The spacious and bright hall, looking at the stone wall in front of them, everyone’s eyes are bright, looking up to a bright one, staring at the content on the stone wall.

After a long translation, the text on the stone wall has been fully interpreted at this moment, leaving only the last bit of picture content.

Along the top and bottom, they looked down, looking towards the first picture at the end of the text.

The drawings are large and exquisite, and every detail on them is beautiful, like carving by the most skilled craftsmen.

In the center of the picture is a huge coffin, in which a person lies quietly, representing the dead body.

At this point, in the picture, most of the body of the corpse has become a bone, which means that the corruption of the corpse has reached a limit, and even the last flesh and blood will disappear.

Outside the altar, a thin wolf was hovering, standing outside the huge coffin, and was probing into the corpse. The wolf’s mouth opened slightly, and it looked like he was about to bite.

Looking at this image, everyone’s face changed slightly, and a feeling rose in a flash.

“This wolf … seems to be biting a corpse.”

“Is this going to eat the flesh of the gods?”

In the voice of the crowd, King Guluo was quiet and independent, looking intently at the following pictures.

The content in the next few pictures is similar to the first picture, and they are all wild beasts eating the god stone scenes. Among them are wolves, tigers, giant snakes, and other unique creatures.

Looking at these pictures, they were silent for a while, for reasons other than that, but the creatures depicted in the pictures coincided with the cognition in their memory.

“Devil wolf, giant snake god, mad tiger god, demon god Huck …”

Looking at the creatures depicted in the above pictures, Zhilo Lia’s face changed instantly: “Eight demon gods, all of them are right!”

The so-called eight demon gods refer to the statistics of all the most powerful disaster beasts since the first era. According to Scholar records, there are eight.

The physical images of the eight demon gods are exactly the same in this picture.

“It turned out that the so-called demon was achieved by eating the corpse of the god …”

Standing in place, King Guluo murmured to himself: “The Bloodline contract comes from the strength of the corpse, the fog and disaster comes from the corruption of the corpse, and the so-called demon eats the flesh of the corpse …”

“The corpse of God is the root of everything, and is this the true culprit of what this world has become today?”

He lifted his head, and at this moment in his heart was very excited, as if he had found a new goal, and the whole person had a new vitality.

“What do you want to do?” On the side, keenly felt King Gu Luo’s exhilarating mood, Tarina turned and asked.

“Of course I found that corpse.”

King Gullo said frankly, his words sounded extremely exciting: “He is the root of everything. Finding him may be able to unlock all the secrets and obtain the highest strength, the strength that is enough to kill all demons!”

He whispered in place, the excitement between expressions was deeper, and his eyes were more frenetic.

Looking at him, Tarina shook the head: “This is not a good idea.”

“If it is really as described in this mural, that corpse is not a good thing!”

Looking at the stone wall in front of him, he said quietly, “Good World, just because this thing has become what it is now.”

“not to mention···”

She turned around and looked earnestly at King Golo in front of her. She looked with utmost attention and earnestness: “When the corpse of the god had just fallen, the people of the first era got it. But after a long time, the person facing Corruption, the ancestors of the First Age did not have the means to crack the secret, but just let it happen. “

“What the ancestors of the First Age did not do, what can you do, Father Father?”

As the words fell, she turned straight and walked in the other direction, ignoring King Gullo where she was.

In the past, she already knew what kind of father she was, so after that, she didn’t plan to talk too much, and left directly.

Aside, looking at the back of Tarina’s turn, and then looking at the King Golo in front of her, Zhilo Riya touched her head and said, “I’m not sure whether these records are accurate or not, but I also think, This corpse is not a good thing. “

“Instead of putting hope on the corpse, I would rather wait for His Excellency Adier to wake up.”

He said, “Take Adier’s Strength, after completing the transformation once more, while the devil is sleeping, there is every hope that the demon one after another will be killed and the mist will be completely expelled.”

“You don’t understand.”

Standing in front of Zhilo Riya, listening to the words of Zhilo Riya, King Golo shook his head gently, and his expression on his face remained the same from beginning to end. He looked like an amiable old man: “Strength from outside, but from outside of···”

“Putting hope on external forces is always the most irresponsible behavior.”

As he said, he seemed to be deeply impressed by this: “Without your Strength, you can only hope for others. If one day in the future, the gluttony confronts you, what should you do?”

Hearing this, Zhilo Riya stunned and was about to say something.

In front of his eyes, King Golo turned directly, leaving nothing to listen to what he said.

Looking at the back of King Golo, Zhilo Lia opened her mouth, but in the end said nothing.

They led people to search the ruins in front of them again and again, and then slowly evacuated, and developed the ruins in accordance with the previously agreed parts.


In the movement of matter, time slowly passed and time passed, so that World began to change silently.

In the second year of the devil wolf’s fall, the place where Adier’s metamorphosis began to turn into a horrible forbidden area, often with violent winds hustle and bustle, surrounding the entire area, even if it is a powerhouse of level five or higher, I ca n’t really get into it.

At the same time, as Adier’s transformation time is getting longer and longer, in the foggy area, the strands of calamity are also quickly absorbed, absorbed by the adier in the transformation, to support the strength of the transformation.

Along with this process, fog after fog has disappeared, and a large area of ​​intact land has been exposed, making the wild forces focus on this piece of fat.

The Kuma Kingdom, the Gulo Empire, and the newly born Aryan Kingdom began to make great efforts to open up to the north together, relying on intelligence and geographical advantages to occupy the first hand, and each circled a large area on it.

A large number of territories were opened up, and a large number of new lords began to appear. With the fall of a demon god and the death of a large number of disaster beasts, the entire World has entered a period of rapid development.

Along with all this, over 800 years passed quickly.

In the early morning, on a rugged hillside, several people were marching hard.

Those were some good-looking people with angles between the eyebrows. Although their clothes were a bit shabby because of the long journey, they were very expensive.

“Your Highness, you are almost there.”

Standing at the forefront of the team, looking at the mountain range standing in the distance, a black clothed old man said, looking at a silhouette behind him with a concern on his face.

It was a boy in black leather, with a long purple hair flying, tied with a red rope like that, the whole man looked very handsome, but also with a kind of weakness.

The teenager stepped out of the middle of the crowd and looked at the mountain range in the distance. There were some inexplicable expressions in his eyes. A weak voice sounded in everyone’s ears: “Is this here?”

“Legendary mountain range, sleeping place of Glutton Adier …”


The old man was heavily nodded, affirming the young man’s statement: “It is said that the gluttony fell asleep, and his body turned into a huge mountain over a long period of time, and gradually evolved into the Dila mountain range.”

“This is the continent forbidden area. Those traitors cannot enter without credentials.”

“I hope so.” The boy sighed softly, turned and looked forward, his eyes a little confused at once: “But, what can we do even here?”

“The empire has been controlled by that group of traitors. Once we go out, we will be pursued the most thoroughly.”

He said softly, while talking, he also coughed several times, and the whole person seemed extremely weak, as if he had suffered some serious injuries.

“Until now, there is only one way.”

In front of him, the old man was silent for a while, and after a long time, he spoke again: “Using the oldest blood sacrifice, try to awaken the gluttony god to gain a strength that breaks everything …”

“Wake the gluttony … is this okay?”

Listening to the words of the old man, the young man wondered to himself: “Over the years, countless first kings have desperately built altars, praying for gluttony gods to wake up, but finally got no response …”

“No one else, Your Highness Cardan, you may not!”

In front of the old man’s tone, he absolutely said, “Your innate talent is the best I have ever seen since birth. In the past, the first king couldn’t do it, you may not be able to do it!”

“And, now is the right time.”

“The right time?” The boy muttered to himself, his eyes gradually getting brighter, and he seemed to remember something.

“Before Silia Your Majesty died, she had consumed the last vitality, and speculated that the day when the gluttony awakened would coincide with the time.”

“At this time, if blood sacrifice is held, it may be possible to wake the gluttony again from the long sleep!”

“That’s right …” Turning quietly, looking towards the mountain range in the distance, the teenager’s face gradually calmed down, not so hurried as before.

“Also, after the Beast of Death has died, I am now considered a waste.”

Looking at the distance, the young man laughed at himself with a smile on his face: “Even without blood sacrifice, I can’t live long.”

“Blood sacrifice is best if it can awaken the devil, but if it does not wake up …”

He was paused, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face: “It seems good to just die in the sacrifice place and accompany the past king?”

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