wu wu wu ···

Beyond a city, at this moment, the originally huge city seemed very quiet.

On the city wall of the city, the guards of each and everyone were horrified, holding the lance in their hands tremblingly, staring into the distance.

No one dared to make a sound at this moment. For a time, between the whole world, there was only a howling howl, covering the surrounding earth firmly, leaving no sound.

If you look closely, you can see that in the place where the mist gathers in front, there are flashes of shadows, one of which is gradually becoming larger, and it seems to be approaching from a distance.

Looking at this scene, the faces on the city wall become even more ugly.

“Wag … Wag is coming …”

Standing on the city wall, looking at the huge shadow in the distance, a middle-aged man holding a giant sword and wearing an armor on his body was ugly, and some cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

The so-called Wag is the local name for the descendants of the devil wolf god, which means that the messenger of death, once it appears, it means ominous.

In the usual time, the appearance of a real devil wolf is a great disaster for this small city, and it will take huge casualties to annihilate it.

And at this moment, more than one demon wolf appears outside the city?

One head, two heads, three heads, ten heads … countless countless, countless huge demon wolves emerged here, with blood light in the eyes of each demon wolf, among which a thick The slaughter desire trembling in fear to those who observe this scene on the city wall.

“What a panic !!”

Shouting loudly came from the other end, waking everyone up.

The crowd looked up and saw that at the end of the city wall, an old man wearing a full-body plate and a strong and strong figure came from a distance, a tough and old face full of seriousness at the moment.

“Stabilize me!”

Walking all the way from a distance, he didn’t say much, but just shouted continuously walking through the city wall to restore the mood of many soldiers being deterred by the devil wolf.

However, in the eyes of the old man, at this time, it was also full of anxiety, but it was limited to the current situation and could not be expressed.

He walked straight across the city wall, turning from time to time, looking forward.

Among the foggy shadows in front, the huge shadow had not moved yet, but there were countless demon wolves moving forward, leaving no vitality everywhere.

Looking at this scene from afar, the old man sighed softly, and silently pulled out the long sword worn on his waist. At this moment, his heart had made the worst plan.

Faced with the situation at hand, no one can be optimistic that they can persist.

Even the old man in front of him, what he is trying to do, is just trying to get more time for the people and materials in the city to remove that’s all as much as possible.

As soon as his mind was up and ready to fight, a faint sound began to sound in the distance.

bump! bump! bump!

Like the dull footsteps of a giant, and the violent vibration of a heartbeat, a huge sound suddenly came from a distance. The source of the sound was the fog where the devil wolf was.

“Is there anything else?”

Listening to the sound, the old man shook his lips. At this moment, his mood had not changed at all, but he raised his sword in numbness, ready to make a final vow to death.

bump! bump! bump!

A distant sound was still sounding, with a heartbeat and footsteps.

And in the distant fog, a giant beast silhouette, as large as a mountain, and as thick as the earth, emerged from it.

It is a giant beast that has never been seen before. Even if it is far away from the city, you can still see its height, and the strength and pressure emanating from it. It is almost suffocating when you see it from a distance. .

At this moment, both the little guards guarding the city wall, the noble aristocrats and the monster wolf disaster beasts are all in place.

“My goodness!!”

Looking at the huge giant beast that appeared in the distance, even though I didn’t care about Life and Death long ago, at this moment, the old man couldn’t help screaming and was born with horror on his face.

It is a shocking giant beast, a full body of several hundred meters tall, looking far away like a mountain, walking like a mythical legendary giant, leaving a deep mark on the earth at every step.

He slowly walked from a distance, his body was completely black, his black red scales were shining with light, there was a mysterious rune flashing and intersecting, looking up like the death Divine Beast coming out of the abyss of the earth, awesome and fearful .

The only exception is his pair of scarlet eyes, in which the glow of the scarlet blooms, as much as possible, the Strength is as magnificent as possible, but it does not cause people to feel fear and ruin, but it gives people peace of mind and peace.

Compared with the giant beast in front of you, the countless devil wolves can be said to be nothing. Compared with the giant beast in front of you, it is like ants and humans, and cannot be stated on equal terms at all.

Even before seeing this giant beast, everyone on the scene could not imagine that there was such terrifying life in the world.

“Even if it’s an epic legendary demon, is that so?”

Looking at the giant beast that came gradually in the distance, the old man couldn’t help flashing this thought.

In the distance, in the fog, the silhouette of the giant beast gradually became clear, looking at the countless devil wolves below, slowly lowering his tall skull.

“found it···”

He spoke softly, and the silhouette oscillated in the space. Although the language used was different from the local, it was accurate and understandable. There was no slightness or awkwardness, as if it was born to be so ordinary.


At the moment the voice fell, countless loud crackles emanated from all around.

Under the staring eyes of countless guards, a devil wolf began to explode, and the flesh on the entire body seemed to be affected by any unknown influence. It could not help but break into an inch of flesh, and then gradually became a blood mist. , And gradually floated to the sky, heading towards the giant beast.

At this moment, there are more than tens of thousands of demon wolves gathered underneath, and all of them burst apart at a time. The condensed blood mist fills the entire space and transforms this piece into an ocean of blood mist.

The only thing that can support it for a while is the shadow in the mist.

That is also a devil wolf, but compared to those below, the devil wolf has a stronger Strength and the Bloodline within the body is also higher.

“Although the descendants of the demon wolf are not the second generation, the blood is also within five generations …”

Feeling the struggling shadows in the fog below, Adier looked back gently. Red light flashed in his eyes for a moment, as if to illuminate the dark sky and earth in front of him.

For just a moment, a moment of Bloodline majesticly eased his hair, accompanied by the light of Adier’s eyes.

In a blink of an eye, the demon wolf, whose strength is comparable to Level 2 wizard, burst into pieces, the whole body turned into a blood mist, and was swallowed by Adier without leaving any suspense.

After doing this, Adier shook his head slightly, glanced at the distant town, then took a step forward and continued to walk forward, leaving behind a sluggish silhouette.

“That … Is that a demon?”

On the city wall behind him, looking at Adier’s distant back, the old man was holding a long sword in his hand, and he was unknowingly wet behind him, but he didn’t realize it, but just muttered to himself.

“It must be!” Beside him, there was an aristocrat wearing an armor, his face was excited, looking at Adier’s huge silhouette in the distance, his face was flushed, and he looked very excited: “This must be our guardian of Kuran! I used to be in There is absolutely nothing wrong with it in this epic !!! “

“Guardian beast?” The rest looked at each other in dismay, looking at the giant beast silhouette that was gradually leaving in the distance, and for a moment did not know what to say.

In the distance, Adier’s journey continues.

“Thirty-seven beast tides have been paid in succession, but they have not yet recovered to Peak.”

Walking silently on the road, Adier thought for a moment, speechless.

His transformation this time was a little too big.

In the state of Level 2 Peak, to consume Bloodline at Level 4 level, although the final result is barely successful, the hole that needs to be filled in the end is a bit large.

The Bloodline that devoured the demon wolf god, Adier’s essence of life at this time has infinitely approached the Level 4 level, but Strength is far from reaching this point. On the contrary, for some reasons, it has gone back a lot.

The transformation of Bloodline has consumed a lot of energy that Adier had accumulated before. Tarina’s contract will also continue to take away some of Adier’s Strength. As the day goes by, when Adier just woke up, his body was weak and dried up to the extreme.

The vacancies are huge, even if the beasts have been cleared continuously along the way, and even trying to absorb the strength of the mist, they still cannot make up for the vacancies, which forced Adier to continue to forage and move forward.

However, in the process of foraging, Adier also found some interesting things.

In his mind, an echo was flashing constantly at this time.

These reverberations are the sounds of each and everyone, with a little bit of aura, and a Strength similar to the power of the soul is constantly oscillating, slowly echoing in the heart of Adier.

Compared with the power of the soul provided by Tarina, the contents carried in these Strength are too complicated, and the power of the soul is very scarce, but under the accumulation of time, a lot has been accumulated during this time.

In Adier’s mind, these reverberations not only rose and burst like bubbles of each and everyone, leaving only faint ripples, and a little bit of soul power continued to settle.

However, the emotions contained in the power of these souls are too strong, and most of them are filled with fear and awe. The rest are very few. Rather than calling them the power of the soul, it is better to call them emotional Powerful fit.

With this in mind, Adier randomly divided a ray of Spirit and collided with one of the bubbles.

Just a moment, in my mind, a picture emerged.

It was a familiar scene with the background of the city Adier had previously passed by.

On the city wall of that city, a thin guard wearing shabby cloth and trembling and shaking, holding lance, was shaking and praying.

“Great guardian demon, please bless the evil disaster is no longer coming …”

Feeling the guard’s emotions carefully, at this moment, Adier had an inexplicable feeling through the weak connection of the bubbles.

When the bubble hasn’t disappeared, if he has the intention to do and so on to this guard, it seems that he can do something.

For example, at the Spirit level, suppressing that guard, or perhaps passing on a portion of Spirit’s power, and doing some other things.

Of course, this kind of operation is limited by the fragility of the contact between the two parties, and the Strength passed must not be too much.

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