can enter his within the body intact for his weakness after the metamorphosis is completed. The body complements Strength.

Standing on the ground, he stretched his body gently, and then the scales on the entire body were stretched, and the marks on it were shining.

Just in a flash, the fog in the distance quickly dissipated and disappeared Thoroughly in just a few seconds, where Strength was extracted by Adier instantly, making up for the lack of within the body.

“Not enough, not enough …”

After extracting the misty Strength, Adier looked up and looked somewhere in the distance.

Pulled by a faintly discernable, he could feel that in a certain direction in the distance, a huge devil wolf was raging, killing souls recklessly.

This traction, not from others, was from the curse of the devil wolf on Adier.

With the devil wolf curse, all descendants of the devil wolf will sense it, instinctively hostile to the curse.

But on the other hand, having this curse and tracing backwards, you can naturally sense the location of the remaining descendants of the devil wolf.

“come on···”

Looking at the distance, feeling the unwillingness and resentment in the mark of the devil wolf, Adier sneered in his heart, striding straight away, the body carrier rolling in the mist, and walking towards the direction sensed in the distance.

Waking up from a deep sleep, after completing the Bloodline transformation, Adier is now the time to most need to supplement Strength.

In this world, for Adier at this moment, there is nothing more suitable to supplement Strength than a large number of disaster animals.

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