Di di di ···

The sound of drops of water rang continuously throughout the world.

Walking between this world, the silhouette of the giant beast gradually appeared.

At this time, it was still night, and the sky was dotted with stars, and a touch of silver moon lifted off, but most of them were obscured by the shadow of black. It looked like a large moon cake was missing, which was strange and heartbreaking.

Stepping between the mountains, stepping on the giant beast caused a depression in the ground, dust flying around, and debris all over the ground.

In this way, he shuttled across the ground and walked until Tianming, only to find the goal this time.

When the morning light was faint, at the end of Adier’s sight, the other giant giant beast silhouette flashed, perched in the mist in front, crouched there quietly, and absorbed the Strength in the mist.

It seemed that I felt a strange and powerful breath coming. When Adier stepped to this point, the giant beast in the distance moved his body gently, and a pair of scarlet’s eyes looked directly.

Those eyes were thorough and powerful, and there was a strong and blazing light flashing, but unfortunately they were not at all rational and clear, but they brought horrible mood swings.

Violent and chaotic emotions such as chaos, slaughter, tyranny, hatred, and so on emerge in those eyes, filling this giant beast’s mind, preventing this giant beast from the slightest possible communication.

A little bit of faint light was fading and fading, among which a little glimmer of light floated, faintly gathered into the mark of the devil wolf, roared there, and released his unwillingness and struggle.

This is the induction of the mark of the devil wolf, which stems from the curses and struggles of countless devil wolf descendants before death, and when they meet a strong fellow, they resonate spontaneously and bloom that kind of energy.

Roar! !

Suddenly, the scene in front of me changed.

The demon wolf’s eyes changed suddenly and became a lot sharper. At this moment, the feeling of hatred occupied the subject, causing the original little fear to disappear directly, and rushed up desperately.

The mountains and rivers are flowing backwards, and the space is whistling. At this moment, the whole world seems to have changed. There is a huge pressure everywhere, and as the devil wolf rushes together, it squeezes down to the Adier in front of you.

Under this huge pressure, there is more latent killing intent, which manifests with the action of that devil wolf, driving the intense calamity to manifest various physical chains, entangled together. Perform layers of weakening, and then perform the final lore.

In the face of all this, Adier marched forward without feeling the slightest reaction to it.

It was only at the moment when the lore was about to hit the top that he raised his head, a huge paw that was as big as a mountain, and as heavy as a mountain.


With one claw, the whole world looks like change color.

The earth began to roar, and the space was gradually distorted. Under the huge strength, it gradually melted into nothingness.

And in this nothingness, a giant claw, like a mountain, was snapped, erasing everything in front of him.

Whether it was the quiet and terrifying calamity, the shadow of the demon wolf itself, or the huge pressure from the sky and the earth, all disappeared at this moment. It was not an accident that happened, but forcibly The bigger and deeper Strength was wiped out, so that even the slightest Strength did not have time to spread, it was forcibly wiped out.

If someone can capture the range of the square number ten thousand meters at the same time, it can be found that at the moment when Adier took a claw, it seems that the element particles of the entire world seem to be affected, and forcibly is an inexplicable Strength The impact, swarming towards a place, and then combined with other material particles on the macro level, condensed into a majestic and terrifying Strength.

This Strength shattered the mountains and smoothed the ground. The attached Strength also forcibly tears the sky’s cloudiness and turns the sky into a pure.

In the end, all the Strength disappeared. In the endless space shattering, only a giant claw was photographed, and fiercely was photographed on a giant devil wolf.

boom! !

As if a continuous was sunk by forcibly, a huge crackling sound came out of the giant wolf in front of him.

The moment Adier hit the giant wolf’s body, the huge Strength contained within the body was directly struck into the giant wolf within the body, and within just 0,1% seconds, it turned into countless weak forces, starting from the source to the magic The wolf’s entire body was torn over and over again.

Even if it was just one blow, the Strength that came after it was equivalent to hitting tens of thousands of blows in an instant, and finally all injuries broke out in a short period of time, directly detonating the entire body.

Tear and tear …

In front of Adier’s eyes, the giant wolf flew a few 1000 meters far away, and the crackling noises constantly came from his body, which was caused by the remaining Strength within the body and the constant explosion of within the body, causing his flesh to explode constantly. On, it looks like a flurry of flesh and blood.

But despite this, the devil wolf has not died, even if the whole body is almost turning into a ball of bloody meat, but there is still a last breath to struggle, and even a little vitality remains on the body, still supporting Its life slowly made his flesh and blood converge.

If this scene is seen by ordinary people, I am afraid that it will leave a psychological shadow for life. Even the best doctor will be dumbfounded and shocked by the vitality of life in front of him.

Looking in front of him, there was a hint of surprise in Adier’s eyes.

“It is indeed the descent of the devil wolf. Within the body, almost all the flesh was shattered, and it is still alive.”

Compared to ordinary humans, the advantages of Bloodline organisms are indeed great.

If the injury on the devil wolf is replaced by a Level 3 wizard, it is already dead at this moment. But this devil wolf is still struggling, and even seeing this trend, it is still slowly recovering.

But that’s it.

A paw will slap the devil wolf into a flesh, and Adier moves lightly.

In the surroundings, the endless mist turned into a tumultuous calamity, together with the body of the demon wolf, turned into a pure Strength and poured into the Adier within the body.

After doing this, Adier looked up, followed the general induction, and continued to move forward, ready to finish the next battlefield to kill.

However, to say that it is killing is really no different from torture.

After metamorphosis again, thoroughly digesting the blood of the demon wolf, and with the slaughter engulfed along the way, Adier’s Strength has already swelled to an extreme, close to the most Peak of Level 3.

Level 3’s most peak combat power, coupled with the essence and instincts of Level 4, Adier’s Strength at this time is already on the verge of myth.

Horrible to others, it’s like an abyss-like devastating beast. Facing Adier is just a matter of two claws.

At this point, perhaps only those demon gods in epic legends can be his opponents.

Thoughts flashed through his mind, and Adier continued to walk towards the next spot in the induction.

Outside, the rain that had never stopped has stopped.

Adier’s previous claw not only killed the devil wolf, but also completely tore the cloud air in the sky, and it was naturally impossible to continue raining.

Bathed in the sun, Adier walked dullly, without saying a word, mechanically and hardly.

The months passed quickly, and the time flowed silently between endless movements, the effects of which gradually began to ferment.

On the earth, people were surprised and delighted to find that, as time passed, the number of not at all catastrophes that came out of the dark area increased, but it decreased rapidly at an extremely fast speed.

By the time the magic tide lasted for half a year, a large herd of beasts had even disappeared. Only the scattered beasts were still pouring out of the mist, but they could not take much trouble.

Along with this phenomenon, the gluttony god appears frequently in many areas, and every time a place is visited, the catastrophe beast in that area will disappear and be swallowed up by the gluttony god.

In various parts of the world, in order to pray for the protection of the glutton, the Divine Temple is cast for the glutton, and regular tribute is given to them, in order to pray that the glutton can protect the place and be protected from the beasts of disaster.

For all this, Adier may know, but he doesn’t care.

Because now, he is walking towards the depths of the mist, ready to go to the depths of the mist, to meet the enemy that is about to wake up.

Deep in the mist, in the everlasting silent area, a black wind is whistling.

Contrary to most people’s imagination, the misty area is not without a trace of vitality, but life can be seen everywhere, black giant trees everywhere, and sharp weeds like thorn blades.

Because of the violent Strength contained in the fog, most of the life here seems wild and chaotic, barbarous and unreasonable, but they all have a significant common point, that is, the vitality is strong, and the reproduction ability is amazing.

On the ground, various beasts of various forms multiply in it, inhabiting the depths of the fog to construct and interpret their own life course.

wu wu wu ···

Below the vast mountain peak, a slight wolf howling came, which was violent, but with a trace of sadness, so that anyone who heard the wolf howled could feel it.

As if awakened by something, a giant wolf, like a mountain range, gently moved the body, and the tall body of 1000 meters gently shook, gradually awakening from a long sleep.

This process is semi-active, not a natural wake-up after accumulating enough Strength, but an instinctual recovery after feeling some inexplicable threat, forcibly awakening it from a long sleep to deal with the unknown threat.

A huge wolf tail flew away, causing a layer of gas explosion in the space. Under the black mountain, the three devil wolves stood up quietly, and their eyes were not scarlet like other devil wolves, but a trace and soberness and calm.

All over the body, a little inexplicable air machine began to bloom, and the shadow-strength Strength began to recover, with a little bit of terror and majesty unique to the Bloodline, slowly spreading out, so that the souls in countless kilometers around were cold coldly In place.

This unique gesture of recovery is enough to make anyone clear comprehension. The disaster in front of the beast is not simple. It is not an ordinary disaster beast. It is a great deity that only exists in myths and legends. The demon of shadow and death.

Devil Wolf, Ariana Andora!

It seemed that he felt the threat from afar. The strong demon, who had existed in ancient times, finally awakened from his deep sleep, and once again came to this world with his own posture, bringing new traces to this world.

Standing gently, he looked into the distance, a pair of blue eyes twinkling with threatening light, which was both sharp and frightening.

Looking into the distance, eventually he lowered his head, and the air-power emitted from the whole body gradually stabilized.

In the Quartet, strands of calamity gathered in instinct, and as the devil wolf recovered, he quickly poured into the body of the devil wolf, helping him to quickly restore the strength of the Peak to face the distant enemy.

With the breath of the devil wolf, the body of a stricken beast began to wither in all directions. The Fire of Life was faint and was pulled by a high strength. The strength of the blood within the body was forcibly removed. Used to supplement the devil wolf himself.

Recovering from a long sleep, after the magic disaster was forcibly interrupted by Adier, the demon wolf at this moment is far from recovering to Peak, and even because a large number of bloody people were slaughtered, and the involvement of Strength, the originally saved Strength actually declined.

In this state, the strength of the devil wolf is the lowest point in history and the most dangerous time.

Therefore, before the arrival of distant enemies, he must recover as much as possible to face the powerful enemies that may come next.

“There is news!”

In the Kumar Palace, the lights flickered throughout the palace, shining the entire area like daylight.

In a magnificent and spacious hall, Tarina eyes opened with a shocking expression on her face: “The footprint is on the north side, His Excellency Adier … is walking deep into the mist.”

“What does His Excellency want?” Aside, someone asked in confusion, and when he looked back, he found that all the people present had changed their expressions.

Zhilo Riya is in a Chinese suit, with a crown on her head, and is sitting in the main seat. On the other hand, Yi Lida, dressed in a decent black dress, stood quietly, but her style was eye-catching.

At this moment, the faces of the two men became dignified, and a possibility jumped out of their hearts.

“The place where His Excellency Adier went … seems to be where the devil wolf sleeps …”

After a long time, someone broke the silence, opened the mouth and said, and couldn’t help swallowed saliva and said several times.

“Crying the demon?”

In another palace, listening to Sria’s narration and speculation, Ire was stunned, only to feel that a warm current circulated throughout the body in an instant, making his whole body tremble with excitement.

“Can such a thing really be done?”

Looking into the distance, he couldn’t help but repeatedly opened the mouth and said, seemingly asking others, and seemed to ask himself.

In the long history, there are no shortage of powerful epic heroes. In a short period of time, they have developed their own glory, which is admired by all people.

However, even a great and powerful hero is still so powerless to face the devil.

This is like the existence of two worlds. In this world, the demon god aloof and remote looks at all beings. Even if the mortal hero is even stronger, it is just an ant in the face of this existence.

Time passed to the present, and it seems that there is finally a life that is going to impact the demon’s glory and confront the demon in the front.

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