On the barren grass, potholes for each and everyone appeared on it, each buried with a coffin and a piece of golden tombstone.

At all around, some white corpses were on display, some of them were broken, with blades around them.

Unlike the rest of the place, the land here is black, occasionally with some bloodshot, and looks like a gloomy atmosphere.

“It really is a place that fits the atmosphere.”

A slight footstep came from a distance. In this area, the teenager looked up and looked at the numerous potholes in front of him.

In front of the numerous potholes in front of me, most of them have a piece of tombstone with a subtle text introduction, written in the ancient aristocratic language, telling the life of the tomb owner.

Among these tomb owners, there are too many names familiar to teenagers.

Here are the Aryan Royal Family who died here over the ages, some of which were appointed by the past kings to hold blood sacrifice, but more of them came voluntarily, hoping to die at this end of the Royal Family in this place .

In it, the teenager even saw some kings whose past had been mysteriously appeared in this place, buried alone in this desolate land.

“Here is the blood sacrifice …”

After quietly walking away from a tombstone, and looking away from the name on the tombstone, Cardan looked towards the distance and looked towards the central area in the distance.

There, a high altar was placed there, and a golden crystal was slowly blooming.

Looking at this golden crystal, Cardan took a deep breath, then strode away and walked towards the altar ahead.

He slowly walked toward the golden crystal. After walking to a certain distance, each step he felt, he felt a tremendous pressure, as if something was being pumped away quickly.

Stay in it, read some records about blood sacrifice, Cardan clear comprehension in the heart, this is the feeling after the vitality and soul power are taken away.

The golden crystal in front of him is made by a ray of flesh and blood of the gluttony god, and has a connection with the body of the gluttony god.

Close to this crystal, if a qualified person approaches, through the old ancient contract and vow, the vitality and soul power of the body will be extracted by instinct, and this golden crystal will be passed to the gluttony to stimulate gluttony The demon is awake.

In previous legends, if anyone could actually walk to this crystal and hold this golden crystal in their hands, they would be eligible to sign a contract with the demon again and become the true owner of the devil.

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth, forcibly suppressed the intense discomfort from his body, and strode forward.

One 100 meters, nine ten meters, eight ten meters ····

As time passed, he was getting closer and closer to the golden crystal, and the pressure he felt was getting stronger.

The feeling that vitality is being extracted is extremely uncomfortable. The feeling that vitality is slowly being extracted, and every inch of flesh and blood in the body is slowly depleting, is not what anyone wants to try.

This pain is far stronger than any cruel horror from torture, and more than any stimulus. Not to mention, the pain of the soul’s power being drawn.

Endured with these pains, Kadan strove forward, but eventually stopped slowly, the whole body began to experience severe pain, and strong tinnitus was ringing in his ear, making his entire consciousness gradually Fall into a trance.

At this time, a sound came from a distance, with a unique melody and charm.

“Another one.” A faint voice came from a distance, accompanied by a slight footstep.

Subconsciously, the teenager looked up and looked into the distance.

I saw there, a girl with a beautiful appearance and a beautiful posture was walking from a distance, with beautiful long hair on her head, and a long silver dress swaying in the wind, looking like an elf in the wind, Beautiful and lively.

“do not come···”

Looking at the distant girl, the teenager shouted subconsciously, trying to stop the other’s footsteps.

The altar in front can only be set up by those who are allowed. If those who are not allowed to enter the range of the altar, there will be only one result, which is to be sucked into a dead body alive.

The only people allowed are the descendants left by those who signed the contract with the gluttony.

Listening to the young man, in the distance, the young girl’s steps were paused, and then she continued to take a step, stepping up to the altar, and the whole person looked like a real elf, with an amazing charm.

However, to the surprise of the young man, one step into the altar, the girl’s body was not affected at all, and she did not even stop at the pace of walking, walking towards him generously.

She walked very fast, but in a flash, she came to his eyes, leaving him with a picturesque smile.

“Child, what are you doing here?”

The girl had a beautiful face, and looked at Kadan in front of her. The smile on her face was intoxicating, which made Kadan flushed suddenly.

“who are you?”

Looking at the smiling face in front of him, Cardan stepped back subconsciously, and then suddenly felt something wrong.

“The pressure of the altar … disappeared?”

He raised his arm, feeling the pressure that had completely disappeared from his body, and suddenly froze, as if a little dazed.

“The flesh and blood of the Red King will never strike the contractor. Since I am here, the blood sacrifice will naturally stop.”

In front of Kadan’s eyes, the girl still smiled and looked at the dazed boy in front of her: “You, kid, what are you doing here?”

“Aryan Royal Family, shouldn’t we send a child to perform blood sacrifice?”

She looked at Cardan up and down and said so suddenly.

Blood sacrifice has always been the most dangerous thing. Over the years, even the Aryan Royal Family who sacrificed gluttony gods in the past, it will only occasionally send some Royal Family sinners, or old clansman who came voluntarily, like Cardan in front of him. Royal Family of this age usually don’t come over.

“Sorry, the reason is a bit complicated.”

Cardan was bitterly laughed, and then the whole person suddenly stunned, his head lifted blankly, looking at the girl in front of him: “You just said, the contractor?”

“Introduce yourself.”

In the eyes of the teenager, the girl’s silver long dress is elegant and looks like the most noble Princess. At this moment, the whole person looks noble and difficult to look at: “I’m Tarina. In terms of age, you should probably Call me an ancestor? “


Looking at Taranna in front of her eyes, she looked beautiful, and looked younger than him, Ka Dan could not help twitched his mouth, and suddenly felt a headache.

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