bump! bump! bump! bump! boom! !!

There were violent sounds from a distance. On the fierce battlefield, the battle had come to an end.

Under the huge ruins, with Adier’s last eyes staring, the body of the devil wolf collapsed directly, the magic blood within the body continued to drip, and then he could not bear the backlash of Strength, and the entire body collapsed directly.

As a matter of fact, at this stage of the battle, he should have died.

It’s just on the devil wolf that a unique Strength is emerging, and forcibly supports the fragmented body of the devil wolf, making him forcibly up to this time.

Unfortunately, the end of the battle was already doomed long before he killed Adier the first time.

In front of him, the devil wolf’s eyes were unwilling, but his body was gradually cracked, and the three heads slowly dropped, finally losing his last vitality.

“it’s finally over···”

Looking at the devil wolf in front of him, feeling the injury on his body, Adier was a little silent.

Despite the psychological preparation, the results of this battle were far worse than he thought.

Shuangshou did his best to press everything on, but still couldn’t pass the opponent completely, and eventually became a war of attrition.

In the end, although Adier won, the state at this time was also extremely bad. There were cracks all over the body, with the breath of Devil Wolf and Strength on it. It was blocking the wound healing and making the whole body’s injuries worse.

And deeper, the origin of Adier has cracked, forcibly consumed in the fiercest assassination, weakened to a limit.

It can be said that if the devil wolf can support it for another period of time, then he is dead.

“It’s a pity … there is no if …”

On the cricket earth, a steady sound sounded in the wilderness, echoing with waves, pulling the element particles existing all around.

Sitting in the middle of a ruin, looking at the corpse left by the demon wolf before his death, Adier stepped forward without hesitation, and walked towards the body of the devil wolf.

After struggling for so long, it is time to enjoy the fruits of victory.

“Let me see, what secrets do you have?”

This thought flashed in my heart, Adier took a soft breath, and the Bloodline seed within the body exuded a faint black mist, wrapped the body of the devil wolf in front of him, locked the Strength in it, and then pulled it out and absorbed it into Adier’s within the body.

The tiny strands of light were expanding, slowly wrapping Adier with the body of the devil wolf, forming a huge light cocoon, like a huge mountain, forcibly pulled up at this moment.

This is a precursor to Bloodline’s engulfing, but compared to the previous few times, the momentum of this transformation is undoubtedly much greater.

In the Quartet, endless calamity was drawn. At this moment, a large area of ​​fog in the distant area faded from the color of the fog, and the calamity contained therein turned into a large river rolling along, followed by Adier, and poured directly into the huge cocoon of light. For Adier to transform.

Affected by this, it was only a short while that the foggy area in the distance faded rapidly. A large number of dark areas were transformed by the force of disaster and forcibly swallowed and extracted, and then turned into ordinary areas.

And in the distance, the moment Adier entered transformation.

Standing in a camp, Tarina looked at her slightly, as if she felt something.

“what happened?”

Aside, looking at Tarina, Zhilo Riya asked with concern.

“I am fine.”

Tarina shook the head, and then a look of joy came on her face: “It was the message from His Excellency Adier. In this battle, the devil wolf has fallen, and His Excellency has won!”

“Really !!” The voice fell, and everyone in the room changed color, no matter what thoughts were in their hearts at this time, their faces were showing some joy.

Devil, this is an eternal, horrible and awesome existence.

No matter how great a hero or powerful emperor is, it is not worth mentioning in front of this existence, and it cannot be compared with it.

For the first time in history, the devil has fallen.

“The fall of the devil wolf god, this means that the interval between demon disasters in the future will be greatly extended.”

From the trance, Yi Lida first awakened, looking to the north, and began to think about the changes after the fall of the devil wolf god: “There is also the south of this foggy forest, and you can try to explore it in the future.”

This battle between the demon wolf and Adier not only caused a devil to fall, but also caused the foggy area of ​​ten thousand li to disappear directly.

A large number of disaster beasts were swallowed up by the two demon gods, and the power of the disaster that had permeated the foggy area was absorbed. Without the power of disaster beasts and disasters, those foggy areas will degenerate into normal areas, which can be used for people to rest and rest.

And these all mean precious territory and reproduction space.

It doesn’t take long, it only takes hundreds of years, this newly developed land can gradually become prosperous, and the developed land is even enough to create several new and huge empires.

“However, that will be the future.”

Looking at the distant sky, feeling the rapid dissolution of the power of disaster, Zhilo Lia smiled on his face, slowly rose from the ground, and looked at a certain direction to the distance: “As for now, we have more important Things to do. “

“Tarina, shall we go now?”

He looked to the side Tarina, seeking her opinion.

All the way from the outside world to the misty area, they naturally want to witness the end of this war, but at the same time, they also have other purposes.

The ancient ruins of the devil wolf’s sleeping place is one of their other purposes.

This ruin was discovered long ago by the Gulo Empire of Tarina’s origin, but it was only for a long time that there was no substantial action on the demon wolf who was entrenched on the ruin.

But even so, under the personal execution of the father of Tarina, the contemporary King of the Gulo Empire, they also made some attempts.

However, the end result of this attempt was very bad. Not only did it fail to enter the ruins, but it shocked the devil wolf and caused the descendants of the devil wolf to rag and cause extremely severe consequences.

But now, the devil wolf has fallen, and the biggest obstacle to enter the ruins has disappeared, and it is natural to enter.

Thinking of this, Tarina settled and looked to a certain direction to the north.

In that direction, some lights penetrated the dark insulation, conveying distant fireworks far away.

There was a camp for the Gulo Empire, and in this battle of the demon gods, some people were sent to it, and they even had some contact with Tarina.

“It seems that this time, there are still many people who have the same idea as us …”

Looking at the bright campfire in the distance, Tarina laughed, and seemed to think of something interesting.

After half a month.

Under a ruin, Tarina entire group walked slowly, before coming to a collapsed mountain.

It can be seen that this is originally a towering mountain, which should be one of the iconic scenery at this point.

It was only after the battle of the demon god that the mountain was affected by the aftermath of the devil’s battle and was directly destroyed. Now there are only a few remnants left, describing the former glory.

“It’s here.”

Standing quietly in front of the ruins, looking at the scenery in front of her, Tarina was a little hesitant, with a strange look deep in her eyes, it seemed to think of something at this moment.

In the distance, there was a sound of footsteps, and then surrounded by several people, an old man wearing a golden robe and holding a scepter came from a distance.

The old man looked very skinny, and looked very kind, but also very majestic. The golden robe worn on his body was inlaid with strands of gold, which looked a little dazzling under the sun.

“Long time no see …”

Looking at the old man, Tarina froze, and then smiled.

“Tarina, long time no see …”

Walking gently from a distance, the old man held the scepter in his hand, and looked at Tarina, his face and stubborn still: “Looks, you seem surprised at my appearance?”

“It’s not a surprise, it’s just a little bit unexpected,” Tarina admitted frankly, “I thought that the Empire would send someone, but I thought it would be you.”

“After all, Lord Father, you should not come to this place easily.”

“I’m old.” Listening to Tarina’s words, the old man expression remained unchanged, but I just touched the scepter on my hand, feeling the fine texture on the scepter, and sighed softly: “If you don’t move over and see I’m afraid I will leave regrets in this life. “

“Perhaps.” Tarina nodded, and said nothing more, but turned silently, looking to the side of the old man: “I didn’t expect you to come with me father.”

Beside the old man, two silhouettes that Tarina was very familiar with were standing there, with a few old men wearing black robes beside her.

It was Ire and Siriah. After entering the misty area, they didn’t know when they contacted Gulo’s people and came together.

“The reconstruction of the Kingdom of Aryan, Gulo did a lot in it.”

Standing next to King Guluo, Yi Lei said concisely, so he spoke in such a way that the eyes of a few people present were instantly surprised.

It seems that a long time ago, the remnants of Aryan Strength, represented by Ire and Seria, were linked to the Gulo Empire, so they could successfully stand in the wild areas without the first time. Expelled.

However, this is not too surprising. In the past few years, Zhilo Leah had speculated about this, and it was only a little surprised to hear Irrey’s account at this time.

“It seems people are almost there.”

Staying quietly for a while, looking at the King Guluo in front of you, and Irene and the others, Zhiloria opened the mouth and said: “This time we should be the only one who arrived at this ruin.”

“Go in together?” A glance at Zhilo Leah, King Gullo said, looking a little eager at this moment.

“Send one person to each side and stay outside the ruins.”

At this time, Yi Lida took a step forward, with a decent smile on her face, watching the crowd present.

“Zhilo, you stay.”

Without much hesitation, in front of him, King Gulo gently opened his mouth. Behind him, a big man in armor and a large figure stepped out and stood side by side with Yi Lida.

Later, on the side of Ire and Seria, a mysterious old man wearing a black robe also stepped out of the crowd, representing the Aryan Kingdom.

After doing this, the three were left alone and the crowd continued to move forward.

Following the map in King Guluo’s hands, they crossed a long and winding road, and finally reached the ground and came to a gate.

Outside the gate, a sphinx and a statue with wings on its back stood quietly, a pair of eyes like purple gemstones staring silently forward, as if watching the people in front of them.

“The Sphinx, this is the shining star Totem of the Second Age.”

Looking at the statue in front of him, in the crowd, an old man in a black robe, who looked unremarkable, frowned. “Here is the remnant left by the star empire?”

“It’s not the empire of shining stars, it’s the ten-star religion.”

Standing in the middle of the crowd, looking at the Sphinx in front of him, King Golo looked a little embarrassed, as if he remembered something: “Although it was a great empire in the second era, it was initially just an ordinary empire. The tribe developed slowly after discovering the remains of the Ten Star Church. “

“Because of the inheritance of the Ten Star Sect, the Yao Xing Empire has been affected by the Ten Star Sect in all aspects. The guardian Totem is the same as the Ten Star Sect.”

“The ten-star religion, however, originated from the first era and was the organization of the first era.”

“The vestige in front of this is the source of this organization.”

Standing in the crowd, King Golo walked forward, and the old arm gently stroked the statue in front of him, carefully feeling the subtle texture and the unique sense of the times.

“First Age.”

Standing behind King Gulo, listening to his narration, Tarina murmured: “From such a long time, what is in this ruin?”

The so-called First Age is a legend of this world.

Legend has it that at the beginning of the World, the entire World was in harmony, without the so-called calamity beasts, and without the so-called fog and calamity, the whole world was in a peaceful range.

The child does not have to struggle for survival, the adult does not have to be attacked by the beast, and the soldier does not have to travel to kill in the distance. People do not have to struggle for their livelihood, nor do they have to withstand the devastation that comes every few decades.

This is the first era of the first era, and it is also the age sung by various myths and epics.

For those epic descriptions of the first epoch, those present are naturally not naive.

The so-called World without Controversy and Contradiction is unlikely to exist. But some of the information is undoubtedly true.

At least, some excavated materials in ancient books and relics can show that in the first first era, there really was no such thing as a catastrophe, and the so-called magic catastrophe never happened.

At that time, all the land was normal, and the mist had not yet landed on the earth, bringing disasters to the soul again and again.

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