“That is to say, there was civil unrest in the Aryan Kingdom, and the situation was controlled by the Prime Minister?”

Sitting in a tall stone pavilion, looking at Kadan in front of her eyes, Tarina listened with interest, while she also made a voice of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune: “Unexpectedly, you will have today?”

On the side, looking at the girl with a bright smile in front of her, listening to her words, the young man subconsciously frowned, but then smiled bitterly.

In any way, he is not qualified to refute the girl in front of him.

On strength, he is now a futile man, and on qualifications, the girls in front of him are more than just grandma.

Such a disparity, he can only be honest.

“So you just got close to the crystal and just want to hold a blood sacrifice and wake up the Red King Your Majesty?”

Looking at the boy in front of her quietly, after a while, Talina went on to open the mouth and said.

“Not bad.”

The teenager’s face showed some perseverance. Although his body was already weak to the extreme, his unwavering will has not changed at all: “The Aryan Kingdom is now at its most dangerous time, and the entire royal family has been slaughtered. “

“The only hope is the gluttony who was once sealed in the Tira mountain range.”

“Relying on others is not a man’s work.” Gently glanced at Kadan, Tarina opened the mouth and said: “Instead of pinning hope on a demon who is not necessarily awakened, it is better to work hard and put yourself To achieve their vision. “

“I want to do the same.” The teenager’s face showed bitterness. At this moment, his fists were clenched, his palms were too hard and whitened, and he trembled gently. “But I’m now a waste. In addition to putting hope on the devil, What can you do … “

He said softly, with an inconceivable loss and unwillingness in his tone.

The young man’s mood is very high. If he can, of course, he hopes to rejuvenate his motherland through his own efforts, instead of pinning his hope on the devil of illusory.

It is a pity that after the death of Qi Qi, he has been backlashed all over him. If there is no accident, he may not live for several years, let alone begging for others.

In this case, he has no other way out.

Silent for a while, Talina spoke again after a while.

“Your luck.”

She got up from the stone pavilion where she was, and looked at Kadan at random, then took a step: “Come with me.”

The words fell, and she got up and walked in a certain direction, taking Cardan in front of her to a certain path.

After a winding path, they soon reached a cave.

At this point, Tarina’s original footsteps stopped and she was paused in the cave.

On one side, standing outside the cave, Cardan’s face showed astonishment, as if she felt something, her face showed some astonishment.

Before he asked, Tarina continued to walk forward, in a long silver dress with a faint silver brilliance.

With Cardan, she walked slowly forward, straight into the long cave, and went all the way to the end.

The light golden light flashed in all around, the cave all around was inlaid with a lot of golden crystals, and the whole cave was extremely bright.

When he reached the end of the cave, the young cardan stopped for a while.

“what is that?”

Standing on a platform, he looked forward.

At the end of his sight, there is a golden coffin, like a golden crystal, which blooms beautifully in a spacious space.

And in the center of the coffin, a young boy lay quietly inside, exuding a unique breath.

Juvenile looks are as handsome as a god, with a noble charm that cannot be seen directly, even with eyes closed, but the unique weather is still heartbreaking, like seeing the supreme king.

A faint ray of Bloodline ventilated from the golden coffin in front of him, which instantly collapsed a space, and made Kadan’s heart startled in front of him, raising an unprecedented feeling.

“Your Majesty.”

Standing outside the golden coffin, looking at the boy in front of the coffin, Talina bowed slightly, her long silver hair fluttering in the wind.

With her call, a faint brilliance bloomed in the golden coffin in front of her eyes, as if something was awakening, which made the originally quiet Strength start to wave.

Under the horrified gaze of Cardan, in the distant coffin, the young man quietly opened his eyes, a pair of golden eyes with endless majesty, like the god of aloof and remote, unforgettable.

“you are?”

Waking up from a long sleep, and being in the golden coffin, Adier slowly opened his eyes. A pair of golden eyes first looked at Tarina, and then slowly looked towards Cardan.

In his sight, the information on the boy’s body came to his mind instantly.

Bloodline, appearance, structure of body and flesh … All the information was instantly noticed by Adier, understood by him, and quickly summarized the state of the teenager.

“Purple hair and black eyes, as well as the smell mixed in the power of the soul, are the direct descendants of Silia …”

Looking at the young man in the distance, Adier quietly replayed in his mind: “The flesh and blood of the body is drying up, and the power of the soul and vitality have been severely damaged. Is it the backlash encountered when the beast was killed?”

All kinds of thoughts flashed silently in his heart, but on the surface he said nothing, but just looked at the young cardan in the distance.

On the opposite side, looking at the silhouette present in the golden coffin, feeling the familiar and unfamiliar, majestic and awe-inspiring majesty, the young Cardan was excited, and a handsome face became red and red.

“This is … this is …”

He kept whispering, the whole body was shaking at this moment.

“This is the Red King Your Majesty, which is the ogre you want to wake up …” From the side, Tarina’s voice came quietly.

She looked at the junior in front of her, and laughed easily after earnestly saluted Adier: “You are lucky.”

“Adier Your Majesty, has been awakened decades ago and does not require you to go to blood sacrifice.”

Hearing here, Cardan was in a complicated mood, looking at the handsome figure in front of him, like a godlike teenager, who didn’t know what to say for a moment, but could only kneel on one knee to express his attitude.

As he knelt down, in the golden coffin in the distance, a ray of golden blood fled, rushing directly into the teenager within the body, and dyed the whole person into a golden one in an instant.

The soul is healing, the flesh is recovering, and the rolling blood is flowing within the body, washing all the internal injuries inside the body and washing it again, so that the body close to the edge of the collapse is restored again, and it returns to the posture of Peak.

Kneeling on one place, feeling the change on his body, Cardan was a little bit blank, and also a little bit happy, feeling his powerful body, and was trying to say something.

“You go down first.” In my ear, a gentle voice sounded with majestic voice, with a majestic majesty and will in the voice, which made people almost afraid to rise to disobedience.

Listening to this voice, the young man’s mind suddenly became blank, and subconsciously followed the voice and walked out of the cave.

“I saw the gluttony himself!”

It wasn’t until the cave came out that the boy slowly reacted, with an incredible expression on his face.

For a man who grew up listening to the legend of gluttony from a young age, gluttony is a myth and legend that only exists in epics.

And now, this mythical figure suddenly appeared in front of him, without leaving him any psychological preparation.

Before he could fully recover from the shock of the incident, a silhouette caught his attention.

It was a handsome young man. The whole man was dressed in a decent black robe. He looked like a noble and decent aristocracy. He looked gentle and calm, and filled with a noble charm in every move.

He stepped out of the path outside the cave and looked at the cardan in front of him. At first he was a little surprised, and then gently nodded at him before entering the cave.

Looking at the young man’s back, Kadan subconsciously wanted to stop him, but thinking of the previous Tarina, she couldn’t help but stop, just waiting outside the cave.

“Your Majesty, you are awake.”

Walking deep into the cave, looking at the young man waking up in the golden coffin, the young man in the black robe bowed slightly and performed a ritual carefully. The etiquette looked decent and complete.

“I Lida, you are back.”

Looking at the returning youth, Adier gently nodded: “How is the situation outside now?”

“The general layout is already in place. As for Kumar, Zhilo Riya is hosting, and as long as Your Majesty orders, the plan can begin to execute.”

Standing in front of Adier, Ilida responded calmly without hesitation: “When is Your Majesty going to start?”

“Wait a bit longer.” Adier shook his head. “This matter is not anxious, just start slowly.”

“The most important thing is the demon gods …”

While speaking, he was suddenly paused, and brows frowned.

“Your Majesty, are you all right?” Aside, Tarina began to care, her face a little worried.

“It’s okay.” Adier shook his head. “You go out first.”

“Yes.” Tarina and Yi Lida stared at each other, then slowly withdrew from the cave and walked outside.

In situ, after Tarina left, Adier covered her chest, and her face became a little gloomy.

“Bloodline Secret Scripture …”

He murmured, but at this moment there was some joy and helplessness in his heart.

As Adier speculated, despite the repeated use of chips to deduce errors and mistakes, the Bloodline Secret Scripture obtained from Cadozer originally had some problems.

These problems are not large in themselves, but they broke out when Adier was undergoing transformation, and the results were very terrible.

Just a little bit, Adier was about to lose consciousness, his body completely turned into a dead mountain, and it became an eternal landscape.

Fortunately, when this trend just appeared, Talina and Seria had realized that blood sacrifice was held every once in a while, and the bloodline contract was used to stimulate his consciousness, so that his consciousness would not Totally sink.

On the one hand, Bloodline, the demon wolf that swallowed up, was also very special. After swallowing up, it fits into Adier’s body of the catastrophe, which allows him to completely transform at the maximum speed.

The addition of these two factors made Adier Kankan avoid the mistakes in Bloodline Secret Scripture. After spending more than 800 years, he finally woke up.

Due to the accident that occurred during the transformation, there was still a little problem with his body, so this coffin was specially made to restore his body.

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