The dark night was coming.

In the deep area of ​​the fog, the scope of day and night is actually not clear. Even if it is night, there will still be a weak light, which looks completely different from the outside world.

Many plagued beasts will appear in the night, and some very rare lives will also show their heads at this time, and start another day of struggle for their own survival.

Only today, things are a little different.

Two unique breaths permeated from different distances, just like the two monsoons with different directions, but equally fierce monsoons, began to collide in the entire mist.

Feeling these two breaths, the beasts that originally existed in the foggy area were a little uneasy. Some sensitive beasts even foresaw some things early and were preparing to start the migration, trying to move to other stables before the two violent storms came Place to go.

This is just the periphery. At the center of the collision of two breaths, the scene is even more violent and horrible.

Under a huge mountain range, the original place of life has become a dead silence, all traces of life have been crushed, leaving only pieces of broken bones and flesh and blood, indicating the life that once existed trace.

Not only that, under the scour of two huge air engines, this piece of mountain range with a size comparable to half a kingdom is slowly disintegrating. Every minute and every second, a large amount of debris is flying out of the center of the mountain range. , Squeezed into a fine wind and sand, to fill the cracks appearing on the ground.

And as time goes by, the changes here will become more terrifying. The hills were forcibly smoothed, the flat earth was torn by forcibly, and all the beasts living endlessly in it were all dead.

This is the center of the two air-to-air battles. If there is no accident, it will also be the battlefield between the two sides.

The air machine collides here, the momentum is constantly squeezing, the majesty of Bloodline is constantly superimposed, and forcibly a Danger Land is created in this area, which makes any life feel thriller.

Just observing such a scene from the outside is shocking, and the body can’t help shaking.

“It hasn’t started fighting, it’s just a collision of breaths that has caused such a horrible scene.”

Standing in a dim forest, looking at the mountain range that was gradually declining outside 1000 meters, Yi Lei deeply sighed, feeling helpless to this Strength.

Mortals are extremely vulnerable in this situation.

Along the way, I broke into the foggy area directly. Ireben thought this trip would be extremely dangerous, but in the end, he found that it was not the imagination at all.

The confrontation between the demons and gods is too terrifying. They have not yet fully engaged in the battle. They are just a breath that has swept through the countless rivers and mountains of ten thousand li, causing huge losses of life on the vast land.

Walking all the way from the outside, within the air enveloped by Adier, Irene and the others did not see a beast at all, but only a corpse.

All life is gone. Under the cover of that breath, there is no beast that can be resisted, and it is directly crushed to death by forcibly, there is not even a living mouth left.

The power of this horror is truly incredible.

“Devil level …”

With the word lingering in his mouth, Yi Lei raised his head and looked at the light in another area in the distance, unable to sigh gently.

“Inquired out.” On the one hand, Siriah, in a black suit, spread out a map, and said, “His Adier is still reverberating to the south, and I don’t see the meaning of going north …”

“According to the news from Gulo, it seems that the demon wolf has also stopped in the north and has not continued to the south.”

Yi Lei looked north and muttered to himself: “Both opponents have stopped, what are you trying to do?”

“It should be for recovery.” In the distance, in another camp, Tarina half guessed, half surely opened the mouth and said.

As the contractor of Adier, through the Bloodline contract, she can probably sense some of Adier’s status, so at this time, she opened the mouth and said: “His current Adier has not yet reached Peak, so she will stay. In the southern mist, restore Strength as quickly as possible by devouring the beast. “

“The same is true of the devil wolf.”

She said gently: “Forcibly recovering from a long sleep, the state of the devil wolf must be extremely weak at this time, so I also chose to delay the time and extend the battle period to the maximum to restore strength.

“Both sides are saving Strength and waiting for the next fight.”

“This is the preparation before the war, but this preparation is not destined to be too long.” On the one hand, Yi Lida’s frown originally relaxed and opened her mouth, and said with certainty, “Whether it is Lord Adier or the devil wolf, will not Give the opponent too much time to recover. Once it reaches a certain threshold, one side will break the deadlock and take the initiative to start the offensive. “

“And I don’t know if you noticed it.”

He said softly, seeing everyone’s gaze coming, and then stretched out his hand gently.

A little bit of fireworks blooms in the hands, a little faint black trace can be seen on it, with a little calamity unique to the mist.

“The calamity in this area is almost disappearing.”

Looking at the sparks in his hands, he said.

The power of calamity is almost disappearing, which means that the calamity Strength in this area is about to be swallowed up by Adier.

This also means that at this time it is not far from the day when Adier shot.


A little cold glow blooms in nothingness, a little Profound Truth circulates in it, gradually evolves to Peak, and becomes a faintly discernable space-time.

A pair of eyes gradually opened from it, scarlet’s eyes were vicissitudes, and there were various Profound Truth fluctuations.

From a short sleep, Adier eyes opened and looked at the world again.

After a brief absorption, the mist in this space was almost sucked by him, and the calamity contained in it was even more absent, all swallowed up by him, and turned into a little pure food for his Physique is even more magnificent.

“it’s time.”

He looked up and looked to the end of the north. At this moment, his light broke the isolation of time and space, and he saw the magnificent and terrifying devil wolf in the distance.

Compared with him, the other person’s body is full of death and decay. Although the entire body is large, it appears stiff, lacking a vitality, and it feels like an old old man, not like A bloodthirsty demon.

Feeling this scene quietly, Adier was calm in his heart, and there was not much surprise about it.

Challenge Level 3 with the limit of Level 4. Since he dares to leave, he has certain certainty.

In addition to believing that you are strong at this time, the state of the devil wolf is also a great factor.

How long is the lifespan of a Level 4? Depending on the situation, but that’s all for thousands of years, if Bloodline’s life might be longer, but it would not be too outrageous, it would only be tens of thousands of years.

And the time before the existence of the devil wolf god, far more than this number.

According to the data collected by Tarina and the others, the legend about the devil has been recorded in ancient ruins, and the time involved may be far more than tens of thousands of years.

For tens of thousands of years, under normal circumstances, the devil wolf in front of him should have died old. Now even if he can live for some unknown reasons, his Strength will certainly fade away, and it will no longer be Peak.

In addition, at this time, the devil wolf god is not recovering normally, but is awakened by himself under the condition of insufficient savings, and the Strength itself has to be greatly discounted.

In this way, the balance of strength is immediately balanced and tilted in the direction of Adier.

Various thoughts flashed through my heart. Next moment, Adier stood up, stepped on his steps gently, and walked towards the distant earth.

On the earth, as he moved forward, the dim air machine suddenly changed.

A sharp, sturdy, violent and fierce air machine slowly spread, and as Adier progressed, it rushed to the north, and suddenly pressed down another air machine, fiercely broke down.

The air-to-air confrontation instantly caused the body’s reaction. In the north, when Adier’s movement was detected, the devil wolf whistled gently, and the speed of swallowing accelerated a lot during the journey.

In a flash, days passed quickly.

boom! boom! boom!

When the morning sun shone on the ground again, a heavy footsteps began to sound from the edge of the sky.

Listening to the sound, the devil wolf raised his head slightly, and the steps that were about to be taken were lightly paused and stopped.

In the distance, a huge giant beast with black armor and black and red walking over from the distance, each step lightly leaving a deep depression in the ground.

The giant beast is covered with scale armor, and just walks directly above the earth. In the process, the endless mist in the distance spontaneously recovers, and the power of calamity is poured into the body of the giant beast, making the giant The scales on beast are more dazzling, and the Blood Imprint on them is more vivid, as if alive.

Looking at this giant beast, the eyes of the demon wolf were slightly condensed, and a sense of instinctive air-machine induction emerged, so that the demon only appeared in mythology was also dignified, and his body could not help but tighten.

“Devil wolf, Ariandora …” In front of me, sounds were sounding, accompanied by sounds of explosion in space.

Looking at the huge horrifying horror devil, Adier laughed, a smile appeared on a strange face. Although it looks a little weird, he can accurately feel his emotions: “I am here, how about you?”

boom! !

There was no warning, no communication, and at the moment the voice fell, Adier shot violently, a front paw suddenly plunged down, and with the momentum of countless days that had accumulated for many days erupted, it was suddenly depressed at this moment.

Roar! !

The demon wolf screamed, shouted at the Star Fragmentation River, and the silhouette blurred countless times in an blink of an eye, causing layers of vibration in the surrounding space, which eventually all turned into one and became the ultimate lore. .

It was only at the moment when the eyes were handed over that the battle started without any trial and communication. It was a complete lore, with a thrilling spirit and mighty power.

The sky began to whistle slowly. If you look closely, you can find layers of waves with endless calamity manifesting and recovering. It seems to be lowered to this point and turned into a true Strength to interfere in the battlefield.

However, above the micro level, another small but real Strength also moved at the same time, turning into the most solid barrier, enclosing the force of the raging calamity, and firmly blocking the influence of the battlefield. Outside.

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