boom! boom! boom!

The raging sand is venting, and the violent wind is dancing around.

On top of a ruin, two giant beasts, called demon gods, are killing.

The claws are opposite to the claws, the calamity is opposed to the elements, the violent light tilts at this moment, oppresses each other, and gradually spreads all directions.

Roar! !

The beast roars on the ground, with the layers of space bursting within tens of kilometers, and the endless light rain rises.

In the midst of a raging disaster, Adier stood, a pair of scarlet’s eyes were deep, and the hot and eternal Profound Truth flowed around him, accompanied by various fluctuations.

Among the violent Strength waves, the endless Bloodline majesty revealed from it, including red beasts, tyrannosaurus, alien monsters, and devil wolves, and the endless plague beast.

Half a year’s slaughter, along the way, the number of beasts devoured by Adier has been innumerable, the specific number of them, and the strength of their Bloodline, even at this moment Adier can not be one after another liquidation.

The endless Bloodline breath is flowing and running, but eventually all quietly fade away, turning into the devil who is covered with scarlet scale armor, whistling and roaring here.

This is the roar of endless beings. It is the bloodline roar of Adier, which has been brewing for a long time. It is so loud that the earth in front of it begins to oscillate. Just a sigh of oppression will cause the peaks to fall and the earth to break.

Among them, with the emergence of Bloodline, a deep black mark is extremely conspicuous, coming out directly from Adier’s body, emitting hot and dazzling light.

The endless light rain is permeating, and the deep curse of the devil wolf emerges, with endless unwillingness and anger, making the eyes of the devil wolf’s eyes change.

“Slaughter my descendants and erode my Bloodline, you damn it!”

A pair of wolves’ eyes were cold and cold, blue eyes looked as beautiful as gems, but at this moment they were full of anger, as if they could be burned for nine days, and the whole land was lit.

The shadowy Profound Truth erupted and brewed at this moment, and the misty Strength echoed, making him more powerful, and his momentum almost reached the top and reached a peak.

He flew forward suddenly, and a sharp claw broke through the isolation of time and space. At this moment, he broke through the scale armor of Adier and caught a piece of flesh on Adier’s body.

Scarlet’s blood is flowing, broken scales and flesh are shimmering, and there are various Profound Truth flowing on it, emitting a terrifying light and Strength.

The next moment, on Adier’s body, bloody blood was flowing, the original wound was glowing, healed at a very fast speed, the whole process was fast, and the devil wolf’s pupils contracted in front of him.

“It’s just Level 4 …”

The devil wolf looked up and looked at Adier in front of him, but just heard Adier’s indifferent voice: “This is not the first time to kill.”

The next moment, more fierce light blooms, Adier is full of glory, every inch of scales on the body is shining, the Blood Imprint above is all recovering at this moment, like Strength is triggered to the strongest.

It was just an instant that all the Strengths were united, condensed into one place, and turned into a huge giant claw that was smashing into the earth, and was photographed fiercely towards the demon wolf in front of them.

boom! ! !

metal intersect sound erupted in place and could not disperse for a long time. In the endless light rain, faintly can see two behemoths facing each other, sharp claw and sharp claw collide with each other.

This is just the surface. In the inner part that ordinary people can’t see, the two have blooms. Among them, Bloodline’s Strength, also carries deep power of dominance.

The shadow of Profound Truth blooms at this moment. With the magic wolf angry roar, on the vast earth, the power of rolling disasters is rapidly flowing, and the endless fog almost completely covers this place, completely transforming the two men’s battlefield into another area. .

The power of calamity is pouring in, madly pouring into the body of the devil wolf, so that the strength of its within that body decreases rapidly is supplemented. At this moment, it is like coming to its own home. In every move, there is endless calamity. The power is echoing, which makes it get a larger increase, and Strength in every move suddenly increases several times.

Even when he was replenished himself, the devil wolf roared, manipulating endless calamity toward Adier, turning into layers of chains on Adier, weakening his body to the extreme.

Looking at this scene, feeling the strength coming from around, Adier just sneered: “Do you think this is just your home?”

The moment the voice fell, endless red light was flowing. On Adier’s body, the Blood Imprints flickered, causing the Bloodline breath on Adier’s body to change instantly. The breath that originally belonged to normal life quickly degenerated, and the breath of the entire body became almost the same as that of the beast.

With this change, in the outside world, the power of endless calamity stagnates momentarily, and then accelerates towards Adier, which not only does not hinder him, but is continuously absorbed by him in the process, just like the devil wolf opposite Generally, it is transformed into its own strength, which accelerates the recovery of its strength.

Adier devoured thousands of catastrophes, after all, he did not devour them in vain.

After devouring the endless beasts and digesting the Bloodline origins of the various beasts, Adier has long integrated the essence of the beasts, retaining all the advantages of the beasts, and being in the mist, not only Will not be weakened, but will be as blessed as the devil wolf in front of you.

Even, absorbing the essence of the endless disaster beast, in terms of adaptability to the fog, Adier may still be above the devil wolf in front of him, and the home court advantage is even stronger.

A sharp claw crosses the sky, which contains shadows and silence, and an endless force of destruction. Under the pressure of one claw, the space is faintly rippled, and various phantoms are involuntarily evolved to release the Strength.

In front of Adier, the devil wolf whistled softly, and the fur on his body was flickering. As if he understood the situation at the moment, his strength was blessed to the strongest.

Bloodline is recovering, and Dust-strength is constantly awake. On the body of the devil wolf, the eyes had been closed. The two heads suddenly moved as if they were asleep, and the eyes above them slowly opened.


Quietly, the demon wolf eyes opened, three pairs of wolf eyes looked at Adier together, the breath on the whole body suddenly increased several times, reaching a point where Adier had to change color.

His body is still aging, full of a tendency of decay and decay, but at this moment it is so powerful that Strength has multiplied several times in an instant, making Adier feel a little incredible.

“Near the level of the Crimson King!”

Feeling the breath of the other person carefully, feeling the kind of silence and Profound Truth, Adier had something unbelievable.

The change of the Devil Strength in front is really too big. If it was only at the beginning of Level 4, but now it is close to the top of Level 4. The deep and powerful breath makes Adier think of the contacts in the ancient World. The King of Red Kings.

The Crimson King Strength is powerful, and his body has already reached Level 4 Peak, and is about to take the last step.

Although the Devil Wolf God in front of him is still inferior, and his body is old and decaying, but even so, Strength is extremely terrifying, comparable to the powerhouse in the fourth stage.

At a moment, Adier’s heart changed color, and his mind was unprecedented alert, feeling that a huge crisis was coming, accompanied by an extremely thrilling palpitation.

Hong long! !

Endless destruction is brewing at this moment, and then quickly takes shape. In the endless mist surging, the demon wolf in front of him gently probed his claws, and a black claw erupted at this moment, as if to destroy the entire World and turn the world into a silence.

With oh la la a light sound, Adier began to crack all over his body. On the body, countless scales bloomed first. The Blood Imprint inscribed above all manifested at this moment, trying to stop the demon wolf’s supreme offensive.

At a deeper level, particles in different states are condensed rapidly, arranged in accordance with Adier’s will, and quickly attached to his body, forming a miniature huge Wizard Array between them, resisting all external forces and forming A strong and strong defense.

However, under the blow of the devil wolf, all these were useless.

In a single blow, Adier’s body was broken by an inch of scales, and countless scales on his body bloomed with black and red Mars, and then the Blood Imprint on the upper side continued to disintegrate, unable to withstand the strong external Strength, together with the attachment of Adier’s body surface The Wizard Array smashed together, leaving only a few ignition stars.

Endless light is permeating. It is the scales on Adier. After the upper scales spread out, they are still fighting against the strength of the devil wolf god. The two strengths contained in it are against each other. Once the strength in each scale erupts, Are enough to sink a huge mountain range.

The smoke was constantly spreading. In the center of the Strength hedge, Adier was full of flesh and blood, and a little bit of black and red blood flowed continuously, contaminating the whole world for a while.

The sound of Di La Di La keeps ringing. On the ground, Adier’s body is constantly blowing. At this moment, his body is almost broken directly. The whole body is involuntarily receding backwards. Some can not resist the deep horror. Strength.

The shadow and death of Profound Truth circulate at this moment, which is faintly accompanied by the trace of silence, accompanied by the continuous shooting of the devil wolf, directly wrapped around Adier’s body, causing the flesh and blood on his body to gradually wither. Recovery, but hurt a bit more.

Feeling this, Adier’s eyes are deep, even if he is in an absolute downwind, he still calms down, but just keeps back, removing the violent strength from his body and transferring it to the outside world.

Inside the body, a pure black Bloodline seed is circulating, and the inscription of the mysterious Bloodline is engraved on it. At this moment, Adier is fully motivated, and the blood in it is constantly erupting.

With the bang, a beam of light from the scarlet rose into the sky, just like a blood dragon soaring into the sky, dyeing the whole world into a red.

A lot of blood was pouring out at this moment. In the first time, Adier’s body began to swell, and the flesh and blood of the inch-inch body was swelled. Among them, the original continuous inflow of Strong was expelled strongly, and the wounds on his body quickly healed, as if directly Revert to the Peak period.

“I can kill you once and I can kill you a second time.”

Looking at the changes in Adier’s body in front of him, the eyes of the devil wolf are faint, a pair of blue wolf eyes with cold and indifferent light, once again rushing forward, the endless brightness on the hair is flashing, with Peerless Strength pressed down together.

Hong long! !

The earth trembled again, and the space once again faintly rippled. The rubble on the ground rose up into the air, combined with the wind and sand in the sky, rolled up a huge and violent storm. .

And in the endless wind and sand, Adier’s body flew upside down again, as clean as before, and was directly hit in the face-to-face confrontation, which was inferior to the devil wolf in front of the absolute Strength.

However, compared with the previous one, Adier’s injury was much lighter this time, his body was covered with wounds, his flesh was torn apart, but his breath was stable, far from being as weak as before.

Contrary to him, in front of him, after another shot, the breath of the devil wolf suddenly faded. The heart-stretching Strength still exists, but it is much weaker, and it is not as strong as it was at first.

“You ought to be dead, even if the seal is now untied and the vitality is burned to recover Peak briefly, how long can it last?”

Adier looked at him coldly, not surprised at the status of the devil wolf at this moment.

If you really have Strength that easily suppresses your opponents, how can you not use it in previous battles?

The reason why Peak’s combat power is revealed in the face of despair can only show that the realization of this Peak combat power requires a great price.

This is the case of the devil wolf in front of you. Under the induction of Adier, the remaining vitality in the opponent’s body has been rapidly consumed since the opponent’s first hit. Now it is like a torch that is about to burn out, and the last point is about to burn. time.

“Kill you enough.”

In the face of Adier’s words, the devil wolf responded indifferently: “Kill you, then swallow you up, and fill the remaining vitality for me.”

Roar! !

With a low roar, the devil wolf attacked again. At this critical moment, not only did the Strength on his body not decline in the slightest, but it continued to increase, Strength and momentum reached the most Peak before.

In the face of all this, Adier looked coldly. At this moment, there was no emotion in his heart, but he rushed up calmly, and directly attacked the gigantic giant claw that was snapped.

bump! !!

With a crackling sound, the mountain range in the distance can no longer bear it at this moment, and it splits directly in the room of the two giant hands.

At this moment, the two giant beasts are tearing frantically at this moment, biting at each other away, using the most primitive and wild way to determine the outcome.

Two different Profound Truths are colliding, and each other ’s Strength is still hedging, which is not only mixed with the strength of blood and calamity, but also with Bloodline, will, and even absolute scouring and confrontation on Spirit.

In this fierce confrontation, at the level of Spirit, a little bit of memory fragments began to flow and slowly began to manifest.

oh la la ···

With the continuous sound of water flowing, Adier seemed to see a scene.

That was a piece of quiet news. By the creek, a thin black wolf was walking quietly, and behind it was a thin young wolf, screaming wu wu in the back, as if calling, as if saying What is it.

“This is … the devil’s childhood?”

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