“The past time has long passed, and now there are only those records that’s all in the past.”

Gently stroking the Sphinx, King Gullo said, there was a bit of hesitation between expressions.

“As for here.”

He looked up and looked at the ruins in front of him, at this moment like a real old man, recounting the epic of the past: “It is the truth of the past.”

“The truth of the past?” Everyone was confused at the scene, and only Tarina froze. What seemed to be remembered at this moment in her heart.

“Why did the former First Age evolve into what it is today, where did the fog come from, and where did the deities come from …”

Standing at the forefront of the team, King Gullo spoke softly and said, “Do you not want to know about these?”

“The answer to this ten-star religion remains.”

After saying this, he didn’t speak again, but just stared silently at the statue in front of him, and silently observed the texture that appeared on it.

The ancient statue looks very real, and the materials used on it are also unique. Not only does it not make people feel cold, but it can feel a touch of warmth, just like a living creature.

Of course, knowing some of the habits of the Ten Star Church, King Gullo knew that the statue in front of him was indeed alive in a sense.

In the first quarter of the year, World was extremely prosperous, and many technologies have developed to Peak.

The Sphinx in front of it is likely to have been alive in that year, and it was sealed by the Ten Star Church to protect this ruin. As long as it waits for a suitable time, it will be able to recover again and continue the inheritance of the Ten Star Church .

This was the case of the shining star empire at that time. When it was only a small tribe, a sphinx was recovered from the ground. While protecting them, it also brought the inheritance of the Ten Star religion to them. As a basis, a brilliant empire was established.

However, compared to the ruins obtained by the Yaoxing Empire, the ruins in front of it seem to have some accidents, so that the statue in front of him has not recovered and is always in a state of seal. Until now, I don’t know if I can wake up.

For the cause of this change, King Guluo also knew that it was because of the demon wolf that was entangled outside the ruins.

A devil wolf lingers on the ruins all year round, and sleeps in the outside world. Of course, the Sphinx in front of it cannot be recovered, and it can only be passively pressed here to spend countless years.

Squeak …

In front of me, after a while, with the sound of creaking, the black door in front of me began to slowly open, revealing the scene inside.

A little faint purple light began to flicker, coming from the inside of the gate, and the dim interior environment was illuminated very brightly, making it very comfortable to look up.


Looking at this scene, King Golo was gentle nodded, with a smile on his face: “After such a long time, this ruin has not been destroyed, and the mechanism inside is still working.”

While speaking, he was holding a scepter, and his golden robe swayed in the wind. He just walked in and looked a bit impatient.

Entering into it, there is a wide and long corridor, and there are huge murals after another.

These murals are very large, and each one has a height of several dozen meters, which is engraved with various symbols and pictures, as if recording something.

And in all around these murals, a piece of purple crystal is inlaid there, at this time still shimmering with light. While illuminating the entire space, the mural is also wrapped as a unique Safeguard.

“That’s … the secret way to train ancient blood warriors!”

Walking casually in this corridor, looking inadvertently at a mural, and watching part of the above display, Zhilo Riya was suddenly surprised.

On the mural, a naked man is holding a long sword and is fighting with a giant beast.

After killing the giant beast, the man draws the blood of the giant beast to cultivate more children and let them train from childhood to obtain a stronger Strength.

On the side of the picture, there are a lot of text and symbol descriptions.

Looking at these words, Zhilo Riya’s original excitement suddenly ceased, frowned in place.

“This is the Cyrillic script, which is the official language of the First Age Asian Nobles. It has been a long time since then. You don’t know it and it is normal.”

Beside him, King Gulo’s voice came softly.

“However, the secret cultivation method of blood warriors is nothing in this place.”

He stared at Zhilo Riya in front of him, watching his amazement and excitement, first shook the head, then pointed in the other direction: “Look over there.”

Subconsciously, Zhilo Leah looked in the direction he was pointing, but he couldn’t help it.

I saw a pile of golden crystals under a stone wall, and a golden dome was placed in it. Under the shining of golden crystals, a faint light bloomed, with a faint Bloodline majesty.

From this golden dome, Zhilo Leah felt a strong majesty and a vitality that was always there, despite being weak.

“An animal egg from the first season’s seal to the present, if I’m not mistaken, it should be the egg of a sphinx.”

Standing in front of Zhilo Riya, looking at the golden beast eggs in the distance, King Gulo gently opened his mouth with an inexplicable smile on his face: “If a beast egg of a sphinx can be cultivated, wait After maturity, it is at least a gargoyle guardian. “

“And this is only part of that’s all.”

He said, his eyes rested on the golden egg for a moment before he walked away and went deeper.

Behind him, staring at the beast egg. After a long time, Zhilo Lia sighed: “It’s a pity …”

Time has really passed too long.

The years spanning from the first era to the present are extremely long. Although the preservation measures of this golden beast egg are very good, in the past such a long time, there were still accidents.

Although vitality still remains in the beast eggs, this vitality is too small, and it is impossible to hatch it at present conditions.

This is why King Guluo walked so swiftly and didn’t take any notice.

“Unfortunately, this seal was not leaked for too long. If it was hundreds of years in the morning, there might be a rescue.”

Looking silently at this beast, Zhilo Riya shook her head in regret, and then turned her head and walked to the side.

The ruins in front of me are really a big treasure house, which contains the remnants of the ten-star religion, and there are too many precious things left behind.

Even though several epochs have passed now, most of the things here have lost their original efficacy, but even the remaining remnants have also made Zhilo and the others look awkward.

Secrets of ancient mysteries, secret cultivating techniques of blood warriors, secret language techniques that have long been lost, and secrets and stories that have long been forgotten in history …

This kind of harvest made everyone present with a happy face, looking at the ruins in front of him, his complexion could not help becoming rosy, and his pace accelerated again and again, and he went deeper into the ruins.


I don’t know how long in the past, when the brightness of the purple crystal bloom reached the extreme, King Gulo stopped his footsteps and looked at the slab in front of him.

This is still the end of the ruins. The stone slab in front of it is also the last stone slab in the ruins.

Unlike other slabs, although the slabs in front of them are still huge, the materials used above are unique, full of a metallic luster, like casting from the strongest metal.

On the four sides of the slate, several huge golden gems are inlaid, and there is a flow of Henggu’s breath, which contains a huge Strength.

Standing in front of the slate, looking at the huge and gorgeous slab in front of them, everyone in the scene looked up and looked at them.

As their gaze gazed, a scene first came to their eyes.

It was a huge square pattern. In the center of the pattern, a giant was lying quietly, as if asleep.

“this is···”

Looking at the pattern in front of his eyes, Zhilo Riya was hesitant, and for a moment could not understand the contents of the slate.

“Is lying inside, is the place where the ancients slept?” Someone said in silence, his eyes looked a little confused.

“No, this is the coffin.” Looking at the pattern in front of her eyes, Tarina quietly opened the mouth and said, translating the text carved for the crowd: “A long time ago, there was a huge coffin falling in the sky. Inside, Lie on the body of a giant. “

“The ancestors of the first era found the giant’s body and thought it was a fallen god, so they built an altar and worshipped it.”

Looking at the text above, she slowly opened the mouth and said.

The crowd looked along the picture, and soon saw two pictures with matching contents.

In the picture, a group of relatively small people build altars and bow down to the people in the coffin.

“As time passed, the ancestors sacrificed to the corpse from generation to generation, and slowly found that there was more change in them.”

Looking at the text above, Tarina was thinking about it word by word, but suddenly she caught her breath and fell into silence.

“what happened?”

Zhilo Riya was a little strange, looking at Tarina, with confusion in her eyes.

Gently biting her lip and expelling the strange emotions in her mind, Tarina went on to say: “As time passed, the ancestors found that they had a unique Strength on their bodies that could listen to the magic beast’s heart, and Connect with it. “

“As time goes by, some people find that they can use this Strength to sign a contract with the powerful magic beast, so as to obtain the strength and life of the magic beast.”

The voice fell, the scene was suddenly delayed, everyone’s complexion changed, and it seemed to associate something.

“This Strength seems to be …” Standing behind King Guluo, Yi Lei’s face changed, quickly thinking of an existence: “Bloodline contract!”

“Does the strength of the so-called Bloodline contract come from the so-called corpse of the soul?”

Whispering in the hearts of everyone, the mood changed for a while.

They didn’t bother Tarina who was reading the slate, but her eyes were more focused.

“As time goes by, God’s influence is getting bigger, and more and more people get this Strength.”

In the spacious and dim space, Tarina continued to open, a pair of beautiful eyes stared at the slate in front of her eyes, do not want to let go of the above content: “With the Strength, the people of the original tribe began to rise slowly, relying on Strength gained by beast has gradually built a great empire. “

“The name of this empire is ten stars.”

Speaking of which, she was slightly paused, letting the surrounding people digest the content, and then spoke again: “The ten-star empire has developed to Peak, and some unknown incidents have followed.”

“On the altar, I don’t know when the unknown change began on the body of the god.”

“The original sacred corpse is decaying, the flesh and blood on it melts into a black corpse, drips on the ground, gradually turns into a mist, and contaminates land after land into Demon Domain.”

“Just a few hundred years, a large amount of land was changed by the breath released by the corpse, and a large number of lives infected the breath of the corpse, and gradually evolved in a more horrible direction.”

“Unfortunately, the ten-star empire finally decided to withdraw from the ancestral land where the altar was located, began a large migration, and left the corpse in the mist.”

“And over time, as the corpse degenerates, the effects of the fog begin to deepen, with terrifying consequences.”

At this point, the text on the stone wall is over.

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