“Dignified the devil wolf, in the beginning, was just an ordinary young wolf?”

On the battlefield, in the midst of desperate fighting, Spirit was swinging in the endless void, peering at the scene in front of him, Adier frowned: “Just an ordinary wolf, without any extraordinary Bloodline?”

He carefully sensed it several times, and confirmed this through the remaining perceptions and emotions in the memory fragments.

In the beginning, the eyes were so famous that in front of the World, he didn’t know how long the devil wolf had existed, it was really just a common wolf.

Without any extraordinary Bloodline, without the slightest race innate talent, even the body is extremely thin, and the body is shaking slightly when walking on the grass.

Such a weak young wolf turned into a fourth-order horror?

In an instant, various thoughts flashed in Adier’s heart. In the fierce fighting, the huge Spirit force flowed down, and rushed directly towards the Spirit field where the devil wolf was, to pry into the other party’s deeper secrets.

Although talking about the nature of life, Adier at this moment is not as good as the devil wolf in front of him, but once a wizard, on the Spirit level, Adier has thrown off the other party more than one.

The huge Spirit force instantly turned into a sharp needle. After piercing the opponent ’s Spirit sea, it turned into a breeze, flowing quietly, peering into the deeper memory of the other person in silence.

Soon, in the deepest part of the Spirit Sea, a very hidden scene slowly emerged.

It was a very clear picture, which contained all kinds of deep emotional fluctuations, and it was the most profound scene in the memory of the demon wolf.

In a barren land, a vast altar stands in it, with endless black gems inlaid with a faint light.

And in the middle of the altar, a corpse of more than three meters lying quietly in a crystal coffin, emitting the light of Eternal Inextinguishable.

In the distance, a thin and helpless lone wolf inadvertently broke into the altar, covered with flesh and blood, and his fur was bitten off a lot.

At the end of his death, the lone wolf walked into the altar and, under some inexplicable traction, saw the coffin standing in the distance.


The next moment, all the scenes are broken. In front of him, the devil wolf sent angry roar, and the hoarse and angry voice filled the world. The anger contained in it made the endless creatures at the far end feel trembling, as if they felt the breath and sound of the devil.

He moved forward in anger, and seemed to feel that his memory was being pierced by Adier. A forepaw was lifted up high, and the eternal light was flowing on the paw.

Hong long! !

With the crackling sound of the bang, Adier’s flesh flickered again. At this moment, his head seemed to be knocked by something. The entire Spirit Sea was impacted by a violent, horrible and boundless violent will. His mind became blank for the first time, as if he had been forcibly smashed countless times with a hammer.

He instinctively receded, and his mind made a countermeasure in an instant. His Spirit force retracted into the Spirit sea, resisting the immense horror of majesty, and his body was instantly taken over by Bloodline’s instinct, and became the most direct one. A horrible and direct wild beast fights the demon wolf in front of him.

Roar! !

The earth began to crack, and the peaks continued to shatter. Endless gravel breaks through, countless winds and sands permeate, and in this, the silhouettes of the two giant beasts are becoming clearer, and the strength and momentum of the whole body are triggered to the extreme. Under the burning vitality and the sublimation of the will, they are directly charged. To the sky, the fierce battle situation is reproduced on the sky.

In the distance, in the area hundreds of kilometers away from the center of the battlefield, Sirea and the others looked up to the horizon. At this moment, all their energies were drawn, leaving only a blank space in their minds.

In their field of view, above the distant sky, two flames rushed into the sky, slowly rising above the sky, and gradually gathered a large number of clouds.

As the two air engines continued to affect the force, two huge silhouettes appeared on the sky and killed them on the sky. Each strike would cause a large number of Celestial Phenomenon, causing a terrible terrain change in the range of several hundred li.

At this time, on the sky, the beam of light representing Adier was losing ground, and it looked like it was falling.

However, despite this, this beam of light is very stubborn. Despite being blocked at all times, it just persists and is always strong here.

“Terror, really horrible …”

Looking at the change of Celestial Phenomenon in the distance, observing the occupation from various scene changes, among all the people, Yi Lida couldn’t help sighed: “Celestial Phenomenon is driven between every move, sinking the earth and crushing the mountain range. This kind of Strength, if you think about it, I’m afraid that destroying an empire is a matter of thought. “

“On the level of this demon, the beasts below the eighth level do not even have the qualification to stand here.”

Standing in place, the body was feeling the thrilling air machine carefully, and he deeply sighed, for the first time in his life, a sense of irresistible rose.

This is a powerful force that transcends the limit of human power. Being under the devil, even if there are more and more, it is still a matter of thought. In the presence of this kind of existence, there will be no Strength.

Just like that time ago, the two sides faced each other far away. Just the oppression and confrontation between the air and the machine, forcibly killed hundreds of millions of beasts, many of which were close to the underworld, or even the real underworld.

But in the face of this monster-level monster, even if it is the existence of the underworld, there is no force to fight back. Only Adier, who is at the extreme level of Level 3 and once in the fourth-order special existence, can Barely back to Strength.

But even so, in the face of the Devil Wolf God who has returned to Peak at this moment, Adier is still being beaten, and can only rely on his own unique nature and means to pull back the disadvantage by little by little.

“Looking at it, His Excellency Adier is in a disadvantage.”

Observed for a while, on the side, Zhilo Leah frowned, feeling a little bad.

“It doesn’t matter.” Aside, Tarina shook the head, explaining to Side Zhiloria: “I can feel that the current state of His Excellency Adier, although falling behind, is far from being defeated.”

“I can stand here alive now, as evidence.”

As the owner of the deepest connection with Adier, if Adier’s Strength is close to exhaustion, Tarina will naturally be affected.

If nothing else, if she is about to lose, Adier will definitely ignore her, and the Strength originally assigned to her will be taken back as soon as possible in order to deal with more intense fighting.

But now, despite the escalation of the situation, Tarina’s situation is very stable, and there is no sign of Strength being taken back.

This illustrates the situation. Adier still has some spare power, and it is far from the moment when he is about to lose.

Thinking of this, Zhilo Riya was gently nodded, barely relaxed in her heart, not as nervous as before.

“This battle, Lord Adier’s odds, should be higher.”

In the forefront of the team, Yi Lida’s face was solemn, and at this moment suddenly opened the mouth and said.

The eyes of people around me were instantly attracted. Feeling this, Yi Lida pointed to the battlefield in front, and then said again: “I don’t know if you feel it. From the beginning, the breath of the devil wolf has been constantly changing. , Sometimes powerful, and sometimes suddenly faded. “

“This change is a sign of instability in itself. On the contrary, the breath of His Excellency Adier is stable from beginning to end, and although it has once declined, it quickly stabilizes.”

Standing in the middle of several people, he spoke slowly, his voice sounded a little hoarse.

Around, listening to Yi Lida’s words, the people around him gradually calmed down, and the emotions in his heart gradually stabilized.

Outside, a little bit of elemental particles are slowly gathering, an inexplicable change sweeping the sky, combined with the power of calamity that exists around the clock, and slowly produce changes.

A light rain was slowly falling, and the rain seemed to be contaminated by the breath of two unknown beings, falling on the ground, turning into a crystal of little by little, blooming a faint brilliance.

These crystals are formed by the strength of Adier and the demon wolf and the escape of flesh and blood. The strength of each crystal is worth dozens of higher magic stones. Among them, there are two unique strengths that exist, even for formal wizards. They are all rare good things.

At this time, on the ground, within tens of thousands of kilometers, this crystal escaped everywhere, almost covering the entire land, turning the land into another color.

To a certain extent, this also shows that the central battlefield has entered a certain period, and the great existence of the two demon-level gods can no longer control their Strength escape, so that the Strength on their bodies continues to escape.

Banglong! !!

With the sound of rumbling, in the sky, a huge demon wolf influence made a sorrow. In an instant, the neck was hit by a scarlet sharp claw, and the whole natural phenomenon became a pure disaster power directly. The collapse broke apart, shaking the whole world.

wu wu wu ···

There was a howl of wolf howling, and there was both anger and sorrow in the sound, and there was a smell of death in it, bringing haze to the scene in front of him.

In the center of the battlefield, strands of scarlet burned, ignited the earth, and the sky was filled with flames. It filled a huge giant beast near 1000 meters, making it look like a volcano about to erupt and emit. Dangerous and heavy breath.

In the deadly fight, Adier looked coldly into the distance, with the texture of scarlet red on every scale above and below, and the fiery flames burning on it, which turned into a strong offensive and a powerful Defense, directly blocking the horror Strength from a distance, leaving no trace.

Silently, he took a step forward. At this moment, his blood was shaking wildly, within the body was flesh and blood, and the Bloodline texture was pulled out, following a certain operating trajectory, and surrounding the huge elements. Particles dragged in.

The horrible elemental particles reappeared quickly, flying across the sky, and it was like a light rain, rendering the entire sky into a colorful color.

At this moment, these elemental particles are burning, exploding, and under the control of Adier’s huge Spirit, they turn into a fatal killing intent, and fiercely rushes forward.

With the bang, the scar glow of a scarlet was cut straight down, and it was directly towards the devil wolf in the distance.

boom! !

The metal intersect sound sounded quickly. On the body of the demon wolf, one inch of sturdy fur was like a armor, emitting a solid and immortal light, and directly blocked the scarlet sword glow cut off in the distance.

However, he hasn’t waited for him to react. The second blows came one after another, and the sword glow flying in the sky flew in the air, eventually brewing into a peerless killing intent, so that the last blow burst into the most brilliant brilliance.

Silver Flower! !!

The peerless killing intent is blooming at this moment, and the Knight combat technique derived from Adier’s past is blooming again at this moment.

With Life and Elemental Particles replacing Life Energy and manipulating with the vast Spirit power, the strength of this blow is far more horrifying than ever before.

It was only a moment when the eyes of the devil wolf widened, and for the first time, a great crisis was felt in his heart. Looking at the sword glow that was cut off in the distance, the thrill of his heart was magnified like never before.

Subconsciously, he wanted to stay away from this moment and avoid the blowout of the blow, but the moment he stepped back, an immense boundless, indifferent and full of killing intent was pressed down instantly, locking him firmly.

The other side locked him early, and once he stepped back, the immediate blow would hit him directly, and the consequences would be even worse.

“Can’t retire!”

In an instant, this thought flashed through his mind, and his back was raised, three heads looked at the same time at the same time, and the momentum all over him was lifted up at once, reaching a kind of Peak.

bump! bump! bump!

It seemed like a star was blown up. At this moment, the land with a radius of ten thousand li was shattering. The horrible Celestial Phenomenon turned into a huge sun in mid-air, turning the world around ten thousand li. Incorporating influences has caused horrible and irreversible changes.

Roar! !

In the endless smoke and crackling sound, two beast roars spread at the same time, and then two huge silhouettes like ancient mountains receded far away, and their bodies suffered indelible damage at this moment.

Far away from the battlefield Central Plains, Adier emits the sound of crackle, and then the entire body, a little scarlet light flowing, the powerful blood contained in the Bloodline seed is instantly evoked to Peak, nourishing the entire body, so that the original The severely wounded body healed quickly.

Every inch of flesh and blood began to heal, and the body that was about to crack had stopped the tendency of self-destruction, barely maintaining its own existence, not to make it collapse.

On the opposite side, the devil wolf is not so good.

It was not obvious when it was strong before, but after one blow, the weak nature of the opponent can no longer be masked. A drop of black blood continued to flow up and down the entire body, dropping from time to time on the ground, turning one piece after another into a magic soil .

On the opponent’s body, cracks have appeared, and there is still a growing trend at this moment.

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