The faint black mist is rising in the thin sunlight.

Compared with the rest of the past, the fog in this place seems deeper, and it seems to carry something mysterious, which makes the disaster power here more active than ever, like being in the deepest part of the foggy area.

However, it is amazing that despite the unprecedented strength and prosperity of the calamity, there is no sign of the existence of the calamity beast, and even a small amount of vegetation does not exist, completely dead and silent.

There seems to be something in the air that is suppressing the land and causing it to undergo some unknown change.

Raising his arms slightly, under the golden sunlight, the teenager’s fair skin is like the best-looking white jade, his slender arms stretch out, his white sleeves flutter in the wind, and the whole person walks quietly in the sun. A handsome face looks forward, as if feeling something.

In the boy’s body, as the boy stepped into it step by step, the sources of purple are descending autonomously, which seems to be faintly lamenting, and even more enveloping the entire World, which contains thousands of souls This kind of eternal ancient weather, like the essence of a World, flows quietly on the young man.

With the constant entry of teenagers, this purple is continually brewing. Although it was weak at the beginning, it has now condensed a purple, which contains the Strength that is enough to make the fourth-order existence change color.

“World’s consciousness is resurrecting …”

Raising her arms quietly, feeling the warmth all over her body, and the feeling of being integrated with the whole World, Adier said softly, feeling the change on her body.

The consciousness of this world has always fallen into silence, just like the consciousness of other Worlds, just watching the entire World quietly.

But as Adier stepped out, integrated the human nations, killed the deities with the hope of thousands of souls, and went to the depths of the mist, this World consciousness also recovered, and began to bless his Strength on Adier.

This seems to herald something. From the source of World consciousness, Adier can faintly feel the wailing of World consciousness. It seems that there have been some changes that filled the whole World consciousness with a kind of twilight.

From the current situation, this change is undoubtedly related to that corpse.

“The dead corpse falls, and the remaining Strength escapes the World, which not only turns the blockbuster World into a fog, but also changes the basic rules of the World …”

Walking on the long journey, Adier lowered his head, thinking quietly in his heart: “Presumably in this process, the World consciousness was also not badly affected, so this kind of violent reaction …”

Either way, World is a good thing.

World has deepened its power. In this world, Adier is now equal to the world’s son of this world. It responds to every action in its own right, and can obtain Strength support from World.

This is undoubtedly a great help for Adier who is about to face the corpse.

Walking quietly on the road, Adier always maintained a posture and expression, just walking on the road like this, I don’t know how far, nor how long.

All I know is that in the early morning when the sunset rises again one day, the misty area in front of me suddenly starts to change, and a completely different scene appears in front of me.

Every green plant grows wildly on the ground, a beautiful bird is playing in the forest, and a small white wild beast is running and enjoying its life.

It looks like an independent Small World, with a lot of beings living inside, mostly different from the outside world.

And when Adier stepped in, the past tranquility here began to be broken, and a little change happened quietly.

An intense dizziness hit my heart, and with an extremely palpitating sensation, Adier almost fell to the ground.

Barely holding his body, he raised his head, forcibly suppressed the nausea rising within the body at this moment, and looked at all around.

The vegetation was swaying gently, the leaves were falling, and the beautiful creatures stopped one’s footsteps and looked at Adier.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment, everything started to stand still, until Adier frowned, and continued to take a step forward.


Stepping out lightly, it seemed like a thunderous sound, which changed the time that was originally still, breaking the tranquility of the world, and forcibly tearing a brand new road in it.

boom! !

With a muffled sound, a scream came from all directions, and then all the creatures present were frightened and ran madly towards the other side, as if they saw something terrifying.

After a while, all the things that were active in the scene disappeared, leaving only those who could not move, or those who were too slow to move, and were not too far away from Adier.

“here is···”

forcibly Suppressed the palpitations in his heart, Adier closed his eyes, and quietly sensed all directions.

Compared with the outside world, the World in front of me looks like an independent space, and many of the rules in it are different from the outside world. Therefore, the moment Adier stepped into it, there was a tremendous pressure to exclude it. Go out.

Adier’s previous step was not only to break the deadlock, but also to tear up the pressure in this space. Forcibly stepped out of a new place where it should not have existed and settled Adier’s existence.

“The beings here are special in nature.”

Grab a slowly crawling green insect in the palm of your hand, feel the unique structure inside, and the essence, Adier frowned.

The creatures in front of the world are very special in nature, with something familiar to Adier.

That ’s something similar to some of the qualities that exist in the Demon Bloodline, but it ’s more pure than that in the Demon Bloodline. The essence of it is not mixed with a bit of calamity, making it a stable creature, not a beast of disaster. That chaotic and unstable existence.

Different from the outside world, even a grass in this space will bring that unique characteristic. Although weak, the essence is very special, and it is infected with a little bit of existence. Make a difference.

“Looks like I’m looking for the wrong place.”

Gently put the green insect on the hand on a crisp green leaf, watching small insects crawling and shaking, Adier laughed, endured the huge pressure on his body, and began to walk forward.

After searching for so long, this time, his goals were clear.

Because as soon as he stepped into this unique space, the source of power contained in him began to boil, and a revelation of existence in his heart rose in his heart, making him clear comprehension this time.

Right in the middle of this space!

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