“God Corpse …”

Standing quietly in the coffin, seeing the golden coffin, looking out at the majestic scenery from the outside, Adier brushed his chest gently and murmured to himself.

For hundreds of years of metamorphosis, when the Bloodline of Blood God was completely digested, everything of the God Wolf was also accepted by Adier, including the memory and the king’s experience.

Gaining the memory of the demon wolf god, plus the narration of Tarina and the others over the past few decades, Adier also clearly comprehension the strange roots of this world, not others, but the god corpse.

The corpse of God created everything and destroyed everything. A corruption of the corpse of God created not only the current blood deed system, but also the conversion of large tracts of land into Demon Domain, which brought a complete disaster to this world.

“Speaking of which, I was able to recover successfully, and to a greater or lesser degree, I also contributed to that corpse.”

Thinking quietly about everything about the corpse, Adier suddenly said to himself.

The demon devoured the blood of the dead corpse and achieved it. He was deeply affected by the strength of the dead corpse. Within the body naturally became infected with the trait of the dead corpse, which also made their Bloodline transcendent, which brought a horrifying sacred quality. .

It is this extraordinary nature that prevented Adier from sinking for the first time. Forcibly supported Adier’s Bloodline without crashing, and carried it to the moment when the transformation was completed.

Because of this experience, Adier is much deeper than the other humans about the power of that corpse.

“A decayed corpse can not only pollute the entire World, but the remaining flesh can nourish several fourth-order peak demon gods … This corpse may have surpassed the fifth order …”

Looking at the distance, Adier flashed the thought in his mind.

This world is huge. Judging by Adier’s observation and induction, its Peak period is not inferior to the previous Knight World, and it can support the birth of a fourth-order existence.

It is such a powerful World that it was contaminated by the strength of a dead body, and even the World Law was forcibly changed. Forcibly, the Bloodline contract appeared to be uncommon.

This is no longer a simple fifth order, but a power that only at least a sixth order can have.

The fifth-order existence is extremely powerful in itself. Among many worlds, the death of the world is only one thought.

But these existences, although powerful, are unlikely to change if you want to change some of the rules of a World.

The fifth-order existence can exterminate the world. It can inscribe its own will in World. Even Strength alone is enough to destroy some Small Worlds, but it cannot affect the operation of World’s laws.

To do this, in Adier’s vision, only the sixth order can do it.

Standing quietly in the golden coffin, Adier looked up and looked somewhere in the distance.

A line of sight penetrated and separated, and I saw thousands of miles and miles of scenery in an instant, until it eventually spread and gradually extended into a dark area.

In Adier’s induction, in that direction, a weak call was coming. In the deep fog, it seemed that something was pulling, calling for Adier’s arrival.

And the source of this shout is not other than the Bloodline of Adier within the body.

Devouring everything from the demon wolf god, the trait that originated from the corpse of the god was also accepted by Adier, smelted in the Bloodline by him, and turned into an inner existence of himself.

“Don’t worry …”

Looking at the mist in the distance, Adier seemed to see an altar, see the tall coffin standing on the altar, and the tall corpse.

He murmured, “When I have swallowed up all the other demon gods, it is time for me to meet you.”

It is impossible for Adier to let go of a corpse that is suspected of being sixth-order or even higher.

Nowadays, Adier’s ontology has already entered the fourth order, and is about to enter the fourth order Peak, but it has also reached a bottleneck.

The wizard in Maison’s area has ceased. The fourth-level or higher inheritance has already disappeared. Adier has long lost the road ahead, and he can only fumble forward.

If you can get that corpse, you might be able to research something to point out the way for Adier.

Even at the worst, Adier can try to swallow the corpse and melt it into his Bloodline.

A corpse that is suspected to be a sixth-order god, if it can be swallowed, can at least break the level to the fifth stage for Adier.

Of course, there are definitely risks involved.

The existence of a sixth-order, even if it has fallen for countless years, must not be ignored, and any arrangement left behind is enough to cause an extremely violent killing intent.

But Adier doesn’t care.

If it were the worst, the big deal would be that’s all.


While waiting, the time passed quietly, and it was years later.

At noon, when the sky’s sun is high, a ray of air machine flashes across a field.

hiss! !

Within the ruins with a length of several 1000 meters, a giant snake nearly 1000 meters screamed in the sky, covering the body with azure scales covering the body, covering every inch of flesh and blood on the body, it looked like it was wearing A sturdy armor.

It hissed in mid-air, and the azure scales flashed with a faint light, sometimes bright, sometimes dim, until it finally exploded directly.

boom! !

The most violent explosion erupted, and the entire sky changed in the first time. Endless element particles emerged and turned into the light of the Tao elements. They smashed into the giant snake in front of them, directly locking the vitality of the giant snake. The next slightest gap.

The sky shook and the endless brilliance flowed, the giant snake fell down, and then the body was broken directly, and every inch of flesh turned into inch particles, which was directly attributed to the most primitive basic form.

Step on …

A slight footstep came from the side.

On a boulder, Adier was wearing a robe with a calm expression. He just watched the snake in front of him fall suddenly, without any undulation on his face.

“The fourth one …”

He looked up, looked at the snake’s body in front of him, and raised his head gently.

Behind him, Tarina and Yi Lida stood side by side, with Cardan and some servants wearing a gray robe beside her.

Looking at the length of at least 1000 meters in front of them, they can’t see the margins at all, like a giant snake in the ancient mountains, their faces show awe and enthusiasm, looking at the back of the boy in front of them, their hearts are more excited.

“The devil wolf, the mad tiger god, the demon god Heck, and the giant snake god in front of him …”

Looking at Adier in front of her, Yi Lida said, her voice was filled with sighs and deep sighs: “Several demon gods alive in this world have been solved by Your Majesty. From today, this world will never be No magic disaster will appear … “

He said excitedly, even if calm as he was, his face was full of enthusiasm, and there was a sense of glory witnessing the epic.

The same is true of the others, whether it is Tarina, Cardan or others, at this moment they are extremely excited, looking at Adier in front of them.

“It’s not over yet.”

Looking silently at the corpse of the giant zombie in front of him, feeling the enthusiasm and excitement of everyone behind him, Adier spoke softly, and his manners were heartbreaking: “The mist has not yet dissipated, and the bodies of the other demon gods have not been found. “

“The most important thing is that the corpse has not been completely resolved …”

“Your Majesty.” Behind, listening to Adier say, an old man walked out of the crowd and bowed his head respectfully: “After decades of research, the approximate positions of the remaining two demon corpses, we have a little guess , Just give us a few more years and you’ll find it! “

He said chop nails and sever Iron, and his expression was decided.

“it is good.”

Adier nodded, without much haste.

In fact, he didn’t have much hope for the two demon corpses that had been left behind.

The two demon gods fell unexpectedly as early as ancient times, and their bodies did not know where they were left. After such a long period of time, the corpse may have been accidentally long. Even if it has not been swallowed by the remaining cats, the Bloodline essence within the body is not much left.

Adier looked for the bodies of these two demon gods, and it was only because of the strong proposal of Tarina and the others that he tried to try.

Gently turned around, the haze of the sky gradually expelled, a ray of sunlight shone on his body, fair skin exposed, and a handsome face looked full of vitality under the faint rays of light, and looked like the most beautiful at a glance Landscape.

He gazed at the huge corpse falling in the distance, sighed softly, then took a step, and walked towards the corpse of the giant zombie.

Soon, time passed a few years later.

As Adier had expected, Tarina and the others didn’t end up with much results.

The two demon gods fell before the distant era, and were deeply in the mist. All traces of the long years have been annihilated, and it is impossible to find much.

Tarina and the others are desperately desperate. In order to find the last two demon corpses, they entered the dangerous place many times, but apart from finding some broken bones and traces, there was no other gain.

On the integration of human nations, in the past few years, there have been some good results.

In the name of the gluttony god, supplemented by the two empires, led by the two empires, Kuma and Aryan, at this moment, the human kingdoms have been fully integrated, and a new and huge empire was born, mainly Adier, which replaced the original The nations made the war and disputes that had been so riddled in this World disappear.

This process naturally requires absolute force to suppress it, but for Adier, it is just a matter of waving a hand.

Just when everything was orderly and steadily completed, on the edge of the misty area, Adier set off again, walking silently into the depths of the mist.

“Your Majesty, don’t we really need to travel with us?”

Outside the fog, looking at the teenager in front of her, Tarina opened the mouth and said, her face looked a little worried.

“Mist’s Strength is far stronger than you think. Even if you pass, you will quit when you are deep in the mist.”

Standing on the flat ground, Adier Muyu sunshine, a white robe swaying with the wind, and a long hair fluttering with the wind: “Rather than waste time with me, it is better to stay outside and seize the integration of the countries.”

“We’ll pay attention.” In the distance, Lida nodded, a face still looking as handsome as before, and now he looked full of energy.

Adier nodded: “On my scales and remnants, the part of Strength I have left is enough to exert the strength of the Devil-level, and it is enough to suppress the nations.”

“During the time I left, you were in charge of the affairs until my return.”

“Yes!” Several people were nodded at the same time, just looked at Adier.

“Very good.” Adier laughed, looking at the people in front of him.

Tarina, Yi Lida, Zhilo Ria …

A few familiar silhouette one after another are skipped, except that Ire and Siriah were missing.

Compared with Tarina, Irene and Seria finally failed to promote Level 3, died slowly in these centuries, and did not wait for the day when Adier recovered.

However, this is also inevitable.

When you are on the way to the finish line, there will always be people who will be left behind until they finally disappear out of your field of vision. This cannot be changed by anyone.

In this regard, Adier also did not intend to change, but sighed in silence, then turned around and left, the silhouette turned into flashes in the sun and disappeared in place.

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