Standing in place, feeling the faint connection in his head, Adier was moved.

A faint Spirit’s force was released in an instant, and quickly extended through the short-lived connections in the mind, gradually spreading to the far end.

At this moment, Adier seemed to have an extra pair of eyes.

A bit of Spirit’s strength gathered, and through the connection left in his mind, he quickly passed it to the guard at the other end, and observed with the help of the opponent’s body.

In the process, Adier was able to clearly feel the guard’s weakness, as well as his trembling body and fear in his heart, all clearly conveyed through this Spirit force.

Feeling this, Adier moved, the weak Spirit force spread slightly, leaving a shallow imprint for a short time, and gradually spread towards all around nothingness.

With the comfort of Spirit, Adier can feel that the emotions in the guard’s mind are gradually disappearing, the original fear and anxiety are gradually replaced by a calmness, and the whole body is no longer trembling and no longer insane.

As the guard’s mood gradually stabilized, at the other end, Adier could clearly feel that the connection that originally existed in his mind suddenly broke, as if the bubbles had burst, leaving no trace.

“As fear and awe disappear, so does the connection?”

This thought flashed through my mind, next moment, Adier continued to experiment.

This time, he chose another person, a middle-aged man in armor.

On the city wall, the middle-aged man’s arm holding the sword was shaking, and from time to time he was thinking about something, like praying, but also just muttering to himself.

After transmitting Spirit’s power through the connection in his mind, this time Adier did not choose to soothe, but deepened the fear of the man.

Using a little Spirit’s power, he created a real dream, drawing men into it, constantly experiencing deeper fears.

Soon, as the nightmare continued to repeat, the bubbles in Adier’s mind quickly changed, and the original fragile connection was strengthened, gradually becoming stable, not as fragile as before.

“As the fear and the existing impression deepen, the connection will become stronger, and the more the power of fear will be gained …”

After experimenting several times, Adier whispered to himself after reaching this result.

“It’s just that this stuff is going to be more difficult to use than pure soul power.”

Feeling a little precipitation of the fear within the body, Adier flashed this thought in his mind.

Compared with the pure soul power, these fear powers come more easily, but the impurities in them are also larger. Apart from the soul imprint, most of them are emotions such as fear and awe.

Compared to simply absorbing the power of the soul, the consequences of absorbing these fears are even more serious. In the end, it may even be overwhelmed by the emotional power contained in it and become a lunatic.

The terrible consequences of this are not acceptable to Adier, and they can only helplessly shook the head.

“Pure emotions can even combine with the soul to form the power of fear. The rules of this world are really unique.”

He sighed in silence, then raised his head, and continued to walk forward, for the time being he did not want to delve into the specific reasons.

The devil wolf is about to recover. At present, his main purpose is to become stronger as soon as possible.

As for the mystery of this world, it is not too late to discuss it after he has achieved Peak in this world.

As Adier steps forward, a slight sound of footsteps continues to sound on the ground, and almost every step will leave a deep footprint on the ground.

He was walking on the ground just like this. If anyone observes carefully, he can see that his route at this time is exactly the same as the route to the Kingdom of Kumar.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, months pass.

A few months is enough to change many things, and enough to start fermenting some things.

During this period of time, a giant beast frequently appeared from the edge of the mist. Everywhere he went, all the beasts were wiped out and swallowed directly by him, leaving no bone residue.

This amazing appetite, as well as the thrilling body shape and strength, shocked everyone who had seen the giant beast.

Because of the large number of devoured beasts, and because of their large size, legends about the gluttony rushed out from the foggy border, and they were once regarded as Guardian God beast sacrifices in many areas.

Of course, Adier is very clear about this, but he has never paid attention to it. He just walks in the distance, like walking through the misty area.

On this day, quietly walking outside a city and sweeping away all the beasts, Adier’s silhouette was paused. The original lowered head gradually raised, and it seemed to sense something.

At this moment, the powerful Bloodline instinct made him have a hunch. In the following section of the road, it seems that someone who is very close to him is waiting and will meet him soon.


At this moment, he raised his head, his footsteps were only paused, and he quickly moved forward again, and continued on the set road.

To this day, in this world, there is nothing worthy of his fear. Even if the demon wolf is awake directly at this moment, he is waiting for him in front, he dares to rush forward and try the devil wolf’s weight.

What’s more, in the hunch, there is no danger in this accident.

Thinking of this, he stepped forward and accelerated towards the front.

The situation in the hunch was soon revealed.

Outside a small town, some people were already waiting there.

This is a very beautiful town with clear streams outside the town, and there are flowers blooming in the water, blooming the aroma together.

In the center surrounded by a stream, a beautifully decorated building stands quietly, with someone standing in it, and it looks like it has been waiting for a long time.

Following the induction in his heart, Adier looked up.

In the middle of the building, several people stood silently, some of whom were familiar to Adier.

It was a purple-haired girl wearing a purple dress with a blue crown on her head, holding a scepter in her hand, and her sleeves fluttered slowly with the wind. The whole person looked like a beautiful woman. The scenery, just standing there quietly, makes people feel refreshed.

Looking at the girl silently, feeling the echoes coming from within the body Bloodline contract, Adier was calm in his heart, just watching her silently.

Compared with the past, the girl’s appearance has not changed, she is still so beautiful, but her dress has changed a lot, her temperament has also become more prominent, and she looks a lot more mature.

And beside her, Yi Lei was standing there, wearing a crown on her head. The original ordinary and resolute face unknowingly had a little more majesty, which made people feel uneasy.

“long time no see.”

Standing quietly for a long time, looking at the silhouette where Adier stopped in the distance, Seria spoke gently, with nostalgia and excitement in her voice: “Red King …”

Standing in the same place, looking at Seria in the distance, Adier did not speak, and the twinkling of Scarlet’s eyes was sacred and beautiful.

He was surprised, but not surprised, that Seria and the others appeared here.

Coming all the way from the foggy border, his route is very purposeful. As long as ordinary people observe it, they can understand Adier’s next route.

There is no doubt that Seria and the others are the same. After receiving the news of Adier’s appearance, they started to rush over, waiting for Adier to come here.

Ahead, looking at the huge giant beast in front of her, and the pair of scarlet eyes that are always the same, Seria is lightly sighed.

Through the Bloodline contract within the body, she was able to feel the emotion in Adier’s heart slightly, and even if she saw her at this time, she was still calm, and there was no fluctuation at all because of her.

As the owner of Adier, this fact undoubtedly made her lose, but she did not show half of it.

“Lord Red King.”

Next to Seria, Irene took a step forward, holding some albums in his hand.

“This is the map we collected. It contains the most detailed topographical information of the entire continent, and the exact location of some of the tsunami and beast tide after the outbreak of the magic disaster.”

He lowered his head slightly, opened the atlas in his hand, revealing the topographic map inside.

In a large area of ​​black, pieces of white continent are scattered and scattered, surrounded by the foggy area of ​​black.

Compared with the black area on this map, the white area only takes up 10% of the area.

And in less than 10% of the area, each and everyone red circles are firmly marked, which represents the tide of beasts of each and everyone.

“We know that you are looking for a beast of disaster, so we have sent this gift in the hope that you can accept it.”

He lowered his head, holding the map atlas in his hand, and said without change, he did not seem to show the slightest difference.

Looking at Yi Lei, Adier was a little surprised, and after a moment of groaning, he understood the purpose of the other party.

Without a doubt, if Iray and the others have no desire for Adier, it is impossible.

But at the moment, Ire and Seria are not at all in the slightest certain to let him stay, so they can only go next and achieve another purpose.

The map in front is true, but the tide of beasts marked out in it is probably the part that Ire and the others want to clean up.

Although Adier cannot be allowed to stay on his own initiative, it would be great if Adier could get this layer and help them clean up these disaster beasts.

After all, nowadays, Adier’s reputation for devouring the beasts has spread far, far away.

However, despite knowing this very clearly, Adier didn’t say anything to Yi Lei’s calculations, just glanced at him for a moment, Scarlet’s eyes were under great pressure, making Yi Lei’s body rigid for a moment. Living.

Taking note of the message on the atlas, Adier continued to move forward, not paying any attention to Seria and the others where they were.

Behind, looking at the silhouette of Adier going away, Seria stood quietly in place, and after a long time, she sighed.


Beside, Yi Lei also sighed softly, looking at the silhouette of Adier away in the distance, full of regret and remorse.

If he goes back to the past now, and when he first got Adier, he will not seal the red beast egg that Adier is in, but will put it in his own right.

In that case, everything will be different now.

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